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Joyce KWOK 郭燕薇校長 CCC Kei San Secondary School 中華基督教會基新中學

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Presentation on theme: "Joyce KWOK 郭燕薇校長 CCC Kei San Secondary School 中華基督教會基新中學"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joyce KWOK 郭燕薇校長 CCC Kei San Secondary School 中華基督教會基新中學
Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

2 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Get Ready ! Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

3 Sharing on Fieldwork Online Course
Teacher Briefing P & VPs / SDC Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

4 Sharing on Fieldwork Online Course
Teacher Briefing P & VPs / SDC Forward message to senior teachers Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

5 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Choices from Senior Teachers S.D.C. liaison Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

6 CCC Kei San Secondary School
GO ! Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

7 Ideally On line course (for ~ 2 months) Group discussions Feedback
Application to school’s needs Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

8 In Real Life ! On line course (for ~ 2 months) Group discussions
Feedback Application to school’s needs Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

9 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Pros. Content User friendly Useful in general At beginners level Variety of topics of current concern Theory back up with examples Well-designed worksheet Simple English Flexible Time Easily Accessible Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

10 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Cons. Demand strong self-discipline & very focused goals Get lost : because of complicated hyperlink Experience & examples not HK cases Setting action plan is feasible only if follow-up by peer discussion Lack of personal profile Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

11 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Suggestions Reward : School / EMB recognition e.g. CPD hours For validation of CPD hours, can be based on: - Action Plan - Learning hours “as quoted” by the course Liaise with HKIED or Faculties of Education for HK cases Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

12 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Suggestions Focused topics / area of study Buddies / Study Group Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

13 for studying this course
Suggestions Focused topics / area of study Buddies / Study Group Action Learning is the GOAL for studying this course Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

14 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Why should I ? Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

15 CCC Kei San Secondary School
SWOT Analysis S.M.A.R.T. Goals P.I.E. T.R.E.E. K.I.S.S. Plan Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

16 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Creativity SCAMPER Sternberg's 25 ways Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

17 High Order Thinking Skills
Bloom's Taxonomy Mind Mapping Edward de Bono Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

18 Support the Very Able Child
Brain Function Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

19 Diversified Education Needs
Learning Support S.E.N. A.D.H.D. Diversified Education Needs K.A.V. Conduct Disorder Emotion Disorder Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

20 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Curriculum Leader Professional Spiritual Leader Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

21 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Curriculum Leader data Knowledge Value & Perspectives Wisdom Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

22 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Spiritual Leader Appreciation Celebration Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

23 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Yes...... but how ??? Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

24 Self-fulfillment… Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Self-expression Belonging : acceptance, etc. Security : shelter, warmth, etc. Physiological Needs : hunger, thirst, sleep, etc. Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

25 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Stress & Challenges Flight Flow Fight Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

26 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Short Story Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

27 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Be Professional !!! Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

28 We can if we believe we can.
Be proud of being Professional !!! We can if we believe we can. Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

29 CCC Kei San Secondary School
Thank you ! Joyce KWOK CCC Kei San Secondary School

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