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July 8-9, 2014 | Ronald Reagan Building | Washington, DC Federal Cloud Computing Summit Dr. Barry C. West Cloud Tools and Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "July 8-9, 2014 | Ronald Reagan Building | Washington, DC Federal Cloud Computing Summit Dr. Barry C. West Cloud Tools and Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 8-9, 2014 | Ronald Reagan Building | Washington, DC Federal Cloud Computing Summit Dr. Barry C. West Cloud Tools and Integration

2 July, 2014 Kickoff Meeting Background: What can the cloud do for You? 2 Cloud computing can dramatically improve your ability to serve your customers Multi-tenant solution provided by vendor Automated backups, uptime, SLA, maintenance Web and mobile – Access from anywhere Modern web based integration Automated upgrades Elastic pay as you go – ability to scale up or scale down

3 Reduce Capital Costs Improve Business Agility Centralize Software Space and Power Remove Business Risk Increase Productivity & Collaboration Expand Accessibility & Mobility Improve Security Increase Competitiveness Lower Staff Costs Build and Socialize the Business Case… “The Top 10 Business Benefits of Cloud Computing ”. Codestone. 33

4 Critical Success Factors  Sponsor  Cloud Architect  Cloud Core Working Group →Cross Functional Business Representation →Cloud Architect →Technical Team  Communication / Outreach program  Trust in vendor  Cost Savings  Cloud Life Cycle  Sponsor  Cloud Architect  Cloud Core Working Group →Cross Functional Business Representation →Cloud Architect →Technical Team  Communication / Outreach program  Trust in vendor  Cost Savings  Cloud Life Cycle 4

5 Cloud Lifecycle Strategize Understand Assess Service Level Management Acquire Cloud Reference Architecture Cloud Strategy Cloud Assessment Solicitation Implement/ Operate Not all data and applications belong in the Cloud. 5

6 Cloud Services SaaS CPCS1 PaaS CPCS2 IaaS CPCS3 Physical Resource Layer Cloud Orchestration Layer Abstraction CPCO1 Controls CPCO2 Existing partners, 3rd party services Governance, Risk & Compliance CS1 Governance, Risk & Compliance CS1 Privilege Management CS2 Privilege Management CS2 Data Protection CS3 Data Protection CS3 Infrastructure Protection CS4 Infrastructure Protection CS4 Server CPPR1 Storage CPPR2 Network CPPR3 Facilities CPPR4 Internal CC1 External CC2 In-house IT CC3 Security CA1 Privacy CA2 Performance CA3 Cloud Auditor Service Management Tools CM1 Performance Management Tools CM2 Resiliency Management Tools CM3 Security Management Tools CM4 Cloud Consumer Cloud Security Cloud ProviderCloud Management Access Mgt Service Mgt Resource Mgt Service Optimization Enterprise Guidance Service Catalog Socialize Program/Svc Mgt 6

7 Connect the Dots Internally CLOUD STRATEGY CLOUD STRATEGY While socializing cloud on the business side, it is also imperative to ensure that the dots are connected on the IT side. Cloud is not simply an infrastructure project or services solicitation – to ensure success – all parts of IT must be working from the same page… CPIC EA GRC ACQUISITION CYBER- SECURITY PMO 7

8 Future of Cloud Computing Cloud Service Agnosticism Dynamic Orchestrations On Demand Data Discovery, Integration, and Analysis Integrated Networks People and Organizations Physical / Virtual / Human interconnection Access Anytime, Anywhere 8

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