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Dalip Singh, President, AEE Delhi Workshop for Electricity Consumers On 25Apr 2015 at NMA, Sector 62 Noida.

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Presentation on theme: "Dalip Singh, President, AEE Delhi Workshop for Electricity Consumers On 25Apr 2015 at NMA, Sector 62 Noida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dalip Singh, President, AEE Delhi Workshop for Electricity Consumers On 25Apr 2015 at NMA, Sector 62 Noida

2  ISO-50001 is an international standard issued by Organization of International Standards (ISO) which is the worldwide federation of the national bodies on standards like BIS in India improve improve continual basis  It enables organizations to establish systems and processes which are necessary to improve energy performance. It provides a systematic procedure to improve energy performance on continual basis (Refer Introduction and section 1 of ISO-50001)  Like other ISOs it follows P-D-C-A cycle.


4 As per ISO-50001, an EnMS is a  Set of interrelated/interacting elements to establish an energy policy and energy objectives and processes/procedures to achieve those objectives  ISO-50001 specifies requirements for an EnMS to be in conformity with ISO-50001

5 The 7 requirements in section 4 are as under:-  4.1: General  4.2: Management Responsibility  4.3: Energy Policy  4.4: Energy Planning  4.5: Implementation and Operation  4.6: Checking  4.7: Management Review Note: First three requirements can be termed as organizing/pre-planning. The first 4 fall under plan.


7  ISO-50001 aims to improve energy performance continually and also requires that the continual improvement be demonstrated.  Instrumentation is required for monitoring the continual improvement  Documenting compliances with requirements demonstrates conformity with ISO-50001  Thus the improvement in energy performance and EnMS itself is not one time fix but is made on sustainable basis continually

8 Improved Energy Efficiency on account of ISO-50001 certification leads to:-  Reduced operational costs  Improved enterprise bottom line  Reduced carbon emissions  Recognition as a sustainability leader Insight This low hanging fruit of energy efficiency is not one time yield but is on a sustainable basis

9 Implementation of EE Technologies  A financial assistance of 25% of the cost of project to be implemented for energy saving is admissible. This is, however, subject to a limit of Rs10Lakh.  A loan up to 67% of the project cost can be availed by the MSME at 10% interest for implementing ESP. Note: Minimum15% savings in energy costs is essential to qualify for implementation assistance under TEQUP.

10  Measuring/Monitoring/Controlling Gadgets  Energy Efficiency Enhancing Retrofits  Waste Heat Recovery Systems  Renewable Energy Based Systems  Environment Friendly System  Productivity/Reliability Improvement Systems  Anything that adds economic value

11  Incentivize ISO-50001 Certification for the enterprises consuming energy above a threshold to revolutionize energy efficiency.  As incentives for ISO-9001certification are already existing, industry associations may take up the matter with the Government to grant incentives for ISO-50001 certification also. This can trigger an efficiency revolution.

12 Dalip Singh, CEO India EnMS Consulting Pvt Ltd 601, Tradex Tower-2, ACB, Alpha-I Greater Noida-201306(UP) India 0120429132409350846853

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