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Proteins Structures Primary Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Proteins Structures Primary Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proteins Structures Primary Structure

2 Proteins Primary Structure

3 Proteins Sequence of Amino Acids

4 Proteins Primary Structure

5 Proteins Secondary Structure - Alpha Helix

6 Secondary Structure of Proteins
Alpha Helix - hydrogen bonds between amide groups.

7 Secondary Structure of Proteins
Alpha Helix - hydrogen bonds between amide groups.

8 Proteins Secondary Structure

9 Secondary Structure Proteins
Pleated sheet - hydrogen bonds between chains

10 Shape from Bends, Folds and Loops
Tertiary Structure

11 Tertiary Structure of Proteins
Hydrogen bonding between side chains Salt Bridges between side chains

12 Tertiary Structure of Proteins
Disulfide bonds between the cysteine - SH

13 Tertiary Structure of Proteins
Hydrophobic - non-polar interactions

14 Proteins Primary Structure

15 Quaternary Structure of Proteins

16 Quaternary Structure of Proteins
Interaction of two or more chains Collagen - triple helix

17 Quaternary Structure of Proteins
Interaction of two or more chains Insulin - two chains bonded by disulfide

18 Quaternary Structure of Proteins
Interaction of two or more chains Insulin - two chains bonded by disulfide

19 Globular Proteins Heme and Myoglobin

20 Globular Proteins Heme and Myoglobin

21 Hemoglobin - 4 chains, 4 heme groups
Globular Proteins Hemoglobin - 4 chains, 4 heme groups

22 Protein Structure Review the four kinds of structure - simple definitions.

23 Proteins Primary Structure

24 Hydrolysis breaks primary sequence by splitting into amino acids
Review the four kinds of structure - simple definitions.

25 Denaturation Review the four kinds of structure - simple definitions.

26 Denaturation Review the four kinds of structure - simple definitions.

27 Disrupt Hydrogen Bonding - alcohol
Denaturation Disrupt Hydrogen Bonding - alcohol

28 Disrupt salt bridges - acids and bases
Denaturation Disrupt salt bridges - acids and bases

29 Disrupt disulfide bonds - reducing agents, heavy metals.
Denaturation Disrupt disulfide bonds - reducing agents, heavy metals.

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