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Ready… Set…. When the Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Ready… Set…. When the Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ready… Set…

2 When the Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth

3 An Earth - centered theory

4 This type of telescope was improved by Galileo Galilea

5 This causes day and night to occur in a 24 hour period.

6 Galileo proved that not all planets revolve around the Earth when he discovered these.

7 Highest of the high tides

8 He wrote the Almagest

9 To see a full eclipse you must be standing in the…

10 He proved that Copernicus was correct

11 Which are circumpolar? CassiopeiaCygnusOrion Ursa Major Scorpios

12 By the time the new moon goes through its phases and back to new moon again, the Earth will have rotated this many times. By the time the new moon goes through its phases and back to new moon again, the Earth will have rotated this many times.

13 What constellation is this?

14 Is the line that separates the inner planets from the outer planets

15 Which theory does the image below support?

16 S I

17 The study of the moon,stars and other objects in space

18 Name the constellation

19 This imaginary line is called…

20 Name the constellation

21 Different shapes of the moon you see from Earth are called…

22 List the layers of the sun from the core out.

23 Sun centered theory

24 This occurs when the noon sun is directly overhead at 23.5 degrees North or South latitude

25 Name the constellation.

26 What phase is missing? First quarter First quarter Waning gibbous Waning gibbous Waxing crescent Waxing crescent Third quarter Third quarter New moon New moon Waining crescent Waining crescent Full moon Full moon

27 Percival Lowell Discovered this planet.

28 When a planet spins it is…

29 A northern constellation seen all year long.

30 June 21 June 21

31 Invented by Isaac Newton, this telescope uses a mirror to focus light.

32 Discovered that planets move in an oval shaped orbit

33 This happens once every 29.5 days

34 Also known as the “lunar seas”

35 The sun and moon seem to move because of this.

36 What theory does this image show?

37 The Earth will have rotated this many times in one year.

38 This phase of the moon is between the waxing gibbous and waxing crescent

39 The amount of matter in an object

40 How long does it take light to reach Earth from the sun?

41 When sun light is blocked by the moon

42 Quarter, Gibbous, Crescent, Full or New?

43 Someone standing in the umbra would see this

44 The Spinning of Earth on its axis is called this

45 Studied Mars from an observatory located in Flagstaff Arizona that is named after him.

46 A U’s

47 The imaginary line that passes through Earth’s poles.

48 Earth’s direction of rotation.

49 The two most abundant gases in the universe


51 Recite the phases in order beginning with third quarter. First quarter Waning gibbous Waxing crescent Third quarter New moon Waxing crescent Full moon Waning crescent

52 This date marks the beginning of fall in the northern hemisphere

53 This travels over 180,000 miles per second.

54 The movement of an object around another object in space is called this

55 According to theory, a Mars sized asteroid hit our Earth and formed this

56 A telescope that bears his name sits out in space and sends fantastic images of galaxies and stars to us. What is the name of the telescope?

57 The path a planet takes as it moves around the sun.

58 Someone standing in the penumbra would see this

59 This term means “equal night”

60 The darker part of a shadow that lands on the moon is called a/an…

61 This word means to cover or block.

62 Name the type of tide that would form here.

63 When the Earth, sun and moon line up, their gravitational pull cause this

64 The northern and southern hemispheres receive the same amount of energy from the sun during these

65 When the moon is at right a angle to the sun, this occurs

66 A mare is covered by craters.Which is younger, the mare or the craters?

67 September 21

68 Any natural or man made object that revolves around an object in space

69 The speed of the moon’s revolution is the same speed as its rotation. This allows us to…

70 The Latin word for “sun”

71 The Latin word for “moon”

72 When Earth’s shadow covers the moon.

73 March 21 March 21

74 Is made of ice that vaporizes as it approaches the sun.

75 He determine that our Universe is expanding

76 Earth’s rotation causes these.

77 Length x width x height = _____

78 He discovered the two forces that keep planets in their orbits

79 On which latitudes does the sun shine more directly?

80 Cooler areas of the sun’s surface create these.

81 The sun gets its energy from this process

82 When it is summer in the southern hemisphere, it is winter in the Northern hemisphere on what date?

83 Another name for an oval

84 This Greek term means “wandering”

85 Died under house arrest for teaching what he could prove was true

86 Solstice or Equinox?

87 He first introduced the geocentric theory

88 In 140 AD he taught that planets revolve in perfect circles

89 Cooler areas of gases on the sun’s surface

90 The color of a star tells us three things about the star. What are they?

91 An object at rest will stay at rest an object in motion will stay n motion…

92 The sun is the center of the solar system in this theory

93 The darkest part of the shadow The darkest part of the shadow

94 This is tilted at 23.5 degrees

95 The lighter part of a shadow.

96 The northern point of Earth’s axis points toward this star.

97 Seasons on earth are caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis and this.

98 We always see the same side of the moon because of this

99 This phase of the moon is after the waning crescent.

100 Lowest of the high tides

101 The first to draw extensive features of the moon’s surface

102 He wrote The Almagest and revealed that most of the known world at his time believed in the geocentric theory


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