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1 Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST) Team Meeting – June 2015 John A. Haynes, MS Program Manager, Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Program.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST) Team Meeting – June 2015 John A. Haynes, MS Program Manager, Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (AQAST) Team Meeting – June 2015 John A. Haynes, MS Program Manager, Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Program Earth Science Division Science Mission Directorate NASA Washington, DC USA

2 Launch of SMAP on Jan. 31, 2015

3 Earth Science Instruments on ISS: RapidScat, CATS, LIS, SAGE III (on ISS), TSIS-1, OCO-3, ECOSTRESS, GEDI, CLARREO-PF Altimetry-FO (Formulation in FY16) Earth Science Missions and Instruments

4 Major News Items in the ESD/ASP »Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS) launch to ISS on Jan. 10. »Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) launch on Feb. 11. »TRMM Re-entry: expected June 10 »Earth Science Decadal Survey: The NRC's Governing Board Executive Committee gave unanimous support for the task. Expected start date for the task is June 15th. »USCGRP draft report, “The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment,” open for public comment through June 8. »Senior Review 2015 report expected late this month. »$1M approved for final year of TTs. Start date of July 1. One budget from each institution! »EPA MOU signed by Bolden/McCarthy in April. »TEMPO passes KDP-C in April. »2 nd GPM Applications Workshop, June 9-10. »GEO Plenary and Ministerial Summit: Nov. 11-13 in Mexico City Personnel »Deputy Administrator Dava Newman »Tropospheric Composition Program Scientist: Barry Lefer (U. of Houston) to start in June »Data Systems: Kevin Murphy is new Program Executive NASA Health/AQ Sessions at the following conferences: –AMS Annual Meeting (January 2015) –ATS Annual Meeting (May 2015) –AWMA Annual Meeting (June 2015) –NCAR/CDC Bi-annual Climate and Health Symposium (July 2015)

5 ROSES 2013 A.44 Selections

6 ESD budget increases significantly  NASA now has mandate for additional long-term measurements for the nation: − Altimetry after Jason-3 − Solar Irradiance, Ozone Profile, Earth Radiation Budget all starting in FY16  Sustainable Land Imaging Program (w/USGS; NASA funds flight hardware): - TIR-FFD (2019) - Upgraded Landsat-9 (2023) - Focused technology development to inform designs of Landsat-10+  Continued development and launch of: SAGE-III/ISS, ECOSTRESS/ISS, GEDI/ISS, CYGNSS, TEMPO, GRACE-FO, ICESat-2, SWOT, NISAR, PACE  Continue Venture Class on schedule with full funding  OCO-3 completion and flight to ISS in late 2017  CLARREO Technology Demonstration instruments on ISS - development and flight in late 2019 (2 instruments, Reflected Solar/HySICS and IR Pathfinder) Freilich FY15FY16FY17FY18FY19FY20 FY161.7301.8941.9131.9321.9521.971 FY151.7621.7841.8051.829--- FY16 Budget Request: Earth Science

7 Earth Science Budget: FY16 Request/FY15 Appropriation FY10 request FY11 request FY09 request (previous Admin) FY14 request FY12 request FY13 request Appropriation FY15 request FY16 request FY16 House CJS Appropriations mark

8 Earth Science Research  At least $3M “to improve understanding of coupled North Atlantic-Arctic system”  At least an additional $5M for ”research to understand linkages between oceans and climate”  CDI ($2M), BEDI/GCIS ($4M), CRT/Citizen Science ($3M) Applied Sciences  Will be used especially to accelerate ramp-up of Water, Food Security, Disaster initiatives ESTO: Increase for the InVEST program (~5M / year) Freilich FY15FY16FY17FY18FY19FY20 FY16 399 432 417 425 418 414 FY15424400390392--- FY15FY16FY17FY18FY19FY20 FY16 40.4 47.6 48.7 48.4 47.6 48.8 FY1538.038.739.8 --- FY16 Budget Request: Non-Flight Elements

9 Earth Science Budget Features: What’s New Redefines the framework for satellite development projects:  NOAA responsible for satellite missions for weather and space weather forecasts and warnings  NASA responsible for development of all other non-defense Earth-observing satellite missions  NASA will implement a Sustainable Land Imaging program with USGS that will include: o TIR-FF (2019) o Upgraded Landsat-9 (2023) o Focused technology development to inform designs of Landsat-10+ o USGS will operate these satellites and collect, archive, process and distribute the data  NASA responsible for long-term altimetry measurements after Jason-3  NASA responsible for all future measurements of Solar Irradiance, Ozone Profile and Earth Radiation Budget Initiates formulation of PACE as a directed design-to-cost mission Completes development of OCO-3 for flight on ISS in 2017 Initiates formulation of CLARREO Pathfinder instruments for flight on ISS in 2019 Enhances Research, Applications and Technology Programs with funding to:  Improve understanding of coupled North Atlantic-Arctic system  Conduct research to understand linkages between oceans and climate  Transition InVEST from pilot to ongoing program to demonstrate instrument and subsystem technologies through flight in space on cubesats  Accelerate ramp-up of initiatives in Food Security, Freshwater Availability, and Disaster Response 9

10 Earth Science Budget Features: What’s the Same Balanced program comprising flight, research, data systems, applications and technology development to provide: – High quality global measurements of the Earth’s water, atmosphere, land and vegetation and their interactions – Research to understand … – Modeling capability to … – Free and open access to data and research results Continues operations of on-orbit research satellite constellation, consistent with Senior Review recommendations Advances development of CYGNSS, GRACE-FO, TEMPO, ICESat-2 and SWOT for launch before 2022 Continues formulation of NISAR mission with ISRO Completes development and test of SAGE-III for launch to the ISS in FY16 Continues Venture-Class competitive flight program element, with expanded opportunities Continues pre-formulation studies for Decadal survey-recommended missions Supports operation and data analysis of ISS-based instruments: CATS and RapidScat Funds initiatives for enhanced application of NASA Earth Science Data, including Carbon Monitoring System and joint NASA/USAID SERVIR 10

11 Long-term Measurement Mandate Missions Precision Altimetry following the launch of Jason-3 FY16-20 budget supports NASA contributions to Jason-CS – LV, radiometer, laser retroreflector; etc. NASA funding for mission ops and data analysis; 2020 launch Continued development of SWOT (2020 launch) – Solar Irradiance TSIS-2 and beyond transferred to NASA in FY13 FY16-20 budget supports completion of TSIS-1 and flight on ISS, LRD August 2017 – Recognizes NOAA FY15 appropriation for TSIS-1 – Earth Radiation Balance (RBI instrument) RBI continues to be developed by NASA for flight on JPSS-2

12 Questions: John Haynes, Program Manager Health & Air Quality Applications NASA Headquarters / Earth Science National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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