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Maximizing Resources Through Braided Funding Elena Varney, MS, CRC National Center on Workforce & Disability/Adult Institute for Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing Resources Through Braided Funding Elena Varney, MS, CRC National Center on Workforce & Disability/Adult Institute for Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing Resources Through Braided Funding Elena Varney, MS, CRC National Center on Workforce & Disability/Adult Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston

2 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 2 Also Referred to As:

3 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 3 Why Braid Funding? Limited funding Limited funding Budget restrictions Budget restrictions Supplement services Supplement services Duplication of services Duplication of services Efficient use of funds Efficient use of funds

4 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 4 2 Major Levels of Joint Funding 1) Organizational Funding of Services Joint resources for funding staff with mutual customers (e.g. 1 staff funded by VR & MH) Joint resources for funding staff with mutual customers (e.g. 1 staff funded by VR & MH)  org’l capacity via purchased services b/t public agencies (e.g. fee for service agreements)  org’l capacity via purchased services b/t public agencies (e.g. fee for service agreements) Joint funding of positions or products (e.g. VR, MH, & MR fund development of benefits curriculum) Joint funding of positions or products (e.g. VR, MH, & MR fund development of benefits curriculum)

5 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 5 2 Major Levels of Joint Funding 2) Individual Funding of Services Most common = customer eligible for services from 2+ programs. Staff from both agencies coordinate funding and services around the individual Individual joint service funding based on structured process agreed upon by pgm leaders (scenario would look the same as previous bullet) Special projects that function as pilots of innovation

6 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 6 Braided vs. Blended

7 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 7 Blended Funding Funds combined into a single pool from which they can be allocated Funds combined into a single pool from which they can be allocated Greater flexibility of use & less monitoring and accountability Greater flexibility of use & less monitoring and accountability Can supplement gaps in service delivery Can supplement gaps in service delivery

8 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 8 Example of Blended  Brockton, MA: Administrators from VR, High School, Special Project, and MR/DD sign agreements to contribute a specific dollar amount into a “pool” to be used for 5 students as needed who are transitioning from H.S. to employment.  Because the school developed a portfolio, monies were not needed for assessment.  Monies were used for job placement, job coaching, transportation, etc.

9 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 9 Braided Funding Funds from various sources are used to pay for a service package for an individual. Funds remain in separate strands but are joined for the individual Funds from various sources are used to pay for a service package for an individual. Funds remain in separate strands but are joined for the individual Recognizes the categorical nature of programs, their funding parameters & accountability to admin Recognizes the categorical nature of programs, their funding parameters & accountability to admin Braiding avoids many of the conflicts that airse from losing control over blended funds Braiding avoids many of the conflicts that airse from losing control over blended funds

10 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 10 Example of Braided Funding  Eligibility for WIA and VR  Agreement on employment goal & services needed  Address timing needs for funding  Point of contact from each program  Lack of org resistance (supervisors, mgrs)  Direct staff coordinate funding & services  Agreement on who provides what and how much

11 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 11 Show me the Money! PASS Plan CMSVR MR/DD Ticket To Work Medicaid HCBS WIA TANF MH School System

12 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 12 Putting it all together Ticket To Work VR WIA MR/DD Medicaid CBES PASS Plan MH TANF School System

13 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 13 Individual Resource Mapping At intake, determine which services the individual is eligible for in order to begin allocating funds for individualized service delivery.

14 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 14 Bo: Indiana Through collaborative funding between the Indianapolis Customized Employment Project, the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, and transition services at his local high school, Bo is self-employed as a vending machine owner.

15 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 15 Joey: Maryland Joey’s position was created with the local retail clothing store. His school, his employer, and a career specialist from the Maryland CEP worked together with Joey to fund services and customize the job.

16 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 16 Blending Funds in Tennessee Ashton was on the DMRS Waiting List and receiving no support services. TCEP, using funding from DRS and Social Security Work Incentives, supported him to get a job at Fort Sanders Parkwest Hospital. He is a valued employee who is proud of his job.

17 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 17 Worcester, MA Juan wanted to become a chef. He was eligible for both WIA and VR funding. His ITA account would not fully cover the cost of the culinary training program. VR supplemented the remaining training monies, and purchased the knife kit and uniform also required for his new career. Juan wanted to become a chef. He was eligible for both WIA and VR funding. His ITA account would not fully cover the cost of the culinary training program. VR supplemented the remaining training monies, and purchased the knife kit and uniform also required for his new career.

18 Braided & Blending funds do NOT presume Individual Control

19 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 19 Individual Accounts Exercises the principles of self determination, choice and control over how and from whom one receives services. It’s about choice It’s about control It’s about informed decisions It’s about time!

20 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 20 Individual accounts are comprised of one or more sources of employment service dollars that are dedicated to the individual and their employment plan. Fundamental to this funding approach is the principle that the individual has choice and control as to the services and supports used as well as in selecting traditional or non- traditional provider(s) that assist them in attaining employment. Individual accounts are comprised of one or more sources of employment service dollars that are dedicated to the individual and their employment plan. Fundamental to this funding approach is the principle that the individual has choice and control as to the services and supports used as well as in selecting traditional or non- traditional provider(s) that assist them in attaining employment.

21 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 21 Key Components of IAs  Account is comprised of funding from 1 or more sources  Parameters of what the account will pay for are est’d between individual & supports  Dollars are spent toward employment goals  Fiscal intermediary often utilized  Org or individual  Pays bills  IRS responsible

22 Institute for Community Inclusion UMass Boston 22 Checks & Balances Individual may have mentor from outside the system to advise them Individual may have mentor from outside the system to advise them Spending may be scrutinized Spending may be scrutinized “request to pay” to be signed by vendor “request to pay” to be signed by vendor See Example: Interagency Agreement to Support Individual Accounts See Example: Interagency Agreement to Support Individual Accounts

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