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Introduction to LMNN and progress review M.S. Student, Daewon Ko 07. 22. 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to LMNN and progress review M.S. Student, Daewon Ko 07. 22. 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to LMNN and progress review M.S. Student, Daewon Ko 07. 22. 2014

2 1. Definition of LMNN 2. Schematic illustration of LMNN 3. Algorithm of LMNN 4. Current progress review of my research Contents 2

3  Large margin nearest neighbor(LMNN) classification : 1) a statistical machine learning algorithm. 2) it learns a Pseudo metric designed for k-nearest neighbor classification. Definition of LMNN 3

4 4

5 5 M Local neighborhood Mahalanobis MetricEuclidean Metric Margin Similarly labeled(target neighbor) Differently labeled(impostor) Schematic illustration of LMNN

6 LMNN optimizes the matrix M by semidefinte programming. For every data point, the target neighbors should be close and the impostors should be far away. Algorithm of LMNN 6

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9 Progress of my research 9

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