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Project Implementation for COSC 5050 Distributed Database Applications Lab6.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Implementation for COSC 5050 Distributed Database Applications Lab6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Implementation for COSC 5050 Distributed Database Applications Lab6

2 Advanced Topics Work with table lookups on composite primary key View and trigger Report and form User friendly pages Validations Navigate between pages Publish the application and create test users Export and import the application

3 Composite Primary Key Tables Tables such as MEMBER_TALENT MEMBER_PROJECT Work with composite primary key tables Create a view Create an INSTEAD OF trigger to be used by application

4 Creating View Create a view that contains ROWID A rowid identifies a row in a table A rowid is a pseudo column that uniquely identifies a row within a table, but not within a database CREATE VIEW VW_MEMBER_TALENT_COM (ID, MEMBER_ID, TALENT_ID) AS SELECT ROWID ID, MEMBER_ID, TALENT_ID FROM MEMBER_TALENT;

5 Creating INSTEAD OF Trigger An updatable view is one you can use to insert, update, or delete base table rows You can create a view to be inherently updatable, or you can create an INSTEAD OF trigger on any view to make it updatable Create an INSTEAD OF trigger on the view Test the view and the trigger Make sure the view and the trigger works Run sample testing script in SQL Command area

6 Creating Report and Form Create a report and a form for the view Create page  Form  Form on a table with report Table/view name: VW_MEMBER_TALENT_COM

7 Defining the Report Define report page Page name: MEMBER TALENT Region title: MEMBER TALENT Breadcrumb: Breadcrumb Breadcrumb entry name: MEMBER TALENT Breadcrumb parent entry: Home

8 Defining the Report

9 Define report page Tab options: Use an existing tab set and create a new tab within the existing tab set Tab set: TS1 New tab label: MEMBER TALENT Select columns: MEMBER_ID and TALENT_ID Edit link image: default

10 Defining the Report

11 Defining the Form Define form page Page name: MEMBER TALENT ENTRY Region title: MEMBER TALENT ENTRY Breadcrumb entry name: MEMBER TALENT ENTRY Primary key type: Select primary key column(s) Primary key column: ID Source for the primary key: Existing trigger Select columns: both columns Process options: Insert, Update, Delete

12 Defining the Form


14 Confirm and Finish

15 Report and form pages are working List, edit, create, update, delete Running Report and Form

16 Making Pages User Friendly Instead of showing ids, member name and talent description should be displayed Report page Modify report region source

17 Making Pages User Friendly To show desired columns in an active report Use Action  Select columns

18 Making Pages User Friendly Form page Change labels to Member and Talent Change both to select list (LOV) MEMBER_ID and TALENT_ID

19 Making Pages User Friendly

20 Adding Validations Maintain entity integrity Provide user friendly error message on the form page Validation script SELECT * FROM MEMBER_TALENT WHERE MEMBER_ID = &P??_MEMBER_ID. AND TALENT_ID = &P??_TALENT_ID. Use your page number Notice the ending period for substitution variables

21 Adding Validations Edit the form page, page processing  create validation Validation level: Page Validation name: Insert validation Error display location: Inline in Notification Validation type: SQL  NOT Exists Validation code: {the validation script} Error message: The member already has the selected talent. When button pressed: Create Create a similar validation for update

22 Adding Validations


24 Page Navigation Navigation controls are shared components Create navigation control at the application level on the shared components page Tabs Navigation bar entries Breadcrumbs Lists

25 Creating Tabs Tabs are grouped in collections called a tab set Each tab must be part of a tab set Two different types of tabs Standard tabs For only one level of tabs with each tab associated with a particular page Parent tabs Parent tab set acts as a container for a group of standard tabs Define more contextual list of tabs

26 Creating Tabs To manage tabs Shared components  Navigation  Tabs  Manage tabs Add new parent tab The first parent tab replaces the pseudo parent tab

27 Creating Tabs Move a standard tab between parent tabs Edit the tab and switch Standard Tab Set

28 Creating Tabs Add more standard tabs under parent tab In order to show tabs, make sure set to the appropriate Page Template and Standard Tab Set for each page Right click title of the page  Edit  Display attributes

29 Creating Tabs

30 Navigation Bar Entries Navigation bar entries offer an easy way to move users between pages A navigation entry enables application to display a link for quick access on pages To access navigation bar entries Shared components  Navigation  Navigation bar entries Create  From scratch  Navigation to URL Entry label: Help Page: {a help page} and check [Printer friendly] (optional) Create

31 Publish Application Publish the application with URL{app_id} Manage APEX users APEX home  Administration  Manage users and groups Create a test user Username: Email address: User is a developer: No Password:

32 Application home  Export/Import Application Export and Import

33 Readings Application Express User’s Guide Adding Navigation Deploying an Application

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