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Mole Conversions, Molar Mass, Percent Composition

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1 Mole Conversions, Molar Mass, Percent Composition
Week 21 Chemistry Mole Conversions, Molar Mass, Percent Composition

2 How many molecules are in 2.0 moles of Carbon Dioxide?
Warm Up: 4 Minutes Write the Learning Target Stay in your own seat You should be working SILENTLY How many molecules are in 2.0 moles of Carbon Dioxide? Hint: 1 mole = _______ particles?

3 Agenda Warm Up: 7 Minutes Notes/Examples: 15 minutes
Guided Practice: 12 minutes Independent Practice: 15 minutes Closing: 4 Minutes

4 One Step Mole Calculations
Goal For Today One Step Mole Calculations 2.0 moles x x molecules 1 mole =1.204 x molecules

5 Review of Types of Particles
Single Element  Covalent Compound  Ionic Compound  Atom Molecules Formula Unit

6 Conversion Factor of the Day
1 mole=6.02 x Particles (atoms, molecules, Formula Units) 6.02 𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 1 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 1 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 6.02 𝑥 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 How do we know which one to use?

7 Requirements of Mole Calculations
Identify the given quantity, unit, and element (or compound). Identify the unknown quantity, unit, and element (or compound). Identify the relationship(s) between the given unit and the unknown unit.

8 How many atoms does 12.0 moles of He represent?
Example 1 How many atoms does 12.0 moles of He represent?

9 Example 2 How many moles does 1.1 x 1021 molecules of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) represent?

10 How many formula units are in 5.1 moles of Calcium Hydroxide, Ca(OH)2?
Example 3 How many formula units are in 5.1 moles of Calcium Hydroxide, Ca(OH)2?

11 Guided Practice Expectations
As Mr. Ghosh projects the question, silently read the question. (17 seconds) When Mr. Ghosh calls Team, discuss with your teammates to solve the question correctly. (81 seconds) Be ready to share your response when Mr. Ghosh calls SWAG.

12 How many molecules are in 0.723 moles of Dihydrogen Monoxide, H2O?
#1 How many molecules are in moles of Dihydrogen Monoxide, H2O?

13 #2 How many moles are in 2.3 x 1025 formula units of Potassium Permanganate, KMnO4?

14 How many manganese atoms are in 4.2 x 10-5 moles of Mn, manganese?
#3 How many manganese atoms are in 4.2 x moles of Mn, manganese?

15 Practice makes Perfect
Independent Practice 85% Practice makes Perfect

16 Closing What relationships are necessary to perform mole calculations?

17 Write the Learning Target
Warm Up: 4 Minutes Write the Learning Target Stay in your own seat You should be working SILENTLY How many moles are in 6.42 x atoms of gold? No more than 4 people per row

18 Agenda Warm Up: 7 Minutes Expectations for Stations: 4 minutes
Stations Review: 40 minutes Closing: 2 Minutes

19 How Will Stations Work?? You Need: Periodic Table Notes
You will be placed with a group of other scholars to complete four stations on the following topics: Station 1: Mole Calculations Station 2: Writing Formulas Station 3: Writing Names of Compounds Station 4: Quantifying Atoms and Ions in Molecules and Formula Units You Need: Periodic Table Notes

20 How Will Stations Work?? You will spend 10 minutes at each station working each problem as a group on scratch paper. You will write your FINAL answer on the answer document. When time is called, you will leave your current station and move on to the next station You will have 10 seconds to move to the next station

21 Closing Why did we review these concepts?
Why is it important that everybody master these objectives?

22 About your seats Seats were chosen to help you focus and succeed in class Grades and behavior were factors You must sit in your assigned seat every day If not, I will mark you absent You may NEVER move the seats around. Seats are arranged to make sure everyone can see the board

23 Write the Learning Target
Warm Up: 4 Minutes Write the Learning Target Stay in your own seat You should be working SILENTLY How many molecules are in 2.0 moles of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)? How many oxygen atoms are in one molecule of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)?

24 Agenda Seating Chart: 3 minutes Warm Up: 7 Minutes
Notes/Examples: 15 minutes Guided Practice: 12 minutes Independent Practice: 12 minutes Closing: 4 Minutes

25 The Warm-up… So what if I asked you how many oxygen atoms were in 2 moles of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)? How would you do it?

26 What is 2 x 3? What is 6 x 4? What is 2 x 3 x 4? 6
Question… What is 2 x 3? What is 6 x 4? What is 2 x 3 x 4? 6 24 How did we do this? 24

27 Multi Step Mole Calculations
Goal For Today Multi Step Mole Calculations 2.0 moles C O 2 x x molecules C O 2 1 mole C O 2 x 2 Oxygen atoms 1 molecule C O 2 =2.408 x atoms

28 Relationships between particles
Covalent Compounds (Molecules) are made of atoms Ionic Compounds (Formula Units) are made of ions Example: CO2 3 atoms Example: NO 2 atoms Example: BaCl2 3 ions Example: ZnSO4 2 ions Polyatomic Ion

29 Reminder: Requirements of Mole Calculations
Identify the given quantity, unit, and element (or compound). Identify the unknown quantity, unit, and element (or compound). Identify the relationship(s) between the given unit and the unknown unit.

30 Atoms (single element)
Moles Formula Unit (M + NM, Ionic) Ions Molecules (NM + NM, Covalent) Atoms Atoms (single element)

31 How many atoms does 12.0 moles of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) represent?
Example 1 How many atoms does 12.0 moles of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) represent?

32 Example 2 How many hydroxide ions are in 5.1 moles of Calcium Hydroxide, Ca(OH)2?

33 Guided Practice Expectations
As Mr. Ghosh projects the question, silently read the question. (17 seconds) When Mr. Ghosh calls Team, discuss with your teammates to solve the question correctly. (81 seconds) Be ready to share your response when Mr. Ghosh calls SWAG.

34 #1 How many ions are in 2.3 formula units of Potassium Permanganate, KMnO4?

35 How many oxygen atoms are in 0.723 moles of Dihydrogen Monoxide, H2O?
#2 How many oxygen atoms are in moles of Dihydrogen Monoxide, H2O?

36 How many zinc ions are in 4.2 x 10-5 moles of Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2)?
#3 How many zinc ions are in 4.2 x 10-5 moles of Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2)?

37 Practice makes Perfect
Independent Practice 85% Practice makes Perfect

38 Closing What relationships are necessary to perform mole calculations?

39 How many Aluminum atoms?
Warm Up: 4 Minutes Write the Learning Target Stay in your own seat You should be working SILENTLY Compound How many Aluminum atoms? How many Sulfur atoms? How many Oxygen atoms? Al2(SO4)3 Name Chemical Formula Barium Nitrate Triphosphorus Hexafluoride Sodium Hydroxide

40 Agenda Warm Up: 7 Minutes Notes/Examples: 13 minutes
Guided Practice: 10 minutes Independent Practice: 13 minutes Closing: 2 Minutes

41 The mass (in grams) of one mole of the substance
What is Molar Mass? The mass (in grams) of one mole of the substance

42 g/mol Read as “grams per mole”
Units for Molar Mass g/mol Read as “grams per mole”

43 How to find the Molar Mass of a Compound?
For the compound XaYbZc Use this formula Molar Mass = a(Atomic Mass X ) + b( Atomic Mass Y ) + c(Atomic Mass Z)

44 Calculate the Molar Mass of NaBr
Example 1: Calculate the Molar Mass of NaBr

45 Calculate the Molar Mass of C6H12O6.
Example 2: Calculate the Molar Mass of C6H12O6.

46 Calculate the Molar Mass of Al2(SO4)3
Example 3: Calculate the Molar Mass of Al2(SO4)3

47 Expectations for Guided Practice
Take the first 13 seconds to write the chemical formula or name. With your shoulder partner, take 61 seconds to find the molar mass. When Mr. Ghosh calls SWAG, be ready to share your answers out loud.

48 Guided Practice #1 Calculate the Molar Mass of AgF2 g/ mol

49 Ca(NO3)2 164.086 g/ mol Calculate the Molar Mass of Calcium Nitrate.
Guided Practice #2 Calculate the Molar Mass of Calcium Nitrate. Ca(NO3)2 g/ mol

50 C4O3 96.041 g/mol Calculate the Molar Mass of Tetracarbon Trioxide.
Guided Practice #3 Calculate the Molar Mass of Tetracarbon Trioxide. C4O3 g/mol

51 Practice makes Perfect
Independent Practice 85% Practice makes Perfect

52 Answer Key g/mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol g/ mol

53 Closing In terms of a percentage, does the molar mass represent the part or the whole?

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