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Following, Welcoming, Growing Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission.

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Presentation on theme: "Following, Welcoming, Growing Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Following, Welcoming, Growing Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission

2 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission 3 year programme Challenging the culture of our Circuit Following, Welcoming, Growing

3 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission Ten Holy Habits – Acts 2:42-47 Following, Welcoming, Growing

4 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Biblical teaching Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing

5 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Fellowship Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing

6 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Breaking bread Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing

7 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing Prayer

8 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Sharing of resources Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing

9 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Service – especially of the poor and marginalised Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing

10 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Eating together Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing

11 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Gladness and generosity Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing

12 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Worship - Let it be creative and colourful Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing

13 A discipleship movement shaped for mission Making more Disciples - including younger disciples Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth Following, Welcoming, Growing

14 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission Ten Holy Habits – Acts 2:42-47 Following, Welcoming, Growing

15 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission Key Features Two year programme One habit every 2-3 months. Resources provided for churches Seeking to make Holy Habits resonate throughout the circuit Challenging us in our worship, mission and Christian community Engaging the whole circuit in all its diversity Following, Welcoming, Growing

16 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission What might a Holy Habit look like? Material for Sunday service to provide focus Resources for liturgical season e.g. Advent liturgy Ideas for a community activity/project Bible study and fellowship group resources Questions to consider with stewards/leadership team. Article for church magazine Circuit event/ Connexional events/training Why not try one of these? A film to watch A children’s book Reading list and websites Following, Welcoming, Growing

17 Bible verses Creativity Ideas Excitement Habit Teams Detailed Writing Producing materials Filling Gaps Resources Team Proof reading Formatting Presentation IT Production Team Oversight Target Setting Monitoring and Evaluation Problem Solving Reference Group Sharing stories Promoting the programme Communication

18 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission Programme Plan Following, Welcoming, Growing

19 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission Following, Welcoming, Growing SeasonHoly Habit Circuit Launch Date Date to Start preparation Pentecost/LaunchEating together17-May-1527-Nov-14 SummerPrayer17-Jul-1513-Jan-15 Harvest/All Souls/All SaintsMaking more disciples1-Oct-1530-Mar-15 Advent/ChristmasGladness & Generosity1-Dec-1530-May-15 Lent/EasterBreaking Bread15-Feb-1614-Aug-15 PentecostService6-May-163-Nov-15 Summerfellowship6-Jul-163-Jan-16 Remembrance/Adventworship4-Nov-163-May-16 CovenantBiblical Teaching4-Jan-173-Jul-16 Lent/EasterSharing Resources6-Mar-172-Sep-16

20 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission Any questions/comments? Buzz groups Feed back Following, Welcoming, Growing

21 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission How can you get involved? Join a habit team Convenor for the Prayer team, second Holy Habit Writers Artists/ Creative Production Communication Following, Welcoming, Growing

22 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission What next? Sign up for a habit team and or other areas Pray Go back and tell churches Get others involved Following, Welcoming, Growing

23 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission Diary dates 26 th November, 1pm, 39 Welcombe Grove 10 th January, 10-3, Carrs Lane, Holy Habits prayer/taster/training Day 17 th May, 11-1, Circuit launch Following, Welcoming, Growing

24 Birmingham Circuit Going for Growth A discipleship movement shaped for mission Following, Welcoming, Growing

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