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Supporting English Language Learners in the Era of New Standards: New Paradigms, New Technologies, New Data. Kenji Hakuta 1December 8, 2014Accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting English Language Learners in the Era of New Standards: New Paradigms, New Technologies, New Data. Kenji Hakuta 1December 8, 2014Accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting English Language Learners in the Era of New Standards: New Paradigms, New Technologies, New Data. Kenji Hakuta 1December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

2 2 History Quiz! December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

3 Major Shifts in the New Standards (language and literacy) ELA/LiteracyMathematicsScience Regular practice with complex text and its vocabulary Building knowledge through content-rich informational texts Emphasis on reading, writing, and speaking that is grounded in evidence from the text Provide opportunities for student access to the different mathematical (discourse) practices described in the CCSS Support mathematical discussions and use a variety of participation structures Focus on students’ mathematical reasoning, NOT on students’ flawed or developing language Developing and using models Constructing explanations (for science) and developing solutions (for engineering) Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information December8,2014December8,2014 Accountability Institute3

4 Source: Tina Cheuk at Understanding Language Sources: Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, p7. Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice p6-8. Next Generation Science Standards & A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas, Chapter 3: 41-82. Venn Diagram for CCSS-Math Practices, CCSS-ELA/Literacy student capacities, & NGSS practices December 8, 2014Accountability Institute4

5 5 Language Mostly vocabulary, Grammar Old Paradigm December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

6 6 Discourse Text (complex text) Explanation Argumentation Purpose Typical structure of text Sentence structures ΔVocabulary Practices LanguageContent New Paradigm December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

7 California ELA/ELD Framework 7December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

8 California - CCSS Shifts (ELA/ELD Framework) 8 Impact implementation December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

9 California - CCSS Shifts (ELA/ELD Framework) 9 Unprecedented level of collaboration and coordination December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

10 “Doing” with Language 10 resource for making meaning December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

11 “Doing” with Language 11 Resource for achieving specific purposes December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

12 “Doing” with Language 12 Meaningful interaction with others and with complex texts December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

13 Simple MOOC/language theory Three Legs of the Language Stool Learning through discourse. Interacting with complex text and images. Writing /speaking about evidence, reasoning and argument. December 8, 2014Accountability Institute13

14 December 8, 2014Accountability Institute14

15 c-MOOCs “c” is for … connectivity, collaborative, constructivist, creative, collective… Applied as… …take a SCOOP of language and analyze, reflect, share, collaborate December 8, 2014Accountability Institute15

16 c-MOOCs “c” is for … connectivity, collaborative, constructivist, creative, collective… Applied as… …take a SCOOP of language and analyze, reflect, share, collaborate December 8, 2014Accountability Institute16

17 Early MOOC Momentum MOOCs as teacher professional development, aimed at elevating academically rich student-to-student conversations Fall 2013 Pilot Constructive Classroom Conversations MOOC9336 enrolled Spring 2014 Constructive Classroom Conversations: Mastering Language for the Common Core State Standards (Elementary & Secondary) 4740 enrolled Mastering Language for the Common Core State Standards: Focus on Mathematics in Elementary Grades 4324 enrolled Learning from Your Students: A Lab Course in Formative Assessment in the Era of the Common Core State Standards 1181 enrolled December 8, 2014Accountability Institute17

18 Current MOOC Courses December 8, 2014Accountability Institute18

19 December 8, 2014Accountability Institute19

20 Partnership Overview: Key Initiatives Seattle Public Schools Los Angeles Unified School District Santa Ana Unified School District Oakland Unified School District San Francisco Unified School District - Formative assessment practices and constructive classroom conversations - Formative assessment teacher filming and coaching - EL Teacher Fellowship / MOOC professional development - Formative assessment teacher filming and coaching - EL Teacher Fellowship / MOOC professional development - CCSS Language in K-5 Multilingual Pathways and in Mathematics - Formative assessment teacher coaching and filming - Hybrid MOOC professional development - Readers Workshop and science professional development - Hybrid MOOC professional development - Readers Workshop and science professional development December 8, 2014Accountability Institute20

21 Seattle Public Schools InitiativeHybrid MOOC Professional Development Timeline2013 - ongoing GoalsRegional teacher collaboration on readings, application of the Conversation Analysis Tool (CAT) and peer experiences when applying new learning ScopeSpring 2014: 16 secondary teachers, 67 elementary teacher Fall 2014: 33 secondary teachers, 70 elementary teachers Spring 2015: 125 teachers (projected) Description Teachers enroll in Constructive Classroom Conversations: Mastering Language for College and Career Readiness Attend pre-MOOC sessions and PLCs supported by ELL coaches who attended the Fall 2013 pilot course ContactsVeronica Gallardo: December 8, 2014Accountability Institute21

22 Seattle Public Schools InitiativeConstructive Conversations and Readers Workshop and Science Professional Development TimelineFall 2014 to Spring 2015 GoalsDistrict wide implementation of language learning in core subject areas – The convergence of CCSS and Language ScopePhase 1 – 130 ELL certificated teachers and 160 ELL IA staff Phase 2 and 3 – All certificated staff DescriptionIncorporate constructive conversations and reading assessment tool into guided reading time and into Next Generation Science Standards ContactsVeronica Gallardo: Narcita Eugenio: December 8, 2014Accountability Institute22

23 LAUSD InitiativeEL Teacher Fellowship / MOOC Professional Development TimelineFall/Winter 2014 Goals Build an EL Professional Learning Network Increase teacher capacity around constructive conversations and formative assessment Scope95 elementary teachers Description EL Teacher Fellows participate in 30 hours of in-person training (5 Saturday classes) and 30 hours of online PD through the MOOC course Constructive Classroom Conversations: Mastering Language for College and Career Readiness ContactsMaricela Sanchez: December 8, 2014Accountability Institute23

24 OUSD InitiativeFormative Assessment Teacher Coaching and Filming TimelineFall 2014 Goals(goals of collaboration) Scope3 secondary math teachers Description Teachers received coaching and lesson planning support from Stanford coach around the use of formative assessment with a focus on language, including the use of mathematical reasoning and argumentation analysis tools. Teachers were filmed teaching two-four lessons each. Lesson footage to be used for professional development ContactsNicole Knight: December 8, 2014Accountability Institute24

25 Future Understanding Language MOOC Offerings January 2015Essential Practices for Developing Academic Language and Literacy in Every Subject (a joint course with UC Davis) Spring 2015 Constructive Classroom Conversations: Mastering Language for College and Career Readiness (Elementary & Secondary) Mastering Language for the Common Core State Standards: Focus on Middle School English Language Arts Mastering Language for the Common Core State Standards: Focus on Elementary Mathematics In the works:Science, Social Studies, Dual Language / Bilingual, and Leadership MOOCs December 8, 2014Accountability Institute25

26 Assignment: Analyze and Score Conversations ( December 8, 2014 Accountability Institute

27 Participant Learning December 8, 2014 Accountability Institute

28 Local Character 28December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

29 December 8, 2014Accountability Institute29

30 Think of this more like “Citizen Science” than as “MOOC”. December 8, 2014Accountability Institute30

31 Teacher Learning and Student Learning supported by student language products of learning 31 Teacher Learning Student Learning December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

32 Research Problems of Practice Empirically-based learning progressions Formative assessment practice Student evaluation Observation of instruction Evaluation of curriculum and materials Research Issues Database Construction Curation of data Natural Language Processing Definition of Expertise Community Facilitation 32December 8, 2014Accountability Institute

33 Networked Collaborations focused on Language Products of Learning Accountability Institute33 650-862-2891 December 8, 2014

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