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Pension Accounting Chapter 17

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1 Pension Accounting Chapter 17
Understand the nature/characteristics/accounting of employer pension plans: Defined Benefit Plans. Professor Vedd

2 Fundamental differences between:
CHAPTER 17: PENSION Objectives: Pension Overview Fundamental differences between: Defined contribution plans Defined benefit plans* Accounting for Pension: Key components: Pension expense Disclosure/presentation Professor Vedd

3 Overview of Pension Plan
A pension plan: An agreement between an employer/employee Government plans: social security Individual plans (IRA) Employer Plans*  Emphasis: Pension Plan: for Corporation: Company set aside funds for employees’ service! Professor Vedd

4 Pensions: SFAS 158 132R: Disclosures
SFAS 158 Reporting pension items in the balance sheet and AOCI 132R: Disclosures IAS 19 (detail information provided –end of the lecture) Professor Vedd

5 PENSION PLAN: Overview
4/17/2017 PENSION PLAN: Overview Employer Sponsors the plan Benefits Plan Administrator Pension Recipients The plan administrator receives the contributions from the employer, invests the pension assets, and makes the benefit payments. Contributions Professor Vedd


7 Defined contribution plans
4/17/2017 Defined Contribution A plan that provides benefits based solely on what has been contributed and the earnings thereon Amounts to be funded are determined by the plan No promise for specific future benefits. Independent third party holds assets Risk borne by employee Accounting relatively straightforward Employer makes no guarantee to the amount of benefits Employees’ retirement benefits based on the amount of funds in the plan Independent third party holds assets. Size of pension trust depends on amounts contributed to trust, earnings on the trust, withdrawals from the trust and treatment of terminations. Sometimes these plans are purely optional and grow only from payroll deductions authorized by employee. However, most of the time, the employer matches all or part of the employee’s contribution to the 401k plan. For government and nonprofit employees, the plans are 403(b) and there’s another kind available with a different number and slightly different rules. Federal law specifies maximum contributions and when you can first withdraw money and when you have to start withdrawing your money Professor Vedd 2 5 6 6 6

8 Defined Benefit Pension Plans
4/17/2017 DEFINED BENEFIT PLAN Plan Characteristics Employer is committed to specified retirement benefits. Employer bears all risk of pension fund performance. Retirement benefits are based on a formula that considers years of service, compensation level, and age. In a defined benefit pension plan, the employer is committed to a specified retirement benefit for employees. Retirement benefits are based upon actuarially sound computations. The employer bears all the risks of pension fund performance. Our Social Security system is a defined benefit pension plan. Professor Vedd 8

9 Accounting for Defined Benefit Plans
4/17/2017 Defined benefit plans Employer’s contribution is based on the expected future benefits Affected by many variables: Years of service Annual salary at retirement Retirement years Etc. Future Obligation for retirement benefits is based on many estimates/assumptions Professor Vedd

10 Pension calculations involve actuarial assumptions.
Actuaries and Pension Accounting 4/17/2017 Pension calculations involve actuarial assumptions. These are estimates. Assumptions involve: mortality rates, employee turnover, future salaries, rates of return, etc. Professor Vedd

11 Measures of Pension Liability: Defined Benefit Plan
4/17/2017 Pension calculations involve actuarial assumptions. Benefits for vested and nonvested employees at future salaries (GAAP) Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) Benefits for vested/ non- vested employees at current salaries Accumulated Benefit Obligation (AB0) Go back to PV example and have students compute ABO instead of the PBO Vested Benefit Obligation (VBO) The actuarial present value, using current salary levels, of vested benefits only. Accumulated Benefit Obligation (ABO) The actuarial present value of benefits, vested and non-vested, attributed to the pension formula to employee service rendered to a particular date. Calculations are done without assumptions about future changes in the level of compensation. Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) The actuarial present value of vested and non-vested benefits attributed to the plan through the pension benefit formula for service rendered to that date based on employees’ future salary levels Future years of service are not forecasted in computing either PBO or ABO PBO assumes future pay increases, ABO does not PBO = ABO: Flat benefit or non-pay-related benefit formulas PBO <> ABO: Final pay or career average pay benefit formulas To do the PVs: Discount rate is the rate required to currently settle benefits and generally based on rates published by the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp (PBGC). Professor Vedd 9

Based On Actuarial Assumptions: How much to contribute annually for the service provided by employees 1. SERVICE PROVIDED Benefit Period Employee Retired Employee hired SERVICE COST PENSION EXPENSE Professor Vedd

Interest cost : (PENSION EXPENSE) – the increase in the pension obligation (PBO) due to the accrual of an additional year of interest. PV of liability increases as you get closer to the due date Interest cost = discount rate * beginning balance in PBO Professor Vedd

PV of pension Obligation is increased by the interest cost on the beginning of PBO Professor Vedd

Benefit Period Employee Retired Employee Hired Plan Initiation Professor Vedd

16 PENSION EXPENSE: Prior Service Cost
4/17/2017 PENSION EXPENSE: Prior Service Cost Establishing (or modifying/amended) a plan Cost of benefits granted for service rendered prior to the inception of the plan Increases PBO at date of amendment/ The entire amount of Past Service Cost is NOT recognized as expense in the current year Instead , Past Service Cost is recognized in the current period in Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) Prior Service Cost (PSC) Arises from amendments to the plan that grants increased benefits to employees based on services already rendered. From FAS87 para 25 as amended A plan amendment that retroactively increases benefits (including benefits that are granted to retirees) increases the projected benefit obligation. The cost of the benefit improvement shall be recognized as a charge to other comprehensive income at the date of the amendment. Except as specified in paragraphs 26 and 27, that prior service cost shall be amortized as a component of net periodic pension cost by assigning an equal amount to each future period of service of each employee active at the date of the amendment who is expected to receive benefits under the plan. If all or almost all of a plan’s participants are inactive, the cost of retroactive plan amendments affecting benefits of inactive participants shall be amortized based on the remaining life expectancy of those participants instead of based on the remaining service period. Other comprehensive income is adjusted each period as prior service cost is amortized. Paragraph 26 as amended To reduce the complexity and detail of the computations required, consistent use of an alternative approach that more rapidly amortizes the cost of retroactive amendments is acceptable. For example, a straight-line amortization of the cost over the average remaining service period of employees expected to receive benefits under the plan is acceptable. The alternative method used shall be disclosed. Professor Vedd 5 11 12 12 12

17 Issues in Accounting: Defined Benefit Plans
4/17/2017 Periodic expense (Pension Expense) of having a pension plan Plan Assets Resources set aside by the employer from which to pay the retirement in the future (invested by Trustee) 3. Employer’s Obligation to pay retirement benefits in the future Professor Vedd

18 Pension Plan Assets Resources with which the obligation will Satisfy: PLAN ASSETS Employee contribution in the Pension Fund (held by Trustee) Plan Assets are invested -in income producing assets. Accumulated balance: Contribution + return on investment Professor Vedd

19 Return on Plan Asset Expected return on plan assets (FASB)
4/17/2017 Return on Plan Asset Expected return on plan assets (FASB) *Expected rate of return: Based on long-term rate of return anticipated given investment of plan assets Expected return on plan asset decreases the pension cost and increases plan asset FAS87 Paragraph 20: - as amended by FAS158 The following components shall be included in the net pension cost recognized for a period by an employer sponsoring a defined benefit pension plan: a. Service cost b. Interest cost c. Actual return on plan assets, if any [expected return here makes computations easier] d. Amortization of any prior service cost or credit included in accumulated other comprehensive income. e. Gain or loss (including the effects of changes in assumptions) to the extent recognized (paragraph 34) – [includes difference between expected and actual return if you do it this way] f. Amortization of any net transition asset or obligation existing at the date of initial application of this FAS87 and remaining in accumulated other comprehensive income (paragraph 77). Professor Vedd 7 15 16 16 16

20 Actuarial Gains and Losses
4/17/2017 Actuarial Gains and Losses Actuarial assumptions are subject to inaccuracies as time goes by and circumstances change The estimate of the PBO also require revision Inc/Dec in PBO is referred to gain/loss Reasons for G/L Gains and losses may arise from variations in assumed and actual asset rates of return and asset values themselves. Gains and losses may arise from changes in the assumed variables used to determine the PBO required balance. Amortization is required as a component of pension expense if, at the beginning of the year, the absolute value of the net unrecognized gain or loss exceeds 10% of the greater of: The PBO or The plan assets This 10% is referred to as the “corridor”: If accumulated gains and losses are not greater than 10%, do not include their amortization in current pension cost. Amortized gains reduce pension cost; losses increase it. We’ll return to the details after we learn how to use the workpaper Professor Vedd 14 24 28 28 25

1. Gains/Losses from the return on Assets 2. Gains/Losses from changing assumptions (PBO) = NET GAINS/LOSSES Deferred and reported as OCI Amortized using Corridor rule* Professor Vedd

22 The corridor amount is 10% of the greater of . . .
4/17/2017 Corridor Amount STEPS 1: GREATER OF PBO & PLAN ASSETS 2: 10% OF STEP 1 3…. Next slide… PBO at the beginning of the period. The corridor amount is 10% of the greater of . . . Or Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the period. The corridor amount is defined as 10% of the greater of the beginning projected benefit obligation or the beginning fair value of the plan assets. Before a gain or loss would be amortized, it must exceed the corridor amount. The existence of the corridor amount is an effort by the FASB to permit companies to smooth income. Only very large gains or losses exceed the corridor amount and are subject to amortization over an extended period of time. Professor Vedd 22

23 Gains and Losses EXAMPLE 2013 2013 Apply steps:
4/17/2017 EXAMPLE 2013 2013 For Global Communications, we are assuming a net loss—AOCI of $55 million at the beginning of Also recall that the PBO and plan assets are $400 million and $300 million, respectively, at that time. The amount to amortize to 2009 pension expense is $1 million. This is calculated by taking the net loss of $55 million and subtracting the corridor amount of $40 million ($400 million time 10% is used as the corridor since $400 million is greater than $300 million). This provides the excess at the beginning of the year of $15 million which is divided by the average service life of 15 years to arrive at the amortization of $1 million for 2009. Apply steps: Greater of PBO & Plan Assets = PBO $400 10% of PBO i.e. 400 x 10% = $40 Professor Vedd 23

24 Gains and Losses $15,000,000 ÷ 15 years = $1,000,000
4/17/2017 STEP 3: FIND THE EXCESS TO BE AMORTIZED For Global Communications, we are assuming a net loss—AOCI of $55 million at the beginning of Also recall that the PBO and plan assets are $400 million and $300 million, respectively, at that time. The amount to amortize to 2009 pension expense is $1 million. This is calculated by taking the net loss of $55 million and subtracting the corridor amount of $40 million ($400 million time 10% is used as the corridor since $400 million is greater than $300 million). This provides the excess at the beginning of the year of $15 million which is divided by the average service life of 15 years to arrive at the amortization of $1 million for 2009. AMORTIZATION: $15,000,000 ÷ 15 years = $1,000,000 Professor Vedd 24

25 Defined Benefit Plan: Net Periodic Pension Cost
4/17/2017 So far….. PENSION EXPENSE= Service Cost + Interest Cost - expected return on plan Asset +Amortization (if any) of Prior service cost +/- Amortization (net) Gains/Losses FAS87 Paragraph 20: - as amended by FAS158 The following components shall be included in the net pension cost recognized for a period by an employer sponsoring a defined benefit pension plan: a. Service cost b. Interest cost c. Actual return on plan assets, if any [expected return here makes computations easier] d. Amortization of any prior service cost or credit included in accumulated other comprehensive income. e. Gain or loss (including the effects of changes in assumptions) to the extent recognized (paragraph 34) – [includes difference between expected and actual return if you do it this way] f. Amortization of any net transition asset or obligation existing at the date of initial application of this FAS87 and remaining in accumulated other comprehensive income (paragraph 77). Professor Vedd 7 15 16 16 16

26 REPORTING: Employer’s Obligation & Plan Asset
The employer’s obligation and plan assets are not individually reported in a company’s primary financial statements: the difference between the two, the funded status, is reported as: a pension liability if underfunded or a pension asset if overfunded. Professor Vedd

27 Funded Status of Pension Plan
4/17/2017 Funded Status of Pension Plan Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO) - Plan Assets at Fair Value Underfunded / Overfunded Status This amount is reported in the balance sheet as a Pension Liability or Pension Asset. The amount of the underfunding or overfunding of the pension plan is reported in the current period balance sheet as either a pension liability in the case of underfunding or a pension asset in the case of overfunding. Professor Vedd 27

28 Pension Disclosures The details for net periodic pension cost
4/17/2017 The details for net periodic pension cost the service cost component. the interest cost component. the expected return on plan assets the amortization of PSC, transition amount and unrecognized gain/loss (separately) Gain or loss from settlement or curtailment of plan FASB 132 revised expanded the pension disclosures required – add summary statement here? Professor Vedd 33 36 36

29 Pension Disclosures Amount and types of assets held
4/17/2017 Pension Disclosures Amount and types of assets held Assumptions related to discount rate, rate of increase in compensation, expected return on plan assets Alternative amortization policies Past practice or history of regular benefit increases Professor Vedd 33 36 36

30 Pension Disclosures Employers with multiple plans
4/17/2017 Employers with multiple plans Information can be combined but the computations are made for each individual plan Net position for over-funded plans would be reported in noncurrent assets Net position for under-funded plans would be reported in liabilities Part may be reported as a current liability See next slide FAS 87 Paragraph 36 as amended The employer shall aggregate the statuses of all overfunded plans and recognize that amount as an asset in its statement of financial position. It also shall aggregate the statuses of all underfunded plans and recognize that amount as a liability in its statement of financial position. An employer that presents a classified statement of financial position shall classify the liability for an underfunded plan as a current liability, a noncurrent liability, or a combination of both. The current portion (determined on a plan-by-plan basis) is the amount by which the actuarial present value of benefits included in the benefit obligation payable in the next 12 months, or operating cycle if longer, exceeds the fair value of plan assets. The asset for an overfunded plan shall be classified as a noncurrent asset in a classified statement of financial position. Professor Vedd

31 Disclosure of Pension Plans FASB 132
A reconciliation between the beginning and ending balances for the projected benefit obligation A reconciliation between the beginning and ending balances in the fair value of the pension fund The fair value of plan assets (changes between BOY and EOY) PBO Obligation (changes between BOY and EOY) EoY = end of year BoY = beginning of year Professor Vedd

32 continues Professor Vedd

33 (continues) Professor Vedd

34 (concluded) Professor Vedd

35 (concluded) Professor Vedd

36 IAS 19: INFORMATION The standard covers all employee benefits - not just pensions. This note focuses on pensions but a later section considers other employee benefits. The key pension points are: Assets are taken at market value  Liabilities are calculated using an interest rate based on the yield on high quality corporate bonds at the valuation date (usually taken as AA-rated)  There is a limit to the amount that can be recognized as a prepayment (surplus) in the company balance sheet Actuarial gains and losses may be: recognized in the P&L immediately recognized in the P&L on a smoothed basis recognized immediately in the statement of recognized income and expense The cost of past service benefit increases is recognized immediately to the extent that the increases are vested immediately Professor Vedd

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