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MCPS Systemwide Safety Programs Department of Facilities Management Media Services Technicians Meeting Safety u pdate October 7, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "MCPS Systemwide Safety Programs Department of Facilities Management Media Services Technicians Meeting Safety u pdate October 7, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 MCPS Systemwide Safety Programs Department of Facilities Management Media Services Technicians Meeting Safety u pdate October 7, 2014

2 Systemwide Safety Programs Staff Peter Park, Team Leader Laurie Lyons, Program Technician Office: 240-314-1070 Emergencies: 301-370-2141

3 Systemwide Safety Programs Mission Help establish and maintain a safe, healthful learning and working environment for students, staff, contractors, and visitors.

4 Systemwide Safety Programs Major Functions Guidance/direction to facilities, offices, departments Oversight of student and employee safety programs Compliance with safety and health regulations Safety training Hazard evaluation, accident investigation Playground renovation

5 How safe is MCPS? CY2013 Occupational Injury/Illness Data 942 recordable occupational injuries/illnesses* 246 lost workday cases, 8,802 lost work days $ 3,164,262.44 incurred workers’ compensation costs Incidence rate (injuries/illnesses per 100 full-time employees): 5.7 * Result in lost work days, job restriction or transfer, or medical treatment beyond first aid.

6 Today’s Topics Orchestra Pit Fillers Fall Protection Stage Rigging Chemical Use Online Safety Training

7 Orchestra Pit Fillers Wenger Strata Units Installed (FY14) Magruder HS Damascus HS Considerations Depth Usage Available school funds

8 Orchestra Pit Fillers Damascus HS

9 Orchestra Pit Fillers

10 Fall Protection Catwalks Ladders (Fixed, Portable) Stage Edges

11 Fall Protection Catwalks, Elevated Work Platforms OSHA/MOSH Requirements Guardrails ◦ 42” tall top rail 1, mid rail 2, 4” toeboard Safe Access/Egress Lighting Obstructions 1 36” - 44” acceptable, must be capable of withstanding at least 200 lb pressure. 2 Must be halfway between top rail and walking surface.

12 Fall Protection

13 Fall Protection Ladders


15 3’ above point of support?

16 Fall Protection Ladders UNSAFE ANGLE SAFE ANGLE (4:1)

17 Stage Rigging Inspection Requirements/Recommendations PLASA (Professional Lighting and Sound Assoc.) ◦ Rec. annual inspection of powered hoists (ANSI E1.6-1 - 2012 Entertainment Technology - Powered Hoist Systems) ◦ Rec. annual inspection of electric chain hoists (ANSI E1.6-2 - 2013 Entertainment Technology - Design, Inspection, and Maintenance of Electric Chain Hoists for the Entertainment Industry)

18 Stage Rigging Inspection Requirements/Recommendations OSHA/MOSH ◦ Req. annual inspection of steel chain alloy slings (1910.184 Slings)

19 Hazardous Chemicals Two Questions 1. Does your school have hazardous chemicals? 2. Do you use hazardous chemicals at work?

20 Hazardous Chemicals What makes chemicals “hazardous”? The chemical is a: Physical hazard (gasoline, paint thinner, glues) Health hazard (paints, cleaning chemicals, wood dust) Simple asphyxiant (refrigerants, fog) Combustible dust (wood dust) Pyrophoric gas, or hazard not otherwise classified

21 Hazardous Chemicals


23 Hazardous Chemicals Fog Machines Fog machines are permitted if operated in accordance with MCPS’ required procedure. The procedure is as follows: 1. An appropriate fog machine must be selected for the application. It must bear a label showing it has been tested by a recognized independent testing laboratory for safety. 2. A material safety data sheet (MSDS) for the fog “juice”, the liquid used to generate the fog, must be provided to Sean Yarup of the Indoor Air Quality Unit, Division of Maintenance, for review. The fog juice must be designed for use with the specific fog machine selected. If Sean does not approve the product, it may not be used.

24 Hazardous Chemicals Fog Machines 3. If an appropriate machine is selected and the fog juice is approved, a smoke detector test must be completed to determine if the intended use will activate any smoke detectors. Please note that not all smoke detectors are readily visible; some are located in ducts. The required steps for conducting a smoke detector test are: a. Schedule the test with the school principal and building service manager. The test may not be conducted while classes are in session. b. Before activating the fog machine, notify school administration and Department of School Safety and Security, Electronic Detection Unit (301-279- 3232), that a test will be conducted that might activate the fire alarm system. c. Ensure a copy of the fog juice MSDS is available. The MSDS is needed for fire personnel if the test activates the fire alarm system and to address any health- related concerns that might arise.

25 Hazardous Chemicals Fog Machines d. Activate the fog machine in the location required for the performance, producing the amount of fog needed. If the test activates the fire alarm system, fire evacuation procedures must be followed: call 911 and evacuate the building. The building may not be re-occupied until permission is granted by the fire department. e. If the test does not activate the fire alarm system, the location and quantity of fog generated should be recorded. School administration and the Electronic Detection Unit should be notified the test has been completed. f. If the test indicates the fog machine will not activate the fire alarm system, it may be used in a similar manner for the performance. g. For the performance, audience notification of fog machine use must be provided via a lobby and program notice. The notice must also note that audience members may contact a production representative if there are questions or concerns. The MSDS should be reviewed for any information indicating potential hazards for individuals with respiratory conditions, and a copy must be available during the performance. h. If the fog machine activates the fire alarm system during the performance, fire evacuation procedures must be followed.

26 Hazardous Chemicals Tips 1. Complete required safety training 2. Only use MCPS-approved products 3. Keep Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) at the school 4. Follow directions on labels and MSDSs – Do not use chemicals in ways they are not intended to be used 5. Never mix chemicals! 6. Use proper procedures, equipment, PPE 7. Ask for help, give help

27 Online Safety Training Required training for MSTs (upon assignment): Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Prevention – Full Course Required training for MSTs (annual): Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Prevention – Annual Refresher Additional training: Office Ergonomics Ladder Safety Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Hazard Communication: Right to Understand Safety Data Sheets: Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Electrical Safety Demonstration, handout* * Safety%20Training%20Tutorial.pdf Safety%20Training%20Tutorial.pdf

28 Drama and Theater Safety Handbook pliance.aspx#theater /facilities/safety/Drama%20and%20Theater%20safety%20handbook. pdf

29 Questions?

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