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TEPP Briefing1 Are You Prepared? Response to a Radiological Transportation Accident, Simplified Freddie Bell DOE TEPP Contract Support Representative

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Presentation on theme: "TEPP Briefing1 Are You Prepared? Response to a Radiological Transportation Accident, Simplified Freddie Bell DOE TEPP Contract Support Representative"— Presentation transcript:

1 TEPP Briefing1 Are You Prepared? Response to a Radiological Transportation Accident, Simplified Freddie Bell DOE TEPP Contract Support Representative

2 TEPP Briefing2 Transportation by Air, Rail & Highway

3 TEPP Briefing3 Transportation by Air, Rail & Highway Annual Estimates of United States Hazardous Materials Shipping Activities 500 Billion packages 400 Million are hazardous material 3 Million are radioactive DOE ships 5,000 to 20,000

4 TEPP Briefing4 What do you do when an accident happens?

5 TEPP Briefing5 5 What is our role as a Federal agency? 44 CFR 351.1 assigns Federal Agency responsibilities for assisting state and local governments in emergency planning and preparedness for radiological/nuclear emergencies Participate with FEMA in assisting state and local governments in developing their radiological emergency plans, evaluating exercises to test plans, and evaluating the plans and preparedness Assist FEMA with the development, implementation, and presentation to the extent that resources permit of training programs for federal, state and local radiological emergency response personnel Assist FEMA in developing and promulgating guidance to state and local governments for the preparation of radiological emergency plans

6 TEPP Briefing6 DOE Implemented the Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program (TEPP)

7 TEPP Briefing7

8 8 TEPP Goals Serve as a Department-wide program Provide planning and technical assistance to promote a coordinated response to transportation incidents involving radioactive material Provide training assistance and promote development of flexible, low- cost, high-quality training materials Serve as a link between emergency preparedness and transportation planning

9 TEPP Briefing9 TEPP Implementation Through eight Regional Coordinating Offices TEPP Regional Coordinator located with each DOE region

10 TEPP Briefing10 The first step to preparedness... Determine applicability and conduct a needs assessment The Needs Assessment will: assist in determining readiness identify strengths & weaknesses

11 TEPP Briefing11 Second step – address weaknesses in plans & procedures TEPP Plans & Procedures Model Initial Response Procedures Model Annex for Preparedness and Response to a Radiological Transportation Incident provides basic structure and annotated guidance for transportation addendum to existing plans

12 TEPP Briefing12... and address training weakness Modular Emergency Response Radiological Transportation Training (MERRTT) MERRTT has a modular design 16 modules (some with embedded video clips) 5 hands-on practical exercises Can be integrated into existing hazmat curriculum or delivered as stand-alone course Can be instructor-led or self-paced instruction Intended for responders with previous hazardous material response training MERRTT is designed to supplement existing hazmat training Many states have adopted MERRTT as their own training program

13 TEPP Briefing13 MERRTT Program DAY ONE MODULES Radiological Basics Biological Effects Radioactive Material Shipping Packages Hazard Recognition Initial Response Actions Patient Handling Incident Control Radiological Survey Instruments & Dosimetry Devices Transportation of Safeguards Material DAY TWO MODULES DOE Shipments and Resources Decontamination, Disposal and Documentation WIPP Module Pre-Hospital Practices Transportation by Rail Incident Command Public Information Officer

14 TEPP Briefing14 MERRTT Student Material Student Workbooks have been prepared for each module in the MERRTT program Everything contained on the MERRTT DVD

15 TEPP Briefing15 Hands On Exercises MERRTT includes 5 hands-on practical exercises to reinforce material presented in the modules Instrument Use Patient Handling Package Integrity Contamination Survey Picture Card Practical

16 TEPP Briefing16 TEPP Training In 2009, 2,156 responders were trained using MERRTT 896 participated in DOE-sponsored training sessions 1,260 participated in state or local level- sponsored training sessions 2,735 trained thru Independent Study 670 received continuing education hours (CEH)

17 TEPP Briefing17 TEPP Exercises Tabletop, Drill & Exercise Program Manual (Drills-In-A-Box): Guidance For Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Transportation Emergency Preparedness Tabletops, Drills and Exercises

18 TEPP Briefing18 TEPP Full-Scale Exercises

19 TEPP Briefing19TEPP Briefing19 TEPP Full-Scale Exercises In the past 14 months, TEPP has sponsored the following HSEEP compliant tabletops, drills, and exercises: Fort Hall, ID – Operation Rad Relief - 1 tabletop and 3 drills Laguna, NM – Operation Enchantment – 1 full scale exercise Fort Hall, ID – Operation RadReck – 1 full scale exercise N. Platte, NE – Operations Great Plains – 1 tabletop, 3 drills, full scale exercise Groton, CT – Operation RadResponse 3 drills, and full scale

20 TEPP Briefing20 TEPP Implementation Process Determine Applicability Conduct Needs Assessment Adopt Model Procedures Conduct Drills to Validate Procedures & Training Determine Frequency - Repeat as Necessary Identify Procedures/Plan WeaknessesIdentify Training Program Weaknesses Conduct Responder Training No Weakness Identified

21 TEPP Briefing21 Want to know more? The TEPP web site provides one-stop shopping MERRTT Training Schedule 24-Hour Points of Contact Model Needs Assessment Exercise Planning Resources

22 TEPP Briefing22 Questions ?

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