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ISM Code ISPS Code Ship Audit Check list The BV Company Management

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1 ISM Code ISPS Code Ship Audit Check list The BV Company Management
System ISPS Code Ship Audit The purpose of this document is to serve as a guideline for preparing and conducting an Internal audit before the external audit.

2 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Company Type of audit : New ship Transfer Annual Additional Ship’s name : Ship type : IMO number : Flag : SSC issued on : SSP approved on : Expiring date : Expiring date : Classification Society : Classification Society : Department audited Contacted person and position 1 2 3 4 Conclusions of the audit : Individual non-conformity report must be attached to this document Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS Report N° Place : Date : Auditor name and signature :

3 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship 1) Status of the pending non-conformity (ies) 2) New Non-conformity (ies) issued during the present audit 3) Suggestions from auditees to improve the Company Management System ( CMS ) ( The CMS covers requirements of the ISM Code & ISPS Code ) Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

4 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 1 Objectives The objectives of the ISM Code are understood by the Master and Officers The objectives of the ISPS Code are understood by the Master and Officers 2 Health, Safety & Environmental and Security Policy The policy is signed by the company’s chief executive or other senior executive officer The CMS manual and related documents are written in a language that can be understood by the officers A copy of the policy is available on board the ship Meetings of the safety committee are held in accordance with the CMS manual every ………….months The minutes of the safety committee are available on board the ship Meetings of the anti pollution committee are held in accordance with the CMS manual every ………….months The minutes of the anti pollution committee are available on board the ship The company has a training policy defining the objectives of the training Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS The shipboard familiarization is specifically covered in the CMS manual

5 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 3 Company Responsibilities, Authority & Obligations All officers and crew are aware of the company policy The shipboard personnel are given adequate information of the company strategy for implementing and maintenance of this policy Responsibility & authority of the Master, Chief engineer, Ship security officer and other shipboard key persons are defined and documented The function of company training instructor and supervisor officer has been defined, documented ad assigned according to STCW Code requirements The function of internal auditor has been defined, documented and assigned according to STCW code requirements The Ship Security Plan ( SSP ) contains a clear statement emphasizing the Master’s responsibilities and authority The SSP contains a clear statement concerning the Master overriding authority and responsibility with respect to the security of the ship The SSP contains a clear statement concerning the Master to request the assistance of the company or of any contracting governments as may be necessary Necessary supports are given to the Company Security Officer, the Master and the Ship Security Officer to fulfill their duties and responsibilities Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

6 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 4 Designated person (s) - DPA The Master and the senior officers are aware of the name( s) of the company designated person (s) Effective communication links between the ship and the DPA (s) are established Written communication between the ship and the DPA (s) are available The updated telephone numbers of the DPA (s) and their backup are available to the interested persons on board The results of safety and antipollution audits and inspections are reported to the DPA (s) Requests from ships for resources and shore based support are supervised by the DPA (s) 5 Company Security Officer - CSO The Master and the Ship Security Officer are aware of the name of the Company Security Officer Effective communication links between the ship and the CSO are established Written communication between the ship and the CSO are available The updated telephone numbers of the CSO and their backup are available to the interested persons on board Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS The results of security audits and inspections are reported to the CSO Requests from ships for resources and shore based support are supervised by the CSO

7 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 6 Master and Chief Engineer Responsibility and authority The Master’s role in the implementation of the health, safety & environmental protection and security policy of the company is clearly defined The Master is aware of his responsibility for reviewing the CMS and reporting deficiencies to shore based management (accident, non conformity, review of the CMS,……reports) The Master attends the office at regular intervals to enable a link to be established between the ship and shore Documentation of the specific duties delegated to the officers under the Master’s command are provided to the Master by the company The Master has delegated some of his duties Written communication are available The Chief Engineer has delegate some of his duties Written communication are available Appropriate orders and instructions ( standing orders, night orders,…..) are issued by the Master and the Chief Engineer The Master standing orders have been signed by all deck officers The Chief Engineer standing orders have been signed by all engine engineers The Master responsibility for training has been defined and Documented (STCW : applicable to seafarers staring their training and education after august 1998) The motivation of the crew in the implementation and maintenance of the CMS is achieved ( interview of the crew & officers, crew meetings, instruction of the crew members at embarkation….) Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

8 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 7 Ship Security Officer - SSO The Ship Security Officer undertakes regular security inspections of the ship and results recorded as evidences The SSO maintains and supervises the Ship Security Plan including any amendments to the SSP The SSO coordinates the security aspects of the handling of cargo and ship’s stores with other shipboard personnel and Port Facility Security Officers The SSO proposes to the Company Security Officer modifications or improvements to the Ship Security Plan The SSO reports to the CSO any deficiencies identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications The SSO enhances security awareness and vigilance on board The SSO ensures that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel The SSO reports all security breaches or incidents to the Master and the Company Security Officer The SSO coordinates the implementation of the Ship Security Plan with the CSO and the relevant Port Facility Security Officer The SSO ensures that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and maintained Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

9 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 7.1 Resources & Personnel (Master Qualif. & Competence) The company has established, for the specific ship type and trade, the level of qualification required to the command of the ship. (see STCW requirements) The Master is fully conversant with the company CMS ( CMS training courses, CMS documentation before appointment or meetings with office management) 7.2 Resources & Personnel (Understanding of rules ) The officers have knowledge of regulations pertinent to their duties and they are able to find those regulations Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

10 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 7.3 Resources & Personnel (Manning) The crew list is available The ship is manned to the minimum safe manning certificate The company ensures that watchkeeping personnel are fit for duty Drug and alcohol policies are properly posted All officers and crew are aware of drug and alcohol policies Drug and alcohol tests are carried out on board if required The watchkeeping personnel is provided with at least the minimum rest periods prescribed by the STCW Code Watch schedules are posted where they are easily accessible The documentation and data relevant to all seafarers are maintained and easily accessible aboard ( experience, training, medical fitness and competency in assigned duties) Certificates and documentation of competence for officers and crew are maintained on board as required by STCW 95 The medical log is kept up-to-date Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

11 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 7.4 Resources & Personnel (Familiarization) Procedures are in place to ensure that all new personnel and personnel transferred to new assignments are familiarized with the ship and their duties before being assigned to such duties Master & Chief engineer handover forms are available The task of familiarization is assigned to knowledgeable crew members aboard The specific instructions to be delivered before sailing are identify : safety & security information, symbols, signs and alarm signals for safety and security what to do in event of man overboard, detection of fire or smoke, abandon ship alarm, - what to do in event of bomb threat, explosion, piracy act, terrorism act, suspect package or luggage, - what to do when change in security level is requested, - Identify muster stations and emergency escape routes, local and lifejackets, raise the alarm and have knowledge of portable fire extinguisher, close and open fire watertight doors Questionnaires or forms for the familiarization of officers and crew members, duly completed, are available Sufficient time has been allowed for the familiarization, which was carried out in a language understood by the crew member All crew members signed the onboard familiarization forms Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

12 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 7.5 Resources & Personnel (Training) Training records are maintained The in-service training is conducted according to an approved training program The in-service training is registered in an approved training record book In case of oil tanker, chemical tanker, liquefied gas carrier, the senior personnel have special familiarization training as required The relevant evidence is available ( course, diplomas,….) In case of ro-ro passenger ships the personnel who have emergency duties in assisting passengers have training in crowd management. The relevant evidence is available In case of ro-ro passenger ships the officers have completed the technical training on cargo and hull integrity. The relevant evidence is available In case of ro-ro passenger ships those : - Providing direct service to passengers or with duties in embarking & disembarking have completed the safety training - With responsibilities for safety of passengers in an emergency have completed the crisis management and human behavior training The relevant evidence is available ( course, diplomas,….) The evidence of security training of the master, officers, ship security officer and other relevant ship board personnel is available The cadet record books are kept up-to-date The cadet progress is recorded by master or Chief engineer Rating appraisal forms are used Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

13 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 7.6 Resources & Personnel (CMS Information) Records of crew briefing on CMS are available In cases of multi-lingual crews, the CMS information are provided In languages that are understood by crew members 7.7 Resources & Personnel (Communication) The nationality of officers and crew is specified on the crew list A common shipboard working language has been established by the company The ability of the crew to communicate in normal and emergency situations is tested through drills and exercises The maritime regulation requirement for weekly emergency drills and training sessions as well as for lowering of each lifeboat to the water every 3 months are complied with Master and navigation officers are competent in English Procedures are in place to ensure that designated crew members have a sufficient knowledge of English Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

14 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 8.1 Plans for Shipboard operation (Deck Department) The access to and from the vessel is in compliance with the requirements of CMS Authorized visitor on board are logged Gangways are properly rigged and lighted A lifebuoy with lifeline is fitted near the gangway A fire plan is located at the gangway or outside the entrance to the accommodation All personnel are wearing safety equipment when and where required Sufficient crew are onboard at all times to attend mooring The preplanning navigation forms or books are available and duly filled in The latest navigation warnings and local area weather reports are available The ship’s maneuvering characteristics are display on the bridge The auto/manual steering changeover procedure is display on the bridge Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS The pilote information card is available and is regularity used

15 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 8.1 Plans for Shipboard operation (Deck Department) A port log is maintained recording all port activities including the level of security the ship is operating in the port Instructions against piracy and armed robbery are available Enclosed space entries and work permits system is used Permits duly filled in are available A port log is maintained recording the level of security in the last 10 ports visited The requests for change of the security level are kept on board the Ship and available as evidence Declarations of Security duly completed are available as evidence of compliance when operating at different security levels with a port facility or one other ship 8.2 Plans for Shipboard operation (Tankers) Cargo ballast plans have been prepared for current operations and agreed between ship and shore Cargo handling is carried out as per agreed plans Suitable pipeline diagrams are available where necessary The ship/shore check list is filled in and the relevant provisions are observed Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS Products hazards and first aid instructions are posted in the crew accommodation

16 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 8.3 Plans for Shipboard operation (Ferries & Ro-Ro) Hazardous cargo are stored in accordance with relevant certificates Cargo is properly secured The safety working load (SWL) is clearly marked on the lifting equipment 8.4 Plans for Shipboard operation (Bulk Carriers) The ship/shore check list is filled in and the relevant provisions are observed The cargo characteristics are available Product hazards and first aid instructions are posted in the crew accommodation Records are available for Hold bilges sounding and Bilge water analysis Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

17 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 8.5 Plans for Shipboard operation (Engine Department) All personnel are wearing safety equipment when and where required All emergency exits from engine room are clearly marked The portable fire extinguishers are provided with operating instructions written in language (s) understood by the crew The emergency fire pump is provided with operating instructions (if necessary) written in language (s) understood by the crew Operating instructions are posted next to fixed firefighting systems Breathing apparatus are ready for immediate use Vent truck fire flaps and funnel dampers are clearly marked Accommodation ventilation motors stops are clearly marked Control systems in case of fire in the engine room are clearly marked : - Extinguishing system type :……………. - Dampers and ventilation ducts - Engine room ventilators and exhausters - Fuel pumps, separators and valves - Boiler’s fans and burners - Engine room compartment doors (watertight,….) Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

18 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 8.5 Plans for Shipboard operation (Engine Department) In the steering gear room : The emergency changeover procedure is display The rudder angle indicator is clearly visible at the emergency pos. The access is not obstructed The antiskid floor is provided The emergency generator is provided with starting and operating instructions Enclosed spaces entries and work permits system is used Permits duly filled in are available Safety procedures are followed when using portable welding or burning equipment Electric and gas welding equipment are in good condition Spare oxygen and acetylene are store in a well ventilated position Suitable pollution prevention notices are posted Suitable pollution prevention notices are posted Procedures are available for cargo, ballast and bunker transfer During bunkering and fuel transfer, diagrams are properly displayed During bunkering and fuel transfer, check lists are used Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

19 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 8.5 Plans for Shipboard operation (Engine Department) During bunkering anti pollution scrapper plugs are in use During bunkering spill containers and gratings are fitted under manifolds and fuel tanks Unused bunker manifolds are blanked and fully bolted Exposed decks are free from oil or oily material Equipment is readily available to deal with small oil spill All crew are familiar with the location of all those equipments The oil record book is completed and up-to-date The garbage disposal log book is up-to-date Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

20 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 8.6 Plans for Shipboard operation (Medical Department) The medical department is involved in the CMS A diarrhea log book is available and duly filled in The doctor is responsible for the safe custody of drugs A pharmacy and narcotics inventory is available and up-to-date Records of pharmacy request are maintained The hospital equipment is regularly checked to ensure correct functioning The medical department is involved in the training of the stretcher team Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

21 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 9 Ship Security Plan - SSP A ship security plan approved by the Administration or a Recognized Security Organization is available on board the ship The SSP indicates clearly the actions to be taken at security level 1, 2 & 3 The locations of the ship security alarms and ship security alert system are conformed to the approved security plan Restricted areas are clearly marked and protected according to the security level the ship is sealing Security measures to control access to the ship are in place according to the level of security the ship is sealing Security measures to control restricted areas on board the ship are in place according to the level of security the ship is sealing Security measures during handling of the cargo are in place according to the level of security the ship is sealing Security measures for delivery of ship’s stores are in place according to the level of security the ship is sealing Security measures for unaccompanied baggage are in place according to the level of security the ship is sealing Means for monitoring the ship security measures are in place according to the level of security the ship is sealing Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

22 ISM6ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 10 Emergency Preparedness Procedures are in place to ensure crew co-ordination in performing functions vital to safety or the prevention of pollution Solas training manual is up-to-date and distributed correctly Test and drills required by Solas, ISPS Code and flag state requirements have been carried out and duly recorded Radio communication tests and drills have been carried out and duly recorded The updated shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP) or vessel response plan (VRP) is available Test and drills required by shipboard oil pollution emergency plan have been carried out and duly recorded The emergency plans are approved by the Administration Muster lists and emergency instructions are updated The identification of the emergency situations is made from previous experience and from analysis of accidents and near misses Each crew member is provided with the emergency personal safety card Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

23 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 11.1 Maintenance of the Ship and Equipment The maintenance system includes systematic plans and actions designed to address all those items and systems covered by class and statutory survey The maintenance problems are reported to the company Periodicity of company inspections is in accordance with the CMS manual. Date of the last company’s inspection to the ship: Copy of the inspection reports or lists of non conformities are available Communication from the ship to the company, when non conformities have been corrected, are available Are any deficiencies or non conformities reports outstanding from : - Superintendents - Safety & Security - Conditions of class - Flag state - Port state control Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

24 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 11.2 Maintenance (Engine, Deck, Machineries, Mooring Eq.) The inspection and maintenance records are up-to-date and properly filed Communications from the ship concerning the implementation of corrective actions are filed Intervals for maintenance and inspections are established and observed The machinery maintenance is in accordance with the manufacturer’ requirements in running hours The analysis of lube oil, water and fuel oil are regularly carried out The relevant reports are available The first engineer’s daily work book is available Evaluation is made if corrective action is to be taken by the crew or if support from shore is needed The work list is maintain duly updated The dry dock repair items are filed and forwarded to the company Records of all purchase orders and requests are maintained The documentation relevant to spare parts and material provided and to be provided on board is properly filed Non conformity reports are raised against goods or materials supplied which do not meet specified requirements Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

25 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 11.3 Maintenance (Engine, Deck, Machineries, Mooring Eq.) Periodic functional tests of stand-by arrangements, equipment and systems that are not in continuous use are carried out The emergency generator is regularly tested Date of the last test: Engine room bilges are free from oil leakages and materials and sufficiently free from oil The sewage treatment plant is functioning correctly Service records are available for specialist machinery items ( machinery alarms and shut down devices, oil water separator instrument and controls, …… Mooring rope are regularly inspected and their visible part appears in good condition Winch and windlass brake lining and pins are regularly inspected and they appear in good condition Anchors and chains are regularly inspected and their visible part appears in good condition Deck and mooring area are painted with non-skid paint The actions taken to rectify deficiencies and non conformities noted during survey, safety inspection and class societies taken are filed Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

26 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 11.4 Maintenance (Bulk Carriers) Records are available for : - Hold hatch covers inspections - Cargos holds inspections 11.5 Maintenance (Ferry Ro-Ro) Records are available for inspection and maintenance of : - Bow, lateral and stern doors - Garages - Car decks - Ramps Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

27 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 11.6 Maintenance (Ship’s structure) The inspection and maintenance records are up-to-date and properly filed Communications from the ship concerning the implementation of corrective actions are filed Intervals for maintenance and inspections are established and observed The inspections of side doors are regularly carried out The Chief officer’s daily work book is available The general conditions of the paint room is acceptable The condition of fuel and ballast vents as well as of hand are satisfactory Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

28 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 11.7 Maintenance (Lifesaving appliances) The maintenance log book is available and duly filled in During the general examination of the ship, the following appliances have been visually examined and found in good conditions : Lifeboats and lowering arrangements Life rafts and related hydrostatic releases Lifebuoys and relevant lights or smoke signals Lifeboat and life raft embarkation ladders Lifeboat and life raft operating instructions are displayed 11.8 Maintenance (Firefighting equipment) The firefighting equipment is regularly inspected The records of the inspections are available Service records are available for : - Smoke and fire detection alarm system - Fixed and portable gas detecting equipment - CO2 extinguishing equipment The hoses and their nozzles are in good condition 11.9 Maintenance (Security equipment) The Security equipment is regularly inspected The records of the inspections are available Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

29 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 11.10 Maintenance (Bridge Equipment) The equipment for communication is regularly inspected (GMDSS, VHF, Auto alarms,…. ) Inmarsat enhancer group calling for marine safety information is In used. The relevant procedures are available The list of radio signals are corrected and up-to-date The condition of the emergency batteries is regularly checked The lifeboat radio equipment is regularly tested and the results recorded All responsible crew is trained in the use of the lifeboat radio and emergency transmitter 11.11 Maintenance (Hotel Department) The records of the hygiene and sanitary inspections are available ( public rooms, crew accommodation areas, kitchen, store rooms, hospital, pharmacy……) The master weekly inspection of the accommodation and store rooms are recorded Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

30 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 12 Report & Analysis of Non-conformities, Accidents & Hazardous Occurrences When the ship has an accident (damages to the ship or its machinery, personnel injury, pollution) or incurred in hazardous situations (near misses) or breaches of security, security threats or security incidents : The reports from the ship are available The company has investigated the situations Instructions or corrective actions have been provided The communication and reporting procedures specified in the CMS documents have been adopted Communications and reports are filed and available on the ship as evidence Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

31 ISM-ISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 13 Documentation The updated CMS documents ( CMS manual, and Circular letters) are available as specified by the relevant distribution list The CMS manual is written in a language that can be understood by the senior officers A copy of the DOC is available on board The approved Ship Security Plan is available on board The statutory and class certificates relevant to the ship are available on board and in due course of validity Mandatory rules, regulations and the relevant list are available Applicable codes, guidelines, standards and the relevant list are available Technical manuals, drawings, user’s manuals are available Compulsory manuals, documents and instructions are available (Stability and loading manual, pollution emergency plans……..) A list of valid circular letters is available The circular letters are properly filed Other correspondence relevant to the CMS is available Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS Periodic verification of the documents kept in the file is foreseen Obsolete documents are disposed of

32 ISMISPS Code Internal Audit of the ship
Document to be used for reporting the results of the audit of the ship Par. of the code Element of the Company Management System Department audited Rem. 1 2 3 4 14 Company Verification, Review and Evaluation Internal audits are conducted by the company at least annually on each vessel to verify compliance of the CMS Periodicity of the audits is in accordance with the CMS manual Date of the last audit: The auditor belong to the company’s staff or to an external Organization The audits are performed on the basis of a check list Both for the audit report and for requiring corrective action, appropriate forms are foreseen Company’s audits reports or list of non conformities are available Communication from the ship’s to the company, when non conformities have been corrected, are available The report of the last external audit and the list of non conformities are available The corrective actions taken to close-out the non conformities have been reviewed by the DPA and/or the CSO, and an external auditor, and have been considered effective A review of the adequacy of the CMS is carried out annually by the company management. The minutes of the review meeting are available The annual objectives for continuous improvement are available Bureau Veritas – Marine - DNS

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