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Stoichiometry Review Game!

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Presentation on theme: "Stoichiometry Review Game!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stoichiometry Review Game!
Rules: Every turn the white board and marker MUST be passed to the next team member. You may help your team members but only the person who’s turn it is may use the marker. You must show your work! (when appropriate) Every team should answer. The first team to answer correctly gets five points. The second gets four etc. If we get too loud or disrespectful we will stop and work on our review questions.

2 Question 1 Balance the equation C3H8 + O2  CO2 + H2O

3 Question 2 C3H8 + 5 O2 -------> 3 CO2 + 4 H2O
If you start with mol of C3H8 How many moles of carbon dioxide will you get?

4 Question 3 What is the formula for percent yield?

5 Question 4 I2O5(g) + 5 CO(g) -------> 5 CO2(g) + I2(g)
What’s wrong with this calculation? Why is it wrong?

6 Question 5 You calculate that you should produce 5.7 g of iron in a reaction. However, you only collected 4.3 g. What was your percent yield?

7 Question 6 Al2(SO3)3 + 6 NaOH ------> 3 Na2SO3 + 2 Al(OH)3
In this reaction: 6.5 g Al2(SO3)3  produces mol Al(OH)3 7.8 g NaOH  produces mole Al(OH)3 Which reagent is the limiting reagent? Al2(SO3)3 

8 Zn + S ---------> ZnS
Question 7 Zn   +    S   >    ZnS If you have 5.6 g Zn how many grams of ZnS will you get? 8.4 g ZnS

9 Question 8 If you are given the balanced equation
A + 2B  C + D And moles of A and B, list the steps you need to determine if A or B is the limiting reagent Hint there are 3 steps Convert moles of A to moles of C or D Convert moles of B to moles of the product you picked in step 1 Choose the reagent that produced the least amount of product.

10 Question 9 Sb2S3 + 3 Fe  2 Sb + 3 FeS
What’s wrong with this calculation? Why?

11 3 Zn(s) + 2 MoO3(s) ----------> Mo2O3(s) + 3 ZnO(s)
Question 10 3 Zn(s) + 2 MoO3(s) > Mo2O3(s) + 3 ZnO(s) When you start with 3.4 g MoO3 how many moles of ZnO will you get?

12 Question 11 Sb2S3 + 3 Fe  2 Sb + 3 FeS If you react 15 g of Sb2S3 how many grams of Sb will you get?

13 Question 12 You calculated that you should collect 6 g of Sn but when you ran the reaction you only got 2.3g. What was your percent yield?

14 Question 13 Why do we use stoichiometry?
There are several correct answers. EX: To predict how much product we will get. To figure out how much starting material we need to use in order to get a certain amount of product.

15 Question 14 Balance the equation F2 + NH3  N2F4 + HF

16 Question 15 3 Zn + 2 MoO3  Mo2O3 + 3 ZnO
Given 5.3 mol Zn how many grams of ZnO can we make? What’s wrong with this calculation?

17 Question 16 4 Fe + 3 H2O  Fe2O3 + 3 H2 In this reaction:
4.5 mol Fe makes 3.38 mol H2 3.4 mol H2O make 3.40 mole of H2 Which reagent is the limiting reagent? Fe

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