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Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Data Management. Dr. Philip Cannata 2 Syllabus.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Data Management. Dr. Philip Cannata 2 Syllabus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Philip Cannata 1 Data Management

2 Dr. Philip Cannata 2 Syllabus

3 Dr. Philip Cannata 3 Extenuating Circumstances If you have difficulty meeting the requirements of this course, fail to hand in an assignment, or miss an exam because of extenuating circumstances, please advise your instructor in writing (not email) at the earliest possible date so that your situation can be discussed. If you encounter an unexpected medical or family emergency or a random act of Nature that causes you to miss the due date for homework or miss a quiz or exam, you must present suitable documentation in writing (not email) to the instructor before special consideration will be given. A file of all written correspondence will be kept by the instructor and decisions regarding them will be made at the end of the semester.

4 Dr. Philip Cannata 4 Very Important Dates

5 Dr. Philip Cannata 5 Honesty

6 Dr. Philip Cannata 6 CS Department Code of Conduct


8 Dr. Philip Cannata 8 Oracle 12c DBMS and SQLDeveloper SQLDeveloper Data Modeler Oracle Appliacation Express (APEX) Oracle RDF/OWL Caution: This Class Uses Oracle Software

9 Dr. Philip Cannata 9 Form groups of 2 or 3 with at least 1 laptop for each group

10 Dr. Philip Cannata 10 See also Murah Chapter 2 “How to use Oracle SQL Developer and other tools” SQLDeveloper

11 Dr. Philip Cannata 11 SQLDeveloper

12 Dr. Philip Cannata 12 C##cs347_UTEId orcl_UTEId cs347_UTEId at UT12c New Connection SQLDeveloper

13 Dr. Philip Cannata 13 Try Some SQL

14 Dr. Philip Cannata 14 Try Some SQL High-level syntax overview: select from where group by having order by select * from emp; select * from emp where sal > 1000; select * from emp where sal > 1000 order by sal desc; select empno, ename, job from emp where deptno = 10 and sal > 1000 order by sal desc; select empno as "Emp. Num.", 'US' as "Country", ename as "Emp. Name" from emp where sal between 1000 and 2000 order by sal; select * from dept; select * from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno order by d.dname; select job, avg(sal) from emp group by job

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