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ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute.

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1 ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology ARAVIND EYE CARE SYSTEM Aravind Eye Hospital & Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology DEPARTMENT OF COUNSELLING Orbit counselling

2  The orbit is a pyramidal bony cavity  It contains the eye ball, extra ocular muscles, fats, blood vessels and important nerves  It is formed by a roof, floor, medial wall, lateral wall, and a base and apex  The bony orbit is made of 7 bones What is Orbit?

3 7 bones of Orbit 1.Frontal bone 2.Sphenoid bone 3.Zygomatic bone 4.Maxillary bone 5.Palatine bone 6.Ethmoid bone 7.Lacrimal bone Orbit picture

4   Lacrimal Drainage Disorders include condition like obstruction of the tear drainage passage, and inflammation of the lacrimal sac   If affects children & adults   It is of two types 1. Acute 2. Chronic Lacrimal Sac pictures Lacrimal Drainage Disorders

5 1.Watering 2.Discharge (mucous or pus) 3.Severe pain 4.Swelling 5.Redness Symptoms

6 1.Syringing 2.Complete Hemogram (Blood group, Blood type, Bleeding time, Clotting Time) 3.Blood Pressure 4.Blood Sugar 5.HIV Test Investigations

7 Treatment A.Acute Dacryocysititis :  Systemic pain killers  Anti Inflammatory Drugs  Antibiotics  If Lacrimal abcess forms, the pus may have to be surgically cleaned out (Incision and Drainage)  After the pain and swelling resolves, the patient usually requires surgery like DCR or DCT

8 B. Chronic Dacryocystitis The treatment consists of sac surgery 1.DCR (Dacryo Cysto Rhinostomy) 2.DCT (Dacryo Cysnostomy)

9 DCR  The Sac is incised and passage for tear flow into the nose is created by removing a part of the bone  In Adults it is done under local aneasthesia

10 DCT  This is done for above 40 years patients  The whole lacrimal sac is removed  After surgery patient has watering complaints

11 Congenital naso – Lacrimal Duct obstruction  The initial treatment consists of criggles lacrimal massage supplemented with anti biotic eye drops  In most children the passage opens up with, probes criggles massage  If probing fails, surgery is done, usually after the child is 3-4 years only

12 Probing  It is a very safe and simple procedure  A thin metal rod is used to open up the lacrimal passage, by removing the obstruction  This is done by General Anaesthesia

13 Role of the counsellors in lacrimal drainage procedures  The counsellor should explain to the patient that the lacrimal sac is infected and needs to be treated surgically  The counsellor should explain to the child’s parents that obstruction of the Naso – lacrimal duct is not a major problems  If probing has been advised, the counsellor should explain, that is not a surgery but a very simple procedure  It is done under general anaesthesia


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