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QRIS / PDIS Facilitator’s Guide Thank you for your willingness to facilitate sessions that will help get the word out about Colorado Shines and the QRIS / PDIS components of this initiative! We really appreciate your commitment to early childhood development and to helping us spread the word. The following pages serve as a facilitator’s guide and contain some helpful suggestions and prompts about how you might approach your presentation. The first few pages of this document talk about setup in the days and weeks prior to your presentation and a checklist with ideas and guidelines for setting up the room. The majority of the pages provide speaking points for the slide that will be on-screen. It is strongly recommended that you read through all of the points to familiarize yourself with the content before delivering the presentation. If you rehearse, the presentation will flow much more naturally. Near the end, you’ll facilitate a ‘world café’ style session. This is appropriate only for the 2 hour sessions. The purpose of that session is to allow participants to talk openly about the information they’ve heard, and give them an opportunity to give us feedback and answer questions. To modify text Click ‘view’ Then Choose ‘notes pages’ Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
QRIS / PDIS Facilitator’s Guide You may be asked to facilitate a 1 hour session, or a 2 hour session. The following tables provide suggested timing for each session. For 1 hour sessions, if you can, please make a point to arrive early or stay a few minutes after to be available for questions and commentary. These sessions are a great way for us to interact with childcare communities we serve! Introductions 10 minutes (including video) QRIS Overview 5 minutes PDIS Overview Getting Ready for PDIS Getting Ready for QRIS Where to find additional resources Initial Implementation 10 minutes Questions Wrap Up 1 Hour timing Introductions 10 minutes (including video) QRIS Overview 10 minutes PDIS Overview Getting Ready for PDIS Getting Ready for QRIS Where to find additional resources Initial Implementation Questions 20 minutes Small group activity and report out Wrap Up 5 minutes 2 Hour timing Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Before your presentation: Facilitator Setup…Days / Weeks prior to your session: We will be presenting an overview of the QRIS to a group of childcare providers and supporting resources across the state. Thank you for being willing to participate in this activity, and for facilitating the session. In the days / weeks prior to facilitating the session you will want to: Identify and introduce yourself to the key contact for the meeting you’ll be joining so you can discuss logistics. Initial phone call is best to establish rapport. Send a meeting agenda ahead of time, so providers will know how their time will be used. Communicate desires, and understand the environment with regard to Internet access, projector, flip chart paper and easel stand availability, Whiteboard. You will use the latter to have the Agenda posted, and also to take notes during world café discussion sessions (2 hour sessions only). Ensure that you have either dry erase or flip chart markers in your bag. You may also wish to bring, adhesive table top, easel pads with you. Multi-colored Post it notes are always good, too. Be sure to have any handouts on-hand. Review them each so that you are familiar with the contents. If flip charts are not available, be ready to take pictures of the whiteboard before erasing in case you need to go back and summarize important comments If you are first on the agenda, plan to show up an 45 minutes to an hour early so you can test connectivity, troubleshoot projection issues, rearrange table spaces and prepare any flip charts if you have not already done so. If you are later in the agenda, plan to show up early to test connectivity and setup projector. Proactively arrange to have a break between when earlier portion completes and when you begin so participants are fresh. Before arriving at the site. Practice your delivery of the messages contained in the power point. For credibility, work to discuss the content on the slides rather than to read the bullet points. The following pages contain suggested speaking points / prompts for you to follow. Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Getting Ready for Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Welcome! When possible, post the welcome slide while you’re setting up and people are arriving… Getting Ready for Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System Facilitator Setup….Day of: Now that you’re prepared, and you’re there an hour early….here are some suggestions about how you might spend your prep time. These are best practices…and there’s an order of operations! Meet and greet your contact…thank them for all of the work they’ve done on your behalf. Assess your space, and prioritize your activities. Ask for network passwords for wireless networks or hardwired cords. If not available – test your own ‘hot spot’ solution. Also scan the room to be sure there’s a projector. Start with Technology. Why? Because it can take awhile to troubleshoot! …. Fire up your computer, ensure internet connectivity… Open your presentation, and test the link to the video. It’s always good to have your presentation on a hard drive in case you need to give it to someone who has internet access when you don’t. Next, hook up your computer to the projector and ensure you can project. If you can’t have a plan ‘B’….which is to present without the link. Perhaps consider having the url to the presentation on one of the handouts so they can watch it at a later time….or navigate to it on a smart phone. Have the first page of the power point projected in presentation mode while you set the tables. Consider lighting. Do your best to figure out your technology by 30 minutes prior to your session so you have time to ‘set tables’ and meet & greet when people come into the room. You’ll want to leave 10 unplanned minutes before your presentation so you can say hello to your participants and shake their hands as they enter the room. This makes participants feel valued, is an important opportunity for a handshake, and promotes positive and friendly participation. (Think dinner party host) Set the tables: Arrange tables and chairs, distribute materials…if you have post-its or pens that you want to have used for your facilitated workshop (word café session) - have them out on the tables when participants arrive. Again, like when you’re hosting a dinner party, an organized and prepared room says….”this presenter values me, and this session is going to be valuable (and maybe even a little bit fun)” Prepare your Flip Charts. I typically have an already prepared agenda that I post on a wall and a parking lot page where I acknowledge questions or concerns that I’m unable to readily answer. Meet & Greet! Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Getting Ready for Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Welcome! Welcome Slide Remains posted during initial welcome. Getting Ready for Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System Welcoming Participants Time to get started! Begin the presentation by introducing yourself and the purpose for the presentation. This should be more like a 30 second elevator introduction. Here are some key points of your introduction: Don’t take more than 2 minutes for this brief introduction. Welcome the Group to the OEC’s session about Colorado Shines, and the Quality Rating and Improvement System. Succinctly state the Goals for the Session: Provide information about: Colorado Shines Quality Rating and Improvement System, including the Professional Development Information System (PDIS) Getting ready for QRIS and PDIS Where to find more resources and communication tools Initial implementation Gather feedback from audience members Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Introductions Early Childhood Professionals
Post New Slide Today’s Facilitators Council Representative CDHS CDE Audience Members Early Childhood Professionals Introduce yourself….briefly Now consider doing a 5 minute icebreaker. Why? Because one of our objectives with doing face-to-face interaction is to establish trust and rapport with our provider community. If you have a group 10 or less, have everyone introduce themselves. Ask them their name, how they’re involved in early childhood development, and what they know about Colorado Shines or QRIS. Tell them that we want to stay on target for the session, but it is important that you get to know them a bit. If you have a group of greater than 10, you can do what I call the 90 second meet & greet that says…’when I say go….stand and find someone you haven’t met before, introduce yourselves to each other explain your roles in early childhood development, and explain what you know about Colorado Shines and the QRIS initiatives’. Be sure to participate yourself! After about 2 minutes, bring the group back together….and explain that while you’d like to have the time to hear from each person individually, was there anyone who wants to share something interesting about the person they met? (Allow a silence to occur, someone will undoubtedly come forward.) Acknowledge the comments in a welcoming way and encourage 1 or 2 others to comment. Consider the following questions / comments to build rapport in the room So…who knows the most about Colorado Shines / QRIS / PDIS? How many program directors? In-school program? In-home programs? Finish up by thanking / recognizing key support people in this community…consider the person who helped you with logistics, and acknowledge any county or council resources. (you may even think about making a list before you go!) Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Agenda Introduction Brief QRIS overview Brief PDIS overview
Post New Slide Introduction Brief QRIS overview Brief PDIS overview Getting ready for PDIS Getting ready for QRIS Initial implementation Local information Questions and answers Wrap Up Introduce the Agenda Introduce the Agenda …. No need to state each bullet….maybe just explain that there are two different initiatives or systems they’ll be touched by. One is the Quality Rating Improvement System, The other is the Professional Development Improvement System. You (and your colleague, if applicable) will provide an overview of each and provide some tips about how you can prepare yourselves and your staffs. You’ll finish up by discussing some local information and opening up the session for a Q&A period. If you have had an opportunity to post a flip chart – you can refer to it on the wall, so they can monitor the progress of the session. For a two hour session, you might even walk over and check off the agenda items every once in awhile to show progress. Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Setting the Stage: Remembering Why Our Work is Important!
Post New Slide / Play Short Video Video Set the stage: Let’s get started by watching a short video that reinforces why our work is so important … Allow a pause, following the video, to allow participants to reflect. For 1 hour sessions, you can advance to the next slide, and move into your presentation. If you’re facilitating a 2 hour session, then you may wish to ask the group to share any thoughts they might have had during the video….allow 2 or 3 comments, then move on to stay on schedule. Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
QRIS is a method to assess, improve and communicate the level of quality in early care and learning.
QRIS IN COLORADO WILL: Post New Slide Provide a High level overview of the QRIS: In Colorado, we have had a QRIS system for over 14 years, and were one of the first states to launch a QRIS system Qualistar Colorado has been the state approved system during this time, and the system has been a voluntary system with about 10% participation Colorado Shines will be embedded in licensing and will be supported through state funding to support not only the cost of the rating, but provide incentives for programs to participate Colorado Shines will provide a more flexible approach for programs to earn higher quality levels focused on things that are most important to each individual program Be sure to emphasize: Programs do not have to worry that the state will require a prescribed curriculum or mandate their business practices. The Colorado Shines system is meant to be a support to programs ready to embark on the Continuous Quality Improvement journey Other interesting Fact: 40 of the 50 states have or are implementing QRIS systems QRIS IN COLORADO WILL NOT:
QRIS Overview QRIS Hybrid Approach 4 3 Points Structure 1 2
Post New Slide QRIS Hybrid Approach 1 2 Building Blocks 4 3 5 Points Structure Through the work of may EC Professionals for several years, Colorado has adopted a block and point system: Colorado Shines is a hybrid system consisting of a block and points structure. A program must complete block 1 (licensed). To advance to a block 2 they’ll meet the criteria established for the level 2 quality rating. Once they’ve achieved Block 2, they can achieve a quality rating 3, 4 or 5, which is achieved by a point structure assessed following an on-site evaluation and series of interviews performed by a quality assessor. Programs with licensed exemptions or unlicensed will not be able to participate in Colorado Shines. Transition by stating that you’re going to go into more detail about each ‘block’ and the level 3-5 rating as you continue the presentation. Levels 1 and 2 are building blocks to quality, and managed by our team of licensing specialists Levels 3-5 are a points system that also includes an assessor evaluation and a minimum of points to be earned and will be managed by the contracted ratings administrator, with oversight by the Office of Early Childhood’s QRIS Manager
QRIS Embedded in Licensing: The Role of the Licensing Specialist
Post New Slide Level 1 No change - your licensing specialist will continue to visit your program on your regular schedule Data collection - Beginning in the fall of 2014, a pilot will be launched and pilot specialists will start to collect data based on research based indicators of quality, known as the quality indicators report, this will be provided to you as a support A knowledgeable partner - your specialist can assist to answer your questions about pursuing Level 2 quality standards Feedback and Support The Role of the License Specialist: Will change for some, and not for others. Level 1: Level 1 Quality indicates you are meeting the requirements of licensing Your License specialist will interact with you as before. During their typical site visit activities, they will collect data related to quality, and provide you with a quality indicators report. They will be able to answer questions and provide coaching if you wish to explore or achieve any of the other rating levels. Level 2: As they prepare to achieve level 2, the childcare program will begin their quality journey by: Submitting a general application Submitting documentation in support of the Level 2 requirements Completing a Quality Self Assessment Preparing a Quality Improvement Plan Completing e-learning courses required for program leadership and staff Once a program believes they have achieved the Level 2 criteria, they will submit the Level 2 application in the QRIS system The licensing specialist will perform a licensing evaluation during which they will: Review the provided documentation Review and verify completion of the application, self assessment and quality improvement plan Verify staff completion of required e-learning courses Perform an onsite assessment Verify a complete application Once the license specialist agrees that the Level 2 requirements have been met, she/he will issue the Level 2 license. The license specialists will be taking on a new role as Technical Assistant and will be able to provide support to programs who are working through Level 2 NOTE: A program can be granted a Level 2 quality level without having a visit by their specialist. The visit will be completed on their normal schedule Level 2 Accepts application for Level 2 Status Review of completed documentation Staff completion of Level 2 trainings, Quality Self Assessment, Quality Improvement Plan Licensing Evaluation Issuance of Level 2 License
QRIS Embedded in Licensing: The Role of the Licensing Specialist
Role of Licensing Specialist slide remains posted. A Word About Grants Access to grants is a key benefit of Level 2 achievement Achievement of Level 2 allows a program to apply for early childhood grants. In order to take advantage of grants available through the state, a program must have achieved a level 2 quality rating. To transition….Recap that the license specialist will be a program’s primary OEC resource related to Colorado Shines and the QRIS / PDIS systems for Levels 1 and 2. EC Councils will also be conduits of information sessions in their communities Now let’s take a look at rating Levels 3-5, where we begin to incorporate a points system method of assessment. At this level, you will be introduced to an OEC Quality Assessor, and your interaction with the license specialist will diminish. Level 1 No change - your licensing specialist will continue to visit your program on your regular schedule Data collection - Beginning in the fall of 2014, a pilot will be launched and pilot specialists will start to collect data based on research based indicators of quality, known as the quality indicators report, this will be provided to you as a support A knowledgeable partner - your specialist can assist to answer your questions about pursuing Level 2 quality standards Feedback and Support Level 2 Accepts application for Level 2 Status Review of completed documentation Staff completion of Level 2 trainings, Quality Self Assessment, Quality Improvement Plan Licensing Evaluation Issuance of Level 2 License
Points Design: Levels 3-5
Post New Slide Workforce Qualifications and Professional Development Family Partnerships Leadership, Management & Administration Learning Environment + ERS Score Child Health Optional Point Areas Total Points Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 8 12 18 10 13 20 24 22 5 7 9 Minimum Requirement for Rating 53 63 93 Average ERS Scores At least 3.75 with no classroom below a 3.0 At least with no classroom below a 4.0 At least 5.75 with no classroom below a 5.0 31 26 29 14 Levels 3-5 Once a program makes the choice to pursue higher levels of quality (levels 3-5), the points structure is used. This image highlights of the categories of points that will be available to earn and the minimum points needed under each category to be award a level 3, 4, or 5. This assessment will be performed by a Quality Assessor, someone who is different than the license specialist. The Quality Assessor will perform that assessment and provide a report after completing the site visit. They will also be in a position to provide coaching support. The total score achieved following the Quality Assessment determines the rating level of 3, 4 or 5. The assessment criterion for Levels 3-5 are very detailed in nature, and are being written into a document for your reference. That document is being reviewed and finalized, and will be provided for your use as soon as we are able. All documents, once published, will be available for your reference on the Colorado OEC website.
Alternate Pathways to Levels 3 & 4
Post New Slide Current Qualistar Rated Program One for one cross over into Next Generation QRIS Approved Accrediting Bodies Crosswalk Application completed and are posted on the OEC Website. Approved agencies will be posted when approved Head Start and Early Head Start Grantees and Delegate programs Additional Speaking Points: At this point, you’ll likely have an audience with a bunch of questions! Here are some additional speaking points that will assist with responding, and communicating some of the alternate pathways to rating achievement. All alternate pathway programs will need to enter staff into PDIS Accrediting Bodies will be approved at either a 3 or a 4, Programs must meet minimum workforce points in these areas to attain these Levels of quality For Qualistar Rated programs, there will be a 1-1 cross over into the new QRIS system. This will be determined based on the QRIS implementation date in Summer of 2014 The application for Accrediting bodies to apply to be approved, will be distributed in April, 2014. Programs who wish to pursue a Quality rating of Level 5 will need to complete an application for assessment, and will need to be validated by a reliable assessor. Either a CLASS assessment or and ERS will be needed to meet Level 5 Quality Standards The following applications have been received and are under review (Sept 2014) – NAEYC, NCIS, NAFCC, and (NECPA has provided an intent to apply)
Timelines - QRIS Winter 2014 - 2016 Summer 2014 Fall 2014
Post New Slide Summer 2014 Publish V4 Draft of the Design Guide Statewide Outreach and Engagement QI Framework Development QRIS Technology System Build Fall 2014 Pilot of Level 2 Tools and Trainings: Training modules pilot Quality Self-Assessment Tool Quality Improvement Template Statewide engagement and outreach Quality Incentives framework and incentives communication Winter Phased Implementation Phase 1 (Fall, 2014) Current Qualistar rated programs due to expire in 2014 Alternate Pathway programs (Accredited, Head Start/ Early Head Start programs) Phase 2 (Winter, 2014) Programs that are partially quality rated (DPP and ITQIP) Targeted outreach (CCCAP, programs serving high needs children or in high needs community) Phase 3 (2015) Early adopters (motivated and/or incentivized) Phase 4 ( ) Family Child Care Homes School Based Preschools All remaining programs Speaking Points: This is a timeline highlighting key activities under the Race to the Top grant. A full program design guide for Colorado’s implementation plan related to this grant is in final editing phase and will be published in the next several weeks. The technology system is being built and is about 30% complete. (as of September, 2014) The task team working on the Quality Improvement framework has made final recommendations and OEC leadership is reviewing, with further communication due out late Fall The QRIS will be implemented in Phases, focusing first on programs who have an expiring rating, and programs who are serving a high number of children with differing abilities who are receiving CCAP funding An implementation plan is being developed, the details of which will be communicated to you as we are able to do so. Transition here: Now you’ve completed the overview of the Quality Rating Improvement System, which we refer to as QRIS. Now we’ll move on to the Professional Development components of the program which we’re introducing in partnership with the Colorado Department of Education, or CDE. Now we’ll provide an overview of the Professional Development Information System, which we’ll refer to as PDIS. This is a key element for those programs who wish to achieve a rating of Levels 2,3,4 or 5.
The Professional Development Information System (PDIS)
Post New Slide PDIS Overview We’ll start with a brief overview of the Professional Development Information System, or PDIS for short. The PDIS is a web-based system supporting professional development for Colorado’s early childhood workforce. While QRIS supports the development of Early Childhood Programs, PDIS supports professional development activities for the individuals who work for these programs. We refer to the community of people served by the PDIS as Early Childhood Professionals. This encompasses both Program Leadership and Staff Members. The PDIS is a web-based system supporting professional development for Colorado’s early childhood workforce. Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
PDIS Overview Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Post New Slide Supports individual professionals Provides professional development Tracks training and education Calculates Credential level Provides information to QRIS More at: The PDIS supports early childhood professionals in many ways, by: Tracking training and education Providing high quality online professional development Helping individuals choose a professional development path, guided by: Competency level Personal professional development goals Job role and Geographic location. One of the highlights of the PDIS is the automatic scoring of the Credential. This is passed, along with other relevant information, to the system that will support the Quality Rating and Improvement System, or QRIS. One of the ways that we think about it is that PDIS supports individuals, whereas QRIS supports programs. Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Components of the PDIS Post New Slide Professional Portfolio Contact information Demographic information Employment information Education and training information Credential Information Learning Management System Delivery of 13 QRIS Level 2 Courses and others as developed Course catalog Trainer Approval Training Approval Full website PD Advisor Personalized Competencies Self-Assessment Goal setting tool Individualized Professional Development Plan The PDIS has 3 major components. A Professional Portfolio stores all of your information and is available to you at any time. A variety of online courses will be available for you to take at your convenience. Advisory features help you to move your career forward in a way that makes sense for YOU. Colorado’s Competencies for Early Childhood Educators and Administrators Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Registration and Level 2 Courses
PDIS and User Inputs Post New Slide Contact information Demographics Current employment Register for QRIS Level 2 Courses Competencies These next few slides go into more detail about the different elements of the PDIS and the related user inputs. Keep in mind that the Competencies run through the entire system. Initially, an individual will access PDIS and establish an account. Next, they will enter information about themselves, like contact information and answer a series of demographic questions. During setup, they’ll be prompted to link themselves to a current employer (Licensed Program) QRIS Level 2 Courses are then made available to the user. These first steps will take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. Registration and Level 2 Courses Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
EC Professional Credential Registration and Level 2 Courses
PDIS and User Inputs Post New Slide Years of experience Formal education Ongoing professional development Demonstrated competence Competencies Next, the Early Childhood Professional will input: Years of experience Formal education Ongoing Professional Development By inputting this information, they can then demonstrate their competency and earn an Early Childhood Professional Credential. Later, when this area is more fully developed, an individual will also be able to earn Credential points for ways that they are demonstrating competence. EC Professional Credential Registration and Level 2 Courses Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
EC Professional Credential Registration and Level 2 Courses
PDIS and User Inputs Post New Slide Review Colorado’s Competencies for Early Childhood Educators and Administrators and assess your current level of competence Competencies An Early Childhood Professional will then be able to go in and do a Competencies self-assessment, resulting in a competencies profile. This is very similar to the types of learning profiles we do with young children. Identifying what we know and are able to do improves our effectiveness as early childhood professionals. Self-Assessment EC Professional Credential Registration and Level 2 Courses Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
EC Professional Credential Registration and Level 2 Courses
PDIS and User Inputs Post New Slide Choose goals Receive a customized professional development plan Competencies The self-assessment is followed by the generation of a Professional Development Plan (PD plan). This plan is based on: professional goals job role geographic location The competency profile we discussed on the last slide. PD Plan Self-Assessment EC Professional Credential Registration and Level 2 Courses Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
EC Professional Credential Registration and Level 2 Courses
PDIS and User Inputs Post New Slide Take, connect to and track education and training Competencies The Early Childhood Professional will be able to participate in online courses which will be tracked through PDIS and connected to the individual. Professionals can also register for face-to-face courses through the PDIS and find information about formal education opportunities and financial support. Ongoing PD PD Plan Self-Assessment EC Professional Credential Registration and Level 2 Courses Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
PDIS and User Inputs Ongoing PD PD Plan Competencies Self-Assessment EC Professional Credential Registration and Level 2 Courses Post New Slide Competencies PDIS allows us as individual care providers for this important age group to: Have intentional professional development choices Increase our own levels of competence Receive formal recognition to acknowledge this growth We know that strengthening and supporting early childhood professionals is critical to young children’s success. The PDIS supports a variety of early childhood professionals at all levels of experience and education. Transition Point: You’ve now completed the overview for both QRIS and PDIS. Now, you’ll tie them back together by illustrating PDIS activities within the different quality rating Levels. Remember QRIS and PDIS are key components of the over-arching initiative that we refer to as Colorado Shines. Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
PDIS Usage at Different Levels of QRIS
Post New Slide Level 2 These next 2 slides are intended to provide information on how the PDIS will be used at different levels of QRIS. For a program to get a Level 2 in the new QRIS system, the early childhood professionals that work for the program will complete the individual registration and current employment fields. Once they’ve completed those fields, they can begin to take the courses that are required for Level 2. Individual Registration + Current Employment Access to Level 2 and other PD Education and Training, Credentials and Licenses Triggers Evaluation of EC Professional Credential Competency Self-Assessment Individual PD Plan Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
PDIS Usage at Different Levels of QRIS
Post New Slide Levels 3-5 At levels 3-5, an Early Childhood Professional must: Provide the information that allows the PDIS to calculate a Professional Credential Complete a Competencies Self-Assessment Provide information that allows the PDIS to generate an Individual Professional Development Plan Individual Registration + Current Employment Access to Level 2 and other PD Education and Training, Credentials and Licenses Triggers Evaluation of EC Professional Credential Competency Self-Assessment Individual PD Plan Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Preparing for the PDIS Post New Slide Gather Documents Part 1 Ensure that your transcripts and training documents are up to date and put them all together in one folder Gather Documents Part 2 Locate all current credentials, licenses and certificates relevant to your EC career; add these to the folder Gather Documents Part 3 Print out the latest version of your resume or any document with employment dates for each early childhood employer; add to folder If you know your program will be working towards levels 2, 3, 4 or 5, here are some steps you and your staff members can take to prepare: This slide is divided into three sections, chunking makes the tasks easier and more achievable. Start gathering documents: Transcripts and training documents can be the first to go into a folder dedicated to Professional Development. This can also be done on the computer in an electronic folder Gather all current credentials, licenses and certificates. Add these to the same Professional Development folder. Find or update a resume so it reflects up-to-date employment dates for each individual employer. Other documents may also suffice as long as it includes up-to-date information about employment history and current dates. Add all relevant documents to your Professional Development Folder Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Preparing for the PDIS (cont’d)
Post New Slide Review Colorado’s Competencies for Early Childhood Educators and Administrators Spending some time briefly reviewing the domains and categories will be useful as your prepare to complete your Competencies Self-Assessment You can also complete a paper self-assessment and use it to enter information into the PDIS when it is available Consider Your Goals for Professional Development Improve skills in your current role Prepare for a new role Pursue a degree or certificate related to early childhood Pursue teacher licensure Achieve, renew, or advance your Early Childhood Professional Credential Other useful ways individuals can prepare for PDIS: Become familiar with Colorado’s Competencies for Early Childhood Educators and Administrators. The PDIS Competency Self-Assessment is based on this document. A paper-based self-assessment will be available on the OEC website soon Individuals will be able to complete the self assessment now and then transfer the information to the PDIS when it goes live Consider your goals for professional development. The goals are as follows: Improve skills in your current role Prepare for a new role Pursue a degree or certificate related to early childhood Pursue teacher licensure Achieve, renew or advance your Early Childhood Professional Credential When you chose one of these goals, the PDIS will tailor your PD Plan according to: the chosen goal your competency profile your job role your geographic location Colorado’s New Quality Rating and Improvement System
Preparing for the PDIS (cont’d)
Post New Slide Get an account There are many free services out there: Gmail AOL Yahoo! Zoho Mail One last, important step Early Childhood Professionals can take to get ready for the PDIS is to establish an individual account. This account will be your Username in the PDIS and it will be the account that individualized s are sent to about different aspects of your professional development. We know that a few programs have one program-wide account that all individuals use, but it’s important that this is unique to you. There are plenty of free services out there, you can see some listed there on the screen or you can do an internet search for free services and chose one of those. Transition: Now that we’ve explored ways that you and the Early Childhood Professionals who work for you can begin to prepare for PDIS. Let’s take a look at some important timelines.
System Development Summer and Fall 2014
PDIS Timelines Post New Slide System Development Summer and Fall 2014 User Acceptance Fall 2014 Pilot Fall and Winter2014/15 Full Rollout Spring 2015 This is a high level timeline of PDIS. The Colorado Department of Education or CDE, is currently in the thick of system development for PDIS and will start user acceptance testing this fall. User acceptance testing is when a smaller group of users are engaged to test the system and ensure that it is working as designed. CDE will be conducting a pilot with some Colorado Shines programs in the winter months and are planning a full rollout in the spring of 2015. Transition: Now we’ve talked about how you and your staff members can prepare for PDIS, so let’s go back to the Quality Ratings Improvement system and talk about how program administrators can begin to prepare for Level 2 achievement. If you have a flip chart agenda, this is a good place to walk over to it and check off the agenda items you’ve completed to show progress to the participants.
Level 2 Quality Indicator Self Assessment Readiness Checklist
Post New Slide Level 2 Quality Indicator Self Assessment Readiness Checklist ABOUT THE NEXT GENERATION QRIS QUALITY INDICATOR SELF-ASSESSMENT READINESS CHECKLIST Developed based on key quality elements research, this tool will be a support for programs as they start their quality improvement journey. This is a tool for use as a readiness checklist and to inform the program’s quality improvement plan under “Learning Environment”. A Quality Improvement plan is a requirement for a program to reach a Level 2 quality rating. This tool will be a “yes/no” checklist, completed for each classroom serving children Infant through Preschool As part of the Level 2 indicators, programs must complete a quality self assessment. This is something you can do ahead of time, in preparation for the level 2 license. This assessment will be used by Licensing Specialists to award a Quality Level 2 license The assessment is complete and will be available for programs to do a self check within the next few weeks in order to start getting ready for next steps. A program can complete the assessment for each classroom to prepare for the Level 2 rollout. It is in a word document format that can be completed online or printed and completed on paper. This assessment was developed based on some key quality indicators, based in research. The next two slides will show a snapshot of the worksheet and indicators
Level 2 Self Assessment Preview
Post New Slide This is the Level 2 Self Assessment Form. There are three sections, for: All programs to complete Only preschool classrooms Only Infant/Toddler classrooms
Level 2 Self Assessment Preview (Continued)
Post New Slide This screen shows an example of some of the indicators a program must meet in order to meet the Level 2 Criteria. By completing this, a program can know where they can focus in order to be sure they are able to meet those requirements as they work toward level 2 This form can be completed on a computer or printed for teaching teams and/or administrators to complete. Be sure to save it in a computer or paper file designated for Colorado Shines Quality Improvement Ratings.
Level 2 Quality Indicator Self Assessment Readiness Checklist: Topics
Post New Slide Here are some of the categories that will be reviewed in the self assessment: Language Development Materials Group Time and Group Play Activities Relationships Learning Activities Equipment and Materials Here are the high level categories that will be explored in the self assessment: Language and Development Materials Group Time and Group Play Activities Relationships Learning Activities Equipment and Materials
Level 2 Quality Indicator Self Assessment Readiness Checklist: Purpose
Post New Slide Licensing Specialist Your specialist will be using this tool to help identify current program strengths They will review this assessment with program directors Quality Improvement Plan The checklist will guide a program’s QIP by providing a framework of quality indicators. Programs can complete their own self assessment to begin building upon existing strengths and looking for areas of growth Starting this Fall several Licensing Specialists will pilot the use of the Quality Indicator Report. They will collect this data, share with the program, and provide feedback. The Quality Indicators Report will remain valid up to 18 months or until a program’s next licensing visit while they are working through the level 2 quality block. Developing a Quality Improvement plan will be part of Level 2. If the self assessment or licensing Quality Indicator Report indicates an area of need, this can be the first step in developing your plan.
Program Planning Activities:
Post New Slide Document Management Obtain Environment Rating System Tools Let’s summarize, in the form of a ‘checklist’ some of the things that you can do as an Early Childhood Professional, or as an Administrator of your Early Childhood Program, to prepare for the Quality Ratings Improvement System (QRIS) and the Professional Development Information System (PDIS). Remember, both of these systems are a part of our ‘Colorado Shines Initiative’. Document management is a great place to start – ensure files are up to date and any quality improvement plans are current and documented, prepare document items that relate to points earned from the point structure guide Plan to add the appropriate ERS tool to our staff resource library for review, as these are the tools that will be used as part of the Learning Environment Assessment. Prepare your teaching teams for this change. Challenge your teams to set goals, work together to get ready for next steps. Watch for upcoming messages with speaking points that may be helpful to you as communicate with your staff about Colorado Shines. Make the most of your next visit. Your licensing specialists will become your partner is supporting your Quality journey. They will provide information to help you navigate systems, and encourage your participation and progress Be sure to stay connected. Visit the website, sign up for the newsletter, attend meetings held by your Early Childhood partners (ECCs CCRRs) Make the most of your next Licensing visit Prepare Your Teaching Teams Set Program Goals Visit the
Resources and Communication Tools
Post New Slide CDHS’s Office of Early Childhood QRIS Fact Sheet QRIS FAQs QRIS Webinar QRIS Timeline Alternative Pathways Information CDE's Office of Early Learning and School Readiness PDIS Fact Sheet PDIS 101 PDIS Key Messages PDIS FAQs PDIS Top 10 List Please stay tuned, and watch for communication from us. We know this a lot of information to digest in a single session, but we’ll continue to forward messages, every other week with a specific focus and related attachments. You may wish to prepare a Colorado Shines binder or file so you can keep all of the necessary documents and information at your fingertips. Of course, you can always find documentation, Fact Sheets and FAQ documents on our Office of Early Childhood Website, as well as at the Colorado Department of Education website. If you brought handouts, please remind people to take them with. Especially if they’d like to use them to discuss these initiatives with their staff members.
Implementation-What does it look like?
Post New Slide Programs whose Qualistar rating will expire in October, November and December will be re-rated using the current Qualistar rating. First wave of Colorado Shines QRIS Qualistar rating expires in Jan-Mar 2015 High CCCAP numbers Low Qualistar rating and high CCCAP Alternative pathways High CCCAP and ELV member We’ve covered the what, why and how….elements of this session. Now let’s discuss When! Here are some important implementation time frames. Implementation will occur in phases. Programs whose Qualistar rating will expire in Oct, Nov, and December will be re-rated using the current Qualistar rating. The first wave of Colorado Shines QRIS programs will be: Qualistar rating expires in January, February, March 2015 High CCCAP numbers Low Qualistar rating and high CCCAP Alternative pathways (NAEYC, NAFCC, etc.) High CCCAP and ELV member The supports that will be in place for the first wave (in addition to existing supports): Getting Ready for the PDIS Guide-by Oct. 1, 2014 Initial registration and QRIS Level 2 Courses live on the PDIS (for pilot sights) by Nov. 1, 2014
Small Group Activity and Report Out
Post New Slide What excites you about what you have heard today? What concerns you about what you have heard today? What else can we provide to ease the transition to the new QRIS? What other things would you like us to know? Facilitate a World-Café Style Activity. This is appropriate for larger groups (greater than 10), and only for a 2 hour session. If smaller than 10, either break into two groups or facilitate a full room discussion. Introduce the Activity. We’re now going to do a small group activity so that you have an opportunity to discuss some of your questions, concerns with your colleagues. It’s important to us that each of you have a chance to talk about this today. In a moment I’m going to ask you to divide into small groups and discuss the questions I have posted on the slide. Please have someone in your group record your group’s answers on the Summit Feedback Form. After about 10 minutes, we’ll report out. Suggest that each group identify a ‘scribe’ and a ‘presenter’. The scribe will take notes, and the presenter will report back to the larger group. I anticipate that you will have some excellent questions, some that we might not have anticipated yet – so we’ll take some time to discuss your thoughts, because we really want to hear from you! If there are questions that come up that I am unable to respond to, I’ll put them on the parking lot list, and I commit to follow-up on those parking lot items. Explain how you want them to divide. if you have 10 people, consider dividing into pairs…. if you have 15 people, divide into groups of 3s. If you have 40 people….divide into groups of 5. You get the idea! The smaller the group, the more likely every person will get to talk.
Small Group Activity and Report Out
Slide remains posted What excites you about what you have heard today? What concerns you about what you have heard today? What else can we provide to ease the transition to the new QRIS? What other things would you like us to know? Introduce the Questions Encourage the group to spend a couple of minutes on teach of the questions. If they have extra time, they can come back to one they feel like they need to discuss at greater length. What excites you about what you have heard today? What concerns you about what you have heard today? What else can we provide to ease the transition into the new Colorado Shines QRIS? What other things would you like us to know? Wander Around the Room During the 10 minute time period, wander around to the different groups – not lingering too long at any one place – listen to the discussions and be available to answer questions. Also – make a mental note of any themes or trends so you can be sure to address them during the debrief. Debrief the Activity Watch the clock….if you have plenty of time left and the conversations are going well – you can give them a bit more time to talk. This is a very important part of the session. Make a final round visiting each table and ask them if they’re about ready to regroup. Consider providing a ‘2 minute’ warning. Gather the group back together, and explain that you’re going to ask one person from each table team to report out. As the groups report out – write down key themes on a blank flip chart page and discuss. Allow other teams to comment. Maybe ask – did anyone else have this same concern or idea? Move on until each group has had an opportunity to talk. Allow an appropriate amount of time for each team to feel heard, but don’t allow your discussion to move into sidebar conversation or tangents. If you need to re-group…respectfully say, I wish we had more time to talk about this right now, maybe we can continue this conversation after the session? I want to be sure I’m respectful of your time, and have an opportunity to answer whatever questions you may have related to Colorado Shines, so is it ok if we continue through our agenda and stay on task? The good news is, by the time you’ve completed this exercise, you will have completed most of the Q&A portion of the session. Thank everyone for participating, and reiterate that their contributions are so important to this process!
Let’s take some time to answer your questions about QRIS and PDIS.
Post New Slide You’re almost there! Walk over to the agenda flip chart, and check off all of the remaining boxes. Explain that you’ve completed all of the items on the agenda, and left a few minutes for open forum question and answer. Ask them ‘ What other questions or comments do you have for me?’ Allow a silence to pass, and wait for someone in the group to break the silence, either by asking a question, or saying that they think they’ve had an opportunity to voice all of their questions and comments. When the questioning draws to a close – refer back to the parking lot list, and note any questions that you were unable to address. Explain that you’re writing them down (or taking a picture in the case of a white board), and that you will get back to ….name the person….with an answer. You will ask that person to get back to the group. Let’s take some time to answer your questions about QRIS and PDIS.
We appreciate your participation!
THANK YOU! We appreciate your participation! Post New Slide Thank everyone one last time, especially the person who assisted with the scheduling and logistics for this session. Plan to stick around for 15 minutes or so after the session, there will undoubtedly be someone who wants to connect with you personally. When you’re ready to break down the technology and your facilitation supplies, if people are still talking, you can ask them to walk with you while you begin to put things away. That typically sends a graceful, but non-verbal message that you need to wrap-up! Great Job, by the way! Thank you for facilitating the session!
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