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Published byLouise Lawson Modified over 9 years ago
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA Regional Processing Office St Louis, MO Schedule 8AM – 12PM 1PM – 4PM Q&A – 4-5PM July 14, 2014 2
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, and updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Breakout training sessions scheduled this week: - VAONCE Web Based Enrollment Instructions - Yellow Ribbon under Chapter 33 - Non – Yellow Ribbon - OJT, LACAS, Centralized Certification - Study Abroad, Fees, Approvals - New SCO Time Management - Academic progress, probation, suspension - Joint Service Transcripts - VA Work Study Large group training will involve VA Annual Reporting Fees, E Benefits, FTA, POE, CH31, VA Debt Collection, TOP, VA compliance surveys, other topics on the agenda, and a daily Question and Answer session AVECO SCO Training
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION SCO location at College & (full or part time VA) Know your ELR, ECSS, SAA and RPO Receive E-mails from ELR/Use RNW email to RPO as VA certifying official Refer to VA education web site Paper form or VAONCE web based system Institutional academic requirements Direct deposit for institutional tuition & fee payments Certifying modality of instruction Certifying net charges Certifying nonstandard terms Growth in VA student enrollment activity at institutions Start Up Questions for today? Agenda and Topics – New VA Certifying Officials Survey of Certifying Officials
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Other areas of interest or concern: Assisting VA students with questions on their benefits, eligibility, and payment questions? Internal communications with Business Office, Registrar, and Financial Aid Office Monitoring VA student enrollments Annual Reporting Fee payments VA training time measurements (Graduate and Undergraduate) Student monthly self verification Chapter 33 Institution & student debts Survey of Certifying Officials
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA paper payment reports sent to institutions Institutions concerned with VA DMC debt letters and TOP Principles of Excellence SCO devotes a large portion of time assisting VA students SCO monitoring has increased substantially due to increased enrollments and certification requirements involving Chapter 33 Compliance Surveys SCO Area of Interest
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION There are four (4) VA Regional Processing Offices (RPO) located at Buffalo NY for the Northeastern region, Atlanta, GA for Southeastern region, St Louis, MO for the Central region, and Muskogee, OK for the Western region. - Jurisdiction for the RPO’s is based on the school approval address location. - Effective June 1, 2014 the following States reassigned the VA Education Liaison Representatives and Education Compliance Survey Specialists from St Louis VA RPO to: Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana – Muskogee RPO Tennessee and Kentucky – Atlanta RPO West Virginia – Buffalo RPO Applications and enrollments for these States were retained by the St Louis VA RPO. VA Regional Processing Offices
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The jurisdiction of the St Louis VA RPO is 18 States Responsibilities for: Processing all applications received by veterans and dependents for our region Processing all enrollments and changes to enrollment data for all schools and training establishments in our region VA work study program Providing service to veterans, dependents, and SCO’s in researching and responding to questions in Right Now Web emails St Louis VA Regional Processing Office
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION As of April 2014 nationwide total VA enrollment of VA beneficiaries: Nationwide Enrollment Data Total743,339 CH33562,14076% CH3035,8975% CH3559,0238% CH160637,4515% CH16077,3471% CH322 CH31 - Vocational Rehab35,897
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION IHL (6663) Non Degree (3083) Public 2,346 625 Pvt Profit1,777 2,264 Pvt Non Prof2,540 194 Total active institutions – 10,032 * As of April 2014 Nationwide Nationwide Active Institutions
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Total number of active schools – 11,260 Total number of VA students – 1,119,892 St Louis Regional Processing Office Data Total number of active schools – 2,986 (27%) Total number of VA students – 287,845 (26%) Annual Reporting Fee Nationwide Payment for 2013 - $13,451,925.00 VA Nationwide 2013 Students Awarded Benefits
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Where VA students enroll: *(Non degree institutions, OJT/APPR, Vocational Flight, Correspondence) Training Type 4 year institutions46% 2 year institutions36% Graduate level8% All other types*10%
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Student Applies RPO School Certifies VONAPP VA-ONCE Paper How it Begins--
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The Image Management System VCE U. S. Treasury Austin, TX RPO Request Info ELR SCO Student Authorizer + Write Award
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION WE NEED YOU 18 School VA (ELR) Students Military Reserves Other Schools State Approving Agency (SAA) Certifying Official The success of VA educational programs depends largely on you, as a certifying official. Your work on behalf of your institution in assisting VA students is critical in the processing and payment of veterans educational benefits. We could not do our job without you.
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION What do the following mean and what is their purpose or function? St Louis VA Regional Processing Office WEAMS TIMS BDN DOD LTS ELR ECSS SAA
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Access from under school resources National SCO Handbook VAONCE Quick Reference User Guide Online school certifying official training FAQ’s VA Education Benefit Chapter Information Principles of Excellence, Treasury Offset Program ELR Technical Assistance & VAONCE Instruction Workshops in your state sponsored by VA, SAA, or other agencies Webinars ELR VACO Training Resources
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION SCO on line training module sessions Access GI Bill web site Open SCO on line training Register – email and facility code Complete the training modules 1 module is optional on VA benefit chapters SCO module provides training on certifications and monitoring Training Resources
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Education Programs Chapter 30 Chapter 1606 Chapter 1607 Chapter 35 Chapter 31 Chapter 33 Chapter 33 TOE VRAP – CH30 and ended March 2014 SCO Handbook pages 24 - 40 27
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA Form 22-1990 – Application for all chapters (except Ch 35) VA Form 22-1990e – Chapter 33 Transfer of Entitlement VA Form 22-5490 – Chapter 35 original claims and Fry *Updated Form VA Form 22-1995 – All Chapters except Chapter 35 & VA Form 22-5495 – Chapter 35 subsequent claims Student Application forms (paper or on line)
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Common error when applying on line – Failure to hit submit when application completed for a tracking system NOTE: SCO certification of enrollments to VA will not be processed if no application has been submitted by veteran or dependent This information will not be communicated back to SCO that VA does not have application Issues & Concerns with Applications
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Although students may be eligible under more than one education benefit chapter, they cannot use more than 48 months total between multiple chapters. Public Law 111-377 – Persons entering active duty on or after August 1, 2011 can only utilize one period of military service for one VA education benefit chapter Individuals may be eligible for more than 1 benefit chapter now based on eligibility based on multiple veterans (Chapter 35 DEA, Chapter 33 Transfer of Benefits, Fry Amendment), and veteran-reserve- national guard service, AGR32 (active guard reserve) Maximum of 48 Months of Entitlement
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Benefit Chapter Resource Access VA National SCO Handbook (pages 24 – 41) which contains comparison information on each benefit chapter. -Provides information on student application forms -Provides information for each benefit chapter -Provides eligibility and entitlement information -GI bill web site provides assistance in finding schools and comparing institutional programs and costs 31
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation) 32 This program assists Veterans with service-connected disabilities to prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs. The Vocational Rehab program is NOT administered by RPO Does count against the 48 months Educational Benefits Does use the same certification process as VA Education Pays the student a monthly stipend based on dependents or BAH rates Requires communication between the Chapter 31 Voc Rehab Case Manager and the SCO Pays the school directly for tuition/books/supplies Important: Chapter 31 is not processed by RPO; however those who want CH33 BAH rate under CH31 must apply to RPO for determination of eligibility
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Post-9/11 GI Bill - Chapter 33 33 For service members who served on active duty after 9/10/2001 Eligibility from 40 – 100% based on military service period(s) determines benefit payments Pays up to full in-state tuition and fees at Public Schools Pays up to $ 20,235.02 (effective 8/1/14) for tuition and fees per academic year at Private School (VA Academic year – 8/1 – 7/31) $19,138.31 effective 8/1/2013 for (8/1/13 – 7/31/14) Stipend for Books and Supplies – Maximum $1,000 per VA academic year based on 24 total credits within VA academic year at $41.67 per credit DOD “kickers” can transfer to CH33 from Chapters 30, 1606 & 1607
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Post-9/11 GI Bill - Chapter 33 34 Monthly Housing stipend—military rankE5 w/dep rate (BAH) based on zip code of the approved institutional facility code Transfer of benefits as approved by Dept of Defense Yellow Ribbon Program for participating and approved Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) for VA matching payment for IHL contribution to reduce student tuition
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 Individuals should carefully consider their education goals before applying and electing benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill VA can provide general benefit comparison information, however, an individual’s unique circumstances must also be considered Benefit comparison information is available at Individuals who establish eligibility for the Post-9/11 GI Bill must make an irrevocable election if they are: Eligible for either MGIB-AD, MGIB-SR or REAP; or A member of the Armed Forces who is eligible to receive MGIB- AD benefits and who is making the basic $1200 contribution toward MGIB-AD 35
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 36 Service Requirements (after 9/10/01 an individual must serve an aggregate of) % of Maximum Benefit Payable At least 36 months100 At least 30 continuous days on active duty (Must be discharged due to service-connected disability) 100 At least 30 months, but less than 36 months90 *At least 24 months, but less than 30 months80 *At least 18 months, but less than 24 months70 *At least 12 months, but less than 18 months60 *At least 06 months, but less than 12 months50 *At least 90 days, but less than 06 months40
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 37 Benefits to attend NCDs, OJT/APP, Flight, Correspondence Break pay no longer available (all chapters) Active Duty may receive less than 100% Housing payments affected by Rate of pursuit (ROP) Housing for Distance Learners Books for Active Duty
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 Yellow Ribbon 38 Program to help pay some/all of unmet charges at IHLs School must enter into agreement with VA School can contribute up to half of unmet charges and VA matches amount Only available to 100% tier AD, Spouses of AD, & Fry Scholarship not eligible
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION U.S. Public Schools: The actual net cost for in-state tuition and fees after the application of any waiver, scholarship, aid, or assistance [other than Title IV funds] Private and Foreign Schools: The lesser of the actual net cost for tuition and fees after the application of any waiver, scholarship, aid, or assistance [other than Title IV funds], or $20,235.02 for the academic year beginning on August 1, 2014 CH33 Post-9/11 GI Bill – Tuition & Fees
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Before reporting Tuition and Fees apply… Federal aid (excluding Title IV funds) Waiver/Discount in tuition and fees Scholarships for tuition or fees State, institutional, or employer-based aid or assistance NOTE: Aid or assistance not designated for the sole purpose of reducing a student’s tuition and fee cost should NOT be excluded from the net in-state charges reported to VA. CH33 Post-9/11 GI Bill – Tuition & Fees
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 41 The amount payable for the Monthly Housing Allowance for any academic year (beginning on August 1) will be based upon the BAH rates effective on January 1 of that year. This means that Monthly Housing Allowance rates for chapter 33 awards will change effective August 1 of each year, and not on January 1. Distance Learning: Individuals only enrolled in distance learning courses will be eligible for a monthly housing allowance equal to 50% of the national average of all Basic Allowances for Housing. Rates will be multiplied by the rate of pursuit rounded to the nearest multiple of 10. Housing allowance is payable to students (Also Excluded: those on active duty or spouse who is a CH33 TOE of an active duty transferor) Chapter 33 Housing
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Private Schools: Annual Cap amount must be reached before Yellow Ribbon (YR) applies $19,138.31 for 8/1/13 – 7/31/14 Exhaust the annual cap amount before certifying YRP VA academic year (8/1 – 7/31) Annual cap rate will increase to $20,235.02 effective 8/1/2014 VAONCE – for those approved at your IHL for YRP set up in VAONCE for CH33 Yellow – report 0 until needed Do NOT certify YRP contributions to VA until the annual cap dollar amount for tuition and fees has been exhausted within VA academic year CH33 Post-9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon Program
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION An individual approved to transfer benefits may: Transfer up to 36 months of benefits (unless DoD/DHS restricts number of months an individual may transfer). Transfer to spouse, child, or children in any amount up to amount transferor has available or amount approved by DoD/DHS. Department of Defense branch of service must approve the serviceperson’s request to transfer benefits. Revoke or modify a transfer request of any unused benefits unless the transferor’s 15-year eligibility period has ended. CH33 Post-9/11 GI Bill Transfer of Entitlement
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA Form 22-1990e is used for those who have been transferred benefits under Ch33 The paper applications and VONAPP forms available on the GI Bill website contain ch33 information A signature is not required in support of applications for education benefits or applications for a change of program or place of training CH33 Post-9/11 GI Bill Transfer of Entitlement
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Spouses: May use after transferor completes 6 years in Armed Forces Paid at transferor’s rate - Cannot be paid monthly housing allowance or books and supplies stipend if the transferor is on active duty when the spouse is receiving benefits Can continue to use benefits if divorced, unless the transferor revokes remaining entitlement Can use benefits up to transferor’s 15-year eligibility period, unless transferor specifies an earlier ending date Not limited to highest in-State tuition and fee rates while transferor in on active duty CH33 Post-9/11 GI Bill Transfer of Entitlement
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Children: Entitlement must be transferred to an unmarried child who has not reached the age of 18 or, if in school, before child is 23 years of age May use benefits after transferor completes 10 years in Armed Forces Must have: reached age 18; or completed requirements of secondary school diploma (or equivalency certificate) Receives veteran rate, including housing allowance & book stipend, even if transferor is on active duty May use until 26 years old even if transferor’s 15-year eligibility period ended May continue to use benefits after marriage CH33 Post-9/11 GI Bill Transfer of Entitlement
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Fry Scholarship as part of Chapter 33- For children of service members who die in the line of duty after Sept 10, 2001 *Application form has been updated recently Have 15 years beginning on 18 th birthday to use the benefit Entitled to 36 months of benefits at the 100% level Not eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program Service member did NOT have to make election for CH33 NOTE: SCO Handbook page 33 CH33 Fry Scholarships for Dependents
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Inform VA of the enrollment status of veterans and other eligible persons. Maintain adequate documentation at the institution to support certifications. Certify enrollments & changes timely to VA. Inform VA or SAA of new programs, changes in programs, institutional changes, etc. Apprise supervisors of any internal problems which may affect service to VA students. NOTE: SCO Handbook pages 16 - 18 Basic SCO Responsibilities
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA requires a veteran or dependent apply to an institution to be a student, have prior credit evaluated, and pursue an approved vocational, educational, or professional objective Student must apply to the institution Student must be in pending status or accepted for enrollment Student pursuing approved program and subjects that apply to program Institutional monitoring for enrollment changes Institutional reporting for modality of instruction Certify accurate net charges of tuition and fees Institutional Requirements
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA Form 22-1999 – Enrollment Certification document contains 8 certification requirements that are beyond the individual student certification: These items are important as they are not in VAONCE when certifying students to VA – majority of institutions utilize VAONCE versus paper documents. VA preference is VAONCE. What is SCO Certifying on Enrollments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION -The 85/15% enrollment ratio requirement has been satisfied -Student is not an owner or officer of the school nor is the student certified as an official authorized to sign enrollment certifications (proprietary schools) -The institution holds no power of attorney agreement authorizing the institution to negotiate VA educational assistance allowance checks -No course certified is a repetition of any course previously satisfactorily completed except as permitted by VA regulations -The course or courses certified are approved by the State Approving Agency and are generally acceptable to meet requirements for the student’s objective What is SCO Certifying on Enrollments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION -The institution has exercised diligence in meeting all applicable requirements of Title 38 USC and any failure by the institution to meet any requirements of the law will be reported promptly to VA -The institution agrees to report promptly to VA any enrollment change and any change due to unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance. Promptly means within 30 days of the enrollment change. Except for students receiving benefits under Chapter 33, the institution need not report an enrollment change for a student who was in full-time attendance before the change and in fulltime after the enrollment change. What is SCO Certifying on Enrollments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION - Understand VA reporting requirements - Communicate with VA students concerning awareness of benefit chapters, application process, and institutional and VA requirements in order to be certified - Certify VA student enrollment accurately and timely - Develop internal monitoring systems - Monitor and report changes to VA within 30 days - Communicate as needed with VA and SAA - Report concerns to institutional management Role of the VA Certifying Official
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION -Monitor unit subjects pursued and certify to VA only those subjects which apply to the student’s program -Monitor student’s grades to insure (s)he is making satisfactory progress and report unsatisfactory progress -Monitor student’s conduct and report when student is suspended/dismissed for unsatisfactory conduct -Monitor monthly to ensure timely reporting of reductions, terminations or increases in training Inform VA of Student Enrollment Status
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION - Generally ELRs experience an SCO turnover rate of approximately 30% each year based on revised designation of certifying official forms submitted - Each change requires updating in our data bases (WEAMS) – approval data, and VAONCE – authorizing new SCO’s access to web based enrollment submissions - Continuing need for training – SCO on line training modules found on the GI Bill web site, SCO National Handbook, and VAONCE User Guide are essential for training and effectively certifying and monitoring students SCO Turnover Issues
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Right Now Web Inquiries VA RPO provides 2 e-mail boxes General public VA Certifying Officials It is important to register in RNW as a school certifying official NOTE: SCO Handbook pages 13 – 14 Internet Inquiries (RNW)
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Internet Inquiries (RNW) SCO Status of certification Tuition and fee payment File number for CH 35 student Hardship case (place in Subject line) Report Academic Probation Clarification of debt Student Remaining entitlement Delimiting date Status of payment Set-up direct deposit Report address change Submit new documents Benefit questions
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION SCO Questions for ELR VA-ONCE Questions Access Training Technical issues Certification Questions Training Unique reporting situations Updated designation of Certifying Official form Program Approval Questions Procedural Questions/New VA Benefits
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA Education Toll Free numbers: -General Number – 1-888-442-4551 -*Special SCO Hotline – 1-855-225-1159 -* Do not give out this number -GI Bill web site for sending secure email to VA RPO St Louis (Right Now Web) ask a question SCO Contacting VA
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Approval authority within State for: New facility approval DEEMED approved approval for all except degree programs of education (majors) Private Profit institutions and non college degree institutions - approval authority Other non accredited institutions approval authority and all non college degree schools Provide technical assistance to SCO Conduct compliance surveys for VA effective 10-1- 2011 Role of the State Approving Agency
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Maintain communication with certifying officials Close working relationship with SAA Interpret VA regulations, policies and procedures SCO State workshops Approval data base Conduct compliance surveys Present information about VA education benefit programs & certification requirements Assist VA RPO St Louis as needed Technical assistance to VA Central Office VAONCE Administrator Conduct EO Investigations Provide support to the CELO Role of the Education Liaison Representative
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA conducts routine periodic compliance surveys to determine if an institution is complying with regulations for approval and certifications. The compliance survey review consists of a random sample of VA student records certified by the SCO to determine if the institution has the internal controls and practices to meet approval requirements. The results of the findings are conveyed to the institution; and in some instances due to the percentage of discrepancies, expanded surveys and complete 100% review of VA certified student records will occur to establish overpayments due to incorrect certifications. Compliance surveys are conducted by both VA and SAA personnel. VA Compliance Surveys
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Promptly notify SCO of changes to enrollment Understand benefit programs Application for benefits Progress and pursuit Contacting VA – inquiries concerning benefit eligibility and benefit payments Understand cause and effect of enrollment changes Student Responsibilities
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION The majority of institutions utilize VAONCE web based enrollment method to certify enrollment data to VA Paper enrollment documents will be accepted: - VA FORM 22-1999 Enrollment Cert - VA FORM 22-1999b Change of student status VAONCE training will be conducted in breakout sessions this week at AVECO St Louis VA Regional Processing Office
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Long Term Solution (LTS) – Chapter 33: VA computer program exported October 2012 at VA Regional Processing Offices to automate enrollment processing of Post 9/11 GI Bill enrollments to reduce processing time Results - 50% automated enrollment processing provided VAONCE enrollment clears edits And an additional 30% of enrollments have partial automated processing Tuition/fee payments released no earlier than 14 days prior to each term start date St Louis VA Regional Processing Office
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Benefit Chapter VA File number Chapter 35 file number and payee # Type of training Name of program Parent or Guest student factors Begin and end dates of terms Term Dates (standard & non-standard) Modality of instruction Net charges for CH33 tuition and fees Enrollment Data
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Up to 120 days before term begins unless– Less than one half time Active military duty Accelerated payment If a student is less than ½-time, on active duty, or certified for accelerated payment the Certification must be submitted on or after the first day of class and tuition and fees must be reported. SCO Handbook page 43 When to Certify Enrollments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Non Chapter 33 can be certified for more than one term at a time (Fall semester 2014 & Spring semester 2015); or multiple non-standard terms Chapter 33 is restricted to one quarter or semester and for non-standard terms limited to equivalent length of a semester or quarter. Certifying Enrollment
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Terms (Semester, Quarter, non standard, or accelerated) Single term or multiple term submission to VA Begin and end dates for each term Report credits for each term - IHL terms – start dates for subjects that begin after first week of term Enrollment Terms
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Nonstandard term certification NCD clock hour reporting IHL credit hour reporting – resident, distance education, practical (externship), remedial Credit for prior training has been evaluated with appropriate credit granted(not reported in VAONCE UPDATE) but documented at institution Remedial/deficiency credit reporting (* must be in residence training and not on line for certification) Subjects do not apply to program requirements Other Monitoring of Enrollment Data
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Prior to certifying: - Obtain and review student term registration schedule Start & end dates of term(s) Number of credits Modality – resident, distance, blended/hybrid, remedial - Obtain student account ledger for charges of tuition & fees – also confirm net charges from other sources to deduct Institutional Source Documents
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Blended or Hybrid pursuit- pages 52 -53 of SCO Handbook (Undergraduate & Graduate) Study Abroad page- page 84 of SCO Handbook Subject Applicability – pages 45-48 of SCO Handbook Undeclared Major – page 45 of SCO Handbook Matriculation – page 45 of SCO Handbook Enrollment Data (Other Issues)
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION How to report credits (differences for Chapter 33 and non Chapter 33 benefits) Non Chapter 33 – resident and distance are not separated Resident – page 52 of SCO Handbook Distance learning – page 52 of SCO Handbook Remedial or deficiency –page 47 of SCO Handbook Practical Training (Internship) – page 48 of SCO handbook) Tuition & Fees – page 44 & 63-69 of SCO Handbook YRP institutional contribution – pages 63-64 of SCO Handbook Public institutions – YRP Non resident tuition – pages 63 – 69 of SCO Handbook Enrollment Data
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Repeating subjects – page 46 of SCO Handbook Audited subjects – page 46 of SCO Handbook Prior credit evaluation – page 49 of SCO Handbook Military Transcripts – Break out session Subject substitution – page 49 of SCO Handbook Rounding Out – page 48 of SCO Handbook Concurrent enrollment – pages 59-60 of SCO Handbook Enrollment Data (Other Issues)
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA may not pay for courses that are not part of the claimant’s program of education. However, for degree courses taken on a quarter, semester, or term basis, rounding out for the last term to complete program is permitted. A claimant may enroll in sufficient credit hours during his or her last term to allow payment of (up to and including) full-time training. Example: 12 semester credits is FT and student needs 4 credits to complete. Can enroll for 8 additional credits for certification to full time. VA Policy for Rounding Out of Last Term
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Process: ELR is point of contact for institution on: -VAONCE MOU -VA Form 22-8794 Designation of Certifying Official form to ELR (OBTAIN FROM ELR) -ELR provides VAONCE log in and password -ACCESS VAONCE USER GUIDE -ACCESS VA NATIONAL SCO HANDBOOK VAONCE
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Functions in VAONCE: -Add new students – BIO Page -Correct SS#, Correct VA file number, Correct benefit Chapter, Type training, and Name of program -Create and submit new enrollments -Single term or multiple terms -VAONCE Filtering systems – managing -Printing VAONCE enrollments -AMEND, ADJUST, TERMINATE VAONCE
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA requires a veteran or dependent apply to an institution to be a student, have prior credit evaluated, and pursue an approved vocational, educational, or professional objective Student must apply to the institution Student must be in pending status or accepted for enrollment Student pursuing approved program and subjects that apply to program Institutional monitoring for enrollment changes Institutional reporting for modality of instruction SCO Enrollments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Ensure student has applied to institution Pending or accepted Has prior credit been evaluated Pursuing approved objective Review student academic term schedule Identify resident, distance, blended/hybrid, remedial or deficiency training, and length of term Review to ensure subjects apply to program Review for repeated subjects Obtain enrollment start and end date for verification of non standard term or accelerated term dates Review institutional student account ledger for costs (confirm net charges to report to VA) Review Prior to Certifying Enrollment
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA training time measurement: Undergraduate credit (semester/quarters) generally 12 credits as minimum full time 9-11 = ¾ and 6-8 = ½ time training Chapter 33 – Rate of pursuit if 12 cr is FT: Training Time Measurement 7 = 58% rounded to 60% 8 = 66% rounded to 70% 9 = 75% rounded to 80% 10 = 83% rounded to 80% 11 = 91% rounded to 90%
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA training time measurement: Undergraduate credit (semester/quarters) Nonstandard term credit hour equivalency based on semester or quarter hour credits calculated on length of term for equivalent training time. Use nonstandard term calculator Also refer to pages 55-59 of SCO Handbook Training Time Measurement
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA training time measurement: Graduate level - credit (semester/quarters) Standard term non CH33 based on institutional academic training time (i.e. FT, ¾, ½) Chapter 33 – enrollment document will contain TT column (Training Time determined by the institution as minimum full time for the term certified. VA calculates TT to credits certified for Rate of Pursuit Training Time Measurement
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA training time measurement: Graduate level - credit (semester/quarters) CH33 – nonstandard terms VA will apply same nonstandard term tool for credit hour equivalency. Training Time Measurement
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Generally report the scheduled beginning and ending date for the term, quarter, or semester. Courses beginning after the calendar week (Sunday – Saturday) that the term, quarter, or semester begins, report the actual date classes begin. Courses ending other than the calendar week your semester ends, report the actual date the classes end. Certify the beginning and ending date of each term separately when certifying multiple terms. Enrollment Rules for Start & End Dates of Terms
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION - Standard term tuition and fees -Flat rate or banded tuition and fees -Identify tuition and fees as appropriate for each term (typically non-standard terms) that may be contained within the semester -Refer to pages 64 – 69 for detailed guidance Enrollment Rules for Certifying Tuition and Fees
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Many Institutions have non standard term dates that may cover 5-8 weeks over the course of the year. These can be certified to VA however for undergraduate we apply the equivalent credit hour conversion to determine training time. For graduate level we require the institution include on the enrollment the level of training time (non CH33 – FT, ¾, ½ etc & for CH33 – the minimum number of graduate credits needed for full time status as required and published by the IHL. Example: 9 graduate credits may be full time for a standard semester by the IHL Enrollment Rules for Start & End Dates of Terms
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Parent institution must approve all subjects in advance for student to be certified by secondary institution to VA under concurrent enrollment Parent institution must obtain from secondary institution end of term grades to confirm completion Guest IHL cannot certify their enrollment to VA pending approval documentation from Parent IHL. Parent IHL will be provided end of term grade report for credits to be applied to program. Guest IHL responsible for reporting enrollment changes Concurrent Enrollment (Guest Student)
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION If a student withdraws during the school’s drop period, identify the adjustment as “During Drop Period”. The drop period is the designated period at the beginning of a term when students can drop and add classes without a withdrawal being recorded on their transcript. For VA purposes the drop date definition cannot be more than 30 days from the beginning date of the quarter, semester, or term. Withdrawing of Credits
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Whether the reason is “During Drop Period” or “After Drop Period” you must identify whether the grade assigned is non- punitive or punitive. The action VA takes differs for non-punitive and punitive grades. If the grade is non-punitive, mitigating circumstances could be an issue. Mitigating circumstances are circumstances beyond the student's control that prevent the student from continuing in school or that causes the student to reduce credits. Withdrawing of Credits
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Do not report end of term Incomplete grades when an official grade per institutional academic requirements will convert to a letter grade within the next enrollment period. Report the incomplete grade when it will NOT convert to a letter grade within the next enrollment period. Submit adjustment and identify Incomplete grade and number of credits – add remarks that Incomplete grade (non punitive) has been assigned. Incomplete Grades
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION An illness or death in the student’s immediate family. An unavoidable change in the student’s conditions of employment. An unavoidable geographical transfer resulting from the student’s employment. Unanticipated active military service, including active duty for training. Examples of Mitigating Circumstances
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance of a veteran or eligible person must be reported to VA. If the veteran or eligible person continues in training despite unsatisfactory progress, conduct or despite having failed to meet the regularly prescribed standards of attendance at the school, the school must report this fact to VA within 30 days (normally from end of the term which is the effective date for academic suspension. Unsat Progress – VAONCE Terminate
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Institutions are required to report to VA RPO when a student has graduated – using VAONCE to show end of term and drop down menu – Graduated Institutions will be required to report to VA RPO when a student is PLACED on academic probation by submitting email through VA Intranet Right Now Web reporting the term student placed on probation. Graduation & Probation Reporting to VA
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Ensure credits apply to program Validate net charges Guest Student Concurrent enrollment Any other Federal or State direct tuition paid to institution Other forms of direct scholarship for tuition Military Federal or State Tuition Assistance from National Guard or Army Reserve Certification Questions
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION How to certify Practical Training (Internship, externship clock hours as appropriate) Remedial/deficiency credits – can NOT certify when taken on line & also what is supporting documentation to pursue remedial training Repeating subjects – what are requirements? Applied to institution but transcripts from prior institutions not received or evaluated? Certification Questions
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION How to report student withdraw based on military deployment Sending VA amended enrollment data during the term for reducing tuition due to other source payments How to certify dual objectives Does SCO certify minors? What are institutional debts caused by? Certification Questions
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Institutional Debts – Chapter 33 1.Student never attending ANY classes for which he/she was certified regardless of the reason for non-attendance 2.Student completely withdraws on or before the first day of the term 3.School received payment for the wrong student – VA error 4.School received a duplicate payment – VA error 5.May be school debt -Student died during the term or before start of term (caution: follow college policies) when term not erased. Overpayments to Institution
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Institutional Debts – Chapter 33 6. School submitted an amended enrollment certification and reported reduced tuition and fees charged, reduced YRP, or both. 7. VA issued payment above the amount certified by institution – VA error 8. VA /SAA compliance survey findings Overpayments to Institution
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 1.Student withdrew after the first day of the term (FDOT) 2.If student completely withdrew of FDOT, treat as if the student never attended 3.Student reduced hours whether the reduction occurred during or before the term 4.If student attended at least one day of the classes certified and a payment has been issued, any debt created by the reduction or withdrawal should be charged to the student. Overpayments to Student
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 5.School submitted a change in enrollment (1999b) and reported a reduction in tuition, fees, and/or YRP due to student action reducing or terminating training. 6.If student drops a course and adds a course so that there is no net change in training time, any change to tuition, fees, and/or YRP is a student debt. 7.VA/SAA compliance survey findings. Overpayments to Student
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Student overpayments due to reduction in training time affecting monthly benefit rates or prorated tuition and fees charged as an overpayment due to credit reduction or totally withdrawing from all credits in a term may: - Apply to VA for a waiver – VA notifies student of this process when notifying student of overpayment - Application or request for waiver is submitted to VA Debt Management Center Student – Request for Waiver of Debt
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Student will be required to submit a written request for a waiver of the debt and also submit a financial statement to VA. Debt collection is suspended. VA will act on the waiver request and if there was no material fault on the student and student does not have the ability to repay the overpayment MAY be waived based on the VA decision. When waived the amount waived is subtracted from their months of entitlement. If waiver denied student is informed and collection actions will be re-activated by DMC. Student – Request for Waiver of Debt
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Overpayments to institutions and VA students will be presented by VA Debt Management Center this week at AVECO. Refer to pages 92 – 108 in the SCO Handbook for information on institutional and student debts. Institutional Overpayments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Overview
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 veteran asks you to certify him/her to VA for 15 semester credits for the upcoming term. What actions should you take if: Student informs you of a tuition scholarship Student informs you of military FTA Student informs you of reduced tuition as a college employee OR graduate assistant Student is receiving Title IV Fed Fin Aid IHL grants discounts/waivers to veterans Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 TOE dependent at 100% entitlement contacted you as VA awarded them benefits with an effective date later than first day of term. -What may be the reason? -What date should you certify? Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 student has been certified to VA for 8 credits for full semester and 4 credits for 8 weeks of the semester. Student contacts you claiming VA should have awarded full time for the term due to 12 credits and not less than full time for a portion of term. Did VA make an error in this case? Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION You certified a student to VA under Chapter 33 for the current term. You just discovered the tuition and fees need to be changed. Reason is student fees reduced. What action do you take in VAONCE? When should you submit this change to VA? Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Student preregisters in June for Fall semester for a total of 14 credits. When do you certify student to VA? When do you submit any changes to enrollment in credits to VA? If Chapter 33 when do you certify tuition and fees to VA for this term? Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 student reduced credits from 12 to 8 on the 4 th week of the term. You previously submitted the enrollment for full term and included tuition of $2400 and fees of $300. Cost per credit is $200 and $25 fees per credit hour. - What is VA timeliness standard to report change? - What section in VAONCE do you use to submit the change? - What information do you report? - What is impact on student? Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Student contacts you and asks you to certify classes to VA however student has not applied to your IHL to be a degree seeking student. What action should you, as SCO, take on this case? Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION VA Debt Management Center has sent your institution an overpayment letter requesting payment be sent for $5,000 for student. You and business office research records and cannot confirm this is a school debt nor is the amount right. What should you do? Submit a notice of disagreement to the DMC and ask for an audit by the VA RPO St Louis prior to making payment. Ask DMC to suspend collection actions pending the audit report. Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 student enrolls for 15 credits however their degree audit identifies that only 12 will apply to the program. What do you do? Note: IHL charges a flat rate tuition band between 12 – 18 credits and there are no additional fees beyond 12 credits. ANSWER: submit adjustment to 12 credits effective start date of term Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION You have a Chapter 33 YRP student who has been certified for the Spring term 2013 and tuition and fees are $11,500. What do you show for YRP contribution? MOA for Private Institution YRP academic year amount is unlimited dollars per student. NOTE: Fall term 2012 tuition and fees certified to VA were $10,500. Total tuition and fees are $22,000 and VA annual cap is $19,198.31. What do you certify for Spring. Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 student was certified to VA for Fall term 2014 in late August for Fall semester (12 credits, standard dates, and $10,000 in out of state tuition since you are the SCO at a public IHL. Your college has no Yellow Ribbon Program and your review identified the in-state tuition and fees are $5,000. How did you identify non-resident charges and what action do you take for VA? Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Your Business Manager contacts you and states the VA anticipated CH33 tuition and fee payment received is less than certified to VA. What action should you take first? A. Have student contact VA B. As SCO, you contact VA C. Ask to see the student’s award letter for possible resolution Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION You have certified a student to VA for 3 semesters and the institution has not yet completed an evaluation of prior credits. You check and determine that an evaluation has not been conducted as transcripts have not been received. Apply both the public and private IHL academic policies on how the transcripts are obtained on what you as SCO should do? Change scenario to transcripts received but not yet evaluated. Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 33 student who is attending your institution wants to be certified for the upcoming term. Student is degree student in good standing with GPA of 3.25 and pursuing BA Marketing. You review student registration schedule and find student is signed up for all 15 credits as blended or hybrid undergraduate training. What are you as SCO to review and confirm before certifying student to VA for this term? Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Veteran student has registered for classes in their first semester and have been accepted as a degree seeking student. Student has registered for Math 098 which is a remedial subject. What should you check on before including these credits in the certification to VA? -Possible requirement to take Math 098 -Lack of adequate entrance test score -Is this subject taken in resident or on line Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Chapter 30 student enrolls for 9 credits for Fall Semester 2013. Do you include tuition and fees? What if 4 credits are taken on line or by blended/hybrid? Will enrollment for a 5 credit subject scheduled for first 6 weeks of semester affect your certification? Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION Student registers for 15 credits for Fall term 2012 8 credits scheduled for 8 weeks 4 credits scheduled for full semester 3 credits scheduled for 3 weeks How to certify to VA Case Studies
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, 2013 - July 18, 2013130 Organization of VA and RPO SCO training tools Explanation of VA education benefit chapters Role and responsibilities of SCO Roles and responsibilities of CELO, ELR, ECSS, SAA Responsibilities of VA students Certifying, monitoring, updating enrollments to VA VA ONCE Modality, terms, academic policies, tuition & fee charges, Yellow Ribbon Program Education overpayments Case Studies New SCO Training Summary
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