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Annual Meeting 2015. 2 Agenda —Opening of the Meeting —Convocation, Scrutineers and Quorum —Adoption of the Minutes —Election of the Directors —Appointment.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Meeting 2015. 2 Agenda —Opening of the Meeting —Convocation, Scrutineers and Quorum —Adoption of the Minutes —Election of the Directors —Appointment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Meeting 2015

2 2 Agenda —Opening of the Meeting —Convocation, Scrutineers and Quorum —Adoption of the Minutes —Election of the Directors —Appointment of the Auditors —Advisory Vote on Executive Remuneration —Shareholder Proposals —Presentation of 2014 Financial Statements —Presentation of the First Quarter 2015 Financial Results —Miscellaneous —Adjournment of the Meeting

3 3 ›› John LeBoutillier Chairman of the Board of iA Financial Group

4 Welcome

5 Annual Meeting 2015

6 6 Who Can Vote? —Shareholders —Participating Policyholders

7 Annual Meeting 2015

8 8 ›› Minutes Annual Meeting of May 8, 2014

9 Annual Meeting 2015

10 10 ›› Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors

11 11 Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors —Scope —Long-term vision

12 12 —High benefit —Accounting value on the rise —Solvency ratio higher than regulatory requirements Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors

13 13 —Quarterly dividend: + 14% Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors

14 14 Board Activity MeetingsNumberParticipation rate Board of Directors 796.4% Board Committees 1794.1% Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors

15 15 Jocelyne Bourgon Denyse Chicoyne Danielle G. Morin Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors Three New Nominees

16 16 Michel Gervais Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors Departure of One Director

17 17 —Know-how —Professionalism —Thoroughness Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors

18 Annual Meeting 2015

19 19 ›› Election of Directors

20 20 Directors Eligible for Election —For the Shareholders  Jocelyne Bourgon  Pierre Brodeur  Denyse Chicoyne  Yvon Charest  Michael Hanley  John LeBoutillier  Jacques Martin  Francis McGuire  Mary C. Ritchie

21 21 Directors Eligible for Election —For the Participating Policyholders  Robert Coallier  L.G. Serge Gadbois  Claude Lamoureux  Danielle G. Morin  Jim Pantelidis

22 Annual Meeting 2015

23 23 Election of Directors for the Participating Policyholders L.G. Serge Gadbois Claude Lamoureux Robert Coallier

24 24 Election of Directors for the Participating Policyholders Jim Pantelidis Danielle G. Morin

25 Annual Meeting 2015

26 26 Election of Directors for the Shareholders Pierre Brodeur Yvon Charest Jocelyne Bourgon

27 27 Election of Directors for the Shareholders Michael Hanley John LeBoutillier Denyse Chicoyne

28 28 Election of Directors for the Shareholders Jacques Martin Francis McGuire Mary C. Ritchie

29 Annual Meeting 2015

30 30 ›› Appointment of the Auditors

31 Annual Meeting 2015

32 32 ›› Advisory Vote on Executive Remuneration

33 33 ›› Shareholder Proposals

34 Annual Meeting 2015

35 35 ›› Yvon Charest President and Chief Executive Officer

36 36 ›› Overview of 2014

37 37 Overview of 2014 —Record net income: $400.4M —Return on shareholder equity (ROE): 12.4% —Book value per share: $33.83

38 38 Overview of 2014 —Premiums and deposits: $7.5B —Assets under management and administration: $109.5B

39 39 Overview of 2014 —Clients: at the centre of our concerns —Distributors: business partners —Employees: challenging careers

40 40 Our Strengths —Distribution: sustainable relationships —Execution: Lean and Net Promoter Score —Talent development: long-term vision

41 41 Our Challenges —Aging population (demographics) —Interest rates —Regulatory environment

42 42 Understanding the Consumer of Tomorrow —Technologies —Financial products and advice —Quality of our service

43 43 ›› First Quarter 2015 Results

44 44 First Quarter 2015 Results —Assets under management and administration: $114.7B —Premiums and deposits: $2B

45 45 First Quarter 2015 Results —Net income: $104.9M —Solvency ratio: 211.0% (target: 175% to 200%)

46 46 Our Commitment —Growth —Creating long-term value

47 Thank you!

48 Annual Meeting 2015

49 49 ›› Question Period

50 Annual Meeting 2015

51 51 ›› Results of the Vote

52 52 Results of the Vote —Election of Directors representing Shareholders NAMEFORWITHHELD% Jocelyne Bourgon Pierre Brodeur Yvon Charest Denyse Chicoyne Michael Hanley John LeBoutillier Jacques Martin Francis P. McGuire Mary C. Ritchie

53 53 Results of the Vote —Election of Directors representing Policyholders NAMEFORWITHHELD% Robert Coallier L.G. Serge Gadbois Claude Lamoureux Danielle G. Morin Jim Pantelidis

54 54 Results of the Vote — Appointment of Auditors: Deloitte LLP FOR AGAINST TOTAL Accepted/Rejected %

55 55 Results of the Vote — Stock Option Plan: Amend the Stock Option Plan to increase the number of shares reserved for issuance under the Plan. FOR AGAINST TOTAL Accepted/Rejected %

56 56 Results of the Vote — Shareholder Proposals FOR AGAINST TOTAL Accepted/Rejected % Proposal no. 1: FOR AGAINST TOTAL Accepted/Rejected % Proposal no. 2: FOR AGAINST TOTAL Accepted/Rejected % Proposal no. 3:

57 57 Results of the vote — Advisory Resolution: Advisory Resolution to accept the approach to executive compensation as disclosed in the information. FOR AGAINST TOTAL Accepted/Rejected %

58 Annual Meeting 2015

59 59 ›› Miscellaneous

60 60 ›› Adjournment of the Meeting

61 Annual Meeting 2015

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