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Managing cultural heritage beyond professional boundaries: problem or opportunity? Maria Luisa Russo University of Turin Timoty Leonardi Capitulary Library,

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Presentation on theme: "Managing cultural heritage beyond professional boundaries: problem or opportunity? Maria Luisa Russo University of Turin Timoty Leonardi Capitulary Library,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing cultural heritage beyond professional boundaries: problem or opportunity? Maria Luisa Russo University of Turin Timoty Leonardi Capitulary Library, Vercelli IFLA Satellite Meeting, Turin, 13-14 August 2014

2 Traditional boundaries Characteristics of items “Written” cultural heritage and works of art Books and documents Archival bond

3 Different points of view UNESCO Memory of the World “Case museo” BAM (Germany joint portal for libraries, archives and museums)


5 Bewteen library and archive: personal fonds Lack of clear original structure Is the hierarchical rearrangement suitable? Is the distinction between library and archive useful for the user?

6 The Paul Kahle Fonds Paul Ernst Kahle (1875-1964) Specialization in oriental languages and cultures Several documentary typologies The “laboratory” of the intellectual






12 Proposing an integrated view KADMOS project (Kahle Documents Management, Organization and Study), funded by Regione Piemonte - Directorate for Innovation, Research, University Software: CollectiveAccess Hierarchical structure + full-text search Links among different items




16 The book as material object

17 Readability vs physical preservation Limp paper bindings of XVIII century onwards Diffusion of a more attentive approach

18 Book as material object – the project “SIGEC legature” Funded by Regione Piemonte - Settore Residenze, Collezioni reali e Soprintendenza beni librari - and Centro Studi Piemontesi Premise: the printed collection by F. Malaguzzi, “De libris compactis” (9 voll, 1995-2013)

19 The project “SIGEC legature” Aims of the project: Creation of a database of bookbindings preserved in Piedmont Data entry of the printed collection “De libris compactis” Enlargement of the survey Software used for works of art (SIGECweb): model adaptation

20 Entries

21 The book as material object There will need to be a radical change in attitude towards books, a move away from the library, where they are seen as tools to be read, towards the museum, where they are seen as historic artefacts whose preservation must include the materials from which they are made. N. Pickwoad, 2011

22 The Cathedral Treasure Museum of Vercelli Tesoro del Duomo A strict relationship between museum, library and archives

23 The Museum

24 The Capitulary Library and Archives

25 Reliquary of Holy Virgin, St. Catherine and St. Barnabas (second half 14° century) Silver embossed, open-work, engraved and gilded; copper repousseè and gilded; enamels; coral. Inventory of the Cathedral (1426) Manuscript V (1350)

26 The Lazarus Project: 2013 Vercelli Book (second half 10 th century) Mappamundi (12th – 13th century)

27 Multispectral imaging system Gregory Heyworth - University of Mississippi Ken Boydston - Megavision Santa Barbara CA

28 The Lazarus Project: 2014 Codex Evangeliorum Vercellensis (half 4th century), codex A Vercelli Book

29 XRF, Artax (Bruker) Ira Rabin & Oliver Hahn - BAM Berlin & CSMC Hamb start Vercelli Book Folio 26r end

30 Thank you for your attention!

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