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Generation Interconnection Overview
Jonathan Rose Planning Engineer New Generation Information Forum ERCOT Public November 4, 2014
Starting the GINR Process
Generation Interconnection or Change Request (GINR) process described in Planning Guide Section 5: Interconnecting Entity (IE) sends an to An unique “INR” tracking number is assigned. Please include this number on all submissions.
ERCOT Studies ERCOT performs the initial Screening Study Full Interconnection Study (FIS) is performed by the Transmission Service Provider (TSP) The Screening Study and FIS can be done concurrently FIS fees vary by TSP and are set by the TSP
Starting the GINR Process
Forms needed to begin the process: Cover Letter including project description. Signed Generation Entity Information Sheet. Resource Asset Registration Form (RARF) includes Transmission_Form_Pivoted, General Site ESIID Information, and a technology-specific form, either Combined_Cycle, Wind , or Gen_Form Please do not move or delete the tabs in the RARF.
How Much Do the Studies Cost?
ERCOT Study Costs Currently, Screening studies cost $5000 to $7000 Cost to initiate FIS is $15/MW. ERCOT Fee schedule can be found at Required Non-ERCOT Studies TSP determines cost of FIS studies. Can be $40k - $130k*, but depends on scope, factors, etc. Subsynchronous cost adder varies widely but can be $30k-$60k*. Reactive power study (self-procured by developer). Additional studies may be required. ERCOT Fees may be mailed or wired (preferred); wire details are provided upon request. Please reference the project INR number to ensure proper crediting. * These fees typical, however studies may cost more. * Subynchronous study may not be required. 10/30/2014
Timeline summary (Days)
Per ERCOT Planning Guide Section 5. Also see Interconnection Handbook. Typical time from start to energization: years. Many factors influence, and problems with submitted models often creates delays.
After Screening Study, 180 days to request FIS.
Deadlines to Watch For After Screening Study, 180 days to request FIS. After FIS kickoff meeting, 60 days to sign study agreement and fund study. After FIS, 180 days to sign IA. Twice a year Sept and March, RARF attestation due. Before energize: TSP may need 1 – 2 yrs to build facilities. Resource registration and modeling may require 180 days. All studies should be completed minimum 140 days prior. Study issues may introduce delays. Highly recommend completing studies 1 year prior to energization. See Interconnection Handbook.
FAQ Can I speed up the process?
Yes, submit all documentation in a timely manner. You can request simultaneous screening study / FIS. Some TSPs willing to make a temporary tap before building station. After sign IA, ask TSP about securitizing long-lead items. Developer procures land for POI station then signs over to TSP. Can I study more than 1 Point of Interconnection? Yes, we typically accommodate up to two in the same study. Must intend to build “either or” but not both! I have a project with multiple phases. Treated as one request as long as same POI. I’m concerned about nearby projects See monthly Generation Interconnection reports – these show the county location of non-public projects Some TSPs can perform a sensitivity where nearby non-public projects modeled in FIS. Report will not reveal locations.
I need help filling out the RARF.
FAQ I need help filling out the RARF. Form generally requires someone with engineering / power experience. Many third part consultants can and do help. ERCOT available for specific questions but please check RARF Guide and RARF Glossary first (these are posted on the Steps to Register page). I’m considering an equipment vendor. Refer to Section 2 of screening study. Make sure you choose a vendor that can comply with Protocol requirements. Changing equipment later may require one or more FIS studies to be redone, esp. stability. I don’t know my exact size. Err towards larger. Easier to downsize a project later than upsize.
FAQ – Transmission Improvements
These are generalizations. Always talk to the TSP to get specific information for a project. Security: TSPs require security for all work performed. Once project energizes, and assuming work is reimbursable by rate base, TSP will release the security. TSPs can generally build a gen tie line that is under a mile. Bulk system improvements generally reimbursable through rate base. If over $25M, ERCOT independent economic analysis required per Protocols Section More information, see Planning Guide
Protocol Sections Regarding Electrical Capability
Reactive Power / Voltage Support: Protocol Section 3.15 0.95 power factor reactive power capability (rectangle when graphed PQ) available at POI when POI voltage is 95% to 105%. Core capability must be dynamic (excludes switchable shunts except when used to compensate collector system losses.) Automatic voltage regulation at Point of Interconnection (POI). Governor: Operating Guide 8.5.1 Respond to frequency changes according to droop characteristic. Required for renewables and fossil alike. Voltage Ride Through: Operating Guide 2.9 Power System Stabilizers: Operating Guide 2.2.6 Subsynchronous Oscillations (SSO): Nodal Protocol Revision (NPRR) 562 Also see Interconnection Handbook and Section 2 of screening study for relevant sections.
Common Mistakes Rush into screening study / FIS.
ERCOT doesn’t have a “queue” nor firm transmission rights. Wait until months before energize to complete reactive power / subsynchronous / HVRT study. May require equipment changes / expensive retrofits. Wind / solar farms almost always need on load tap changing transformer (OLTC). Delays may render FIS studies stale. Require redo. Engineering design work increases rapidly with FIS. Developers often unprepared, delaying studies. Read carefully ERCOT protocols. Overly optimistic timelines. Really does take 1.5 – 3 years. FIS studies often take 1 year (assuming all data available). Delays often caused by developer not submitting data in timely manner.
No RARF for screening studies (being replaced by simplified form).
Improvements Coming Everything received ( s, forms, $) must have INR number for faster processing. No RARF for screening studies (being replaced by simplified form). (Full interconnection studies still require detailed RARF.) Simplified flat fee for ERCOT GINR work. Subsynchronous study, if required, will be coordinated by TSP.
Handy References Slides from earlier New Resource Workshop
Steps to Register webpage. Download Interconnection Handbook. Screening Study report Section 2. Received at completion of screening study. for Protocols. Monthly GINR Reports
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