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The Continuing Florida Aviation System Planning Process (CFASPP) Florida Department of TRANSPORTATION Jim Halley, A.A.E., ACE Aviation System Manager Aviation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Continuing Florida Aviation System Planning Process (CFASPP) Florida Department of TRANSPORTATION Jim Halley, A.A.E., ACE Aviation System Manager Aviation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Continuing Florida Aviation System Planning Process (CFASPP) Florida Department of TRANSPORTATION Jim Halley, A.A.E., ACE Aviation System Manager Aviation and Spaceports Office Florida Department of Transportation 9 th National Aviation System Planning Symposium May 19, 2015

2 Florida’s Airport System 129 public use facilities – 19 commercial service airports including 4 large hubs – 110 GA airports including 9 “National” assets Over 700 private use facilities – 2 FAA-licensed spaceports with 10 launch facilities – 26 military airfields – More than 700 private use facilities 2 TV shows Florida Department of Transportation

3 Florida’s Airport System Only state with 4 large hub commercial airports No state has more “National” GA airports Over half of all of Florida’s visitors arrive by air FL’s aviation industry accounts for 1.3 million jobs, $44.5 billion in annual payroll, and $144.0 billion in annual economic impact Florida Department of Transportation

4 The Continuing Florida Aviation System Planning Process (CFASPP) Established as a component of the FAA’s Continuous Airport Systems Planning Process Assists FDOT in maintaining a viable and relevant aviation environment Serves as a continuous update effort into the Florida Aviation System Plan (FASP) Originally formed in the 80s, still going strong! – ≈ 84% of our 129 airports participated in 2014 – Nearly 1,000 meetings since it began It is the airports’ process, not FDOT’s Florida Department of Transportation

5 CFASPP 9 regional committees and 1 statewide committee Each committee meets three times per year Florida Department of Transportation Tallahassee Tampa Orlando Pensacola Jacksonville Miami Fort Myers Palm Beach

6 CFASPP – Who participates? Airports (the members) Florida Department of Transportation FAA FDOT Consultants Others

7 CFASPP How do you do it, Jim?! Florida Department of Transportation

8 The Florida Aviation System Plan (FASP) First FDOT-developed FASP completed in 2005 – CFASPP members developed the FASP prior to 2005 Incorporates traditional system planning elements with state-specific aspects Identifies goals, approaches, measurements, and recommendations Examines the economic impact of Florida’s airports Looks at Florida’s aviation system both regionally and statewide Currently being updated Florida Department of Transportation

9 CFASPP’s Benefits to Florida Aviation What has come out of CFASPP? Input into the FASP Training courses – Annual pavement inspection and repair training – Airport Leadership Development Course (101 and 201 – based on ACRP Report 75) Joint projects with the Florida Airports Council Consistent stakeholder input and feedback on FDOT programs, initiatives, and policies Input into the development and improvement of numerous guiding publications and special studies Identifies trends, challenges, and concerns within Florida’s aviation system Florida Department of Transportation

10 Special Studies/Projects Florida Aviation System Plan Air Cargo Study Air Service Study Airport Demand/Capacity Study Economic Impact Study Design Guidelines and Minimum Standards for T- hangar Projects Rates and Charges Analysis FDOT-developed forecasts Numerous working groups Florida Department of Transportation

11 Guidebooks Airport Compatible Land Use Guidebook Florida Aviation Project Handbook Guidebook for Airport Master Planning Guidelines for Determining Market Value and Market Rent of Airport Property Airport Revenue Use Guide GA Airport Business Plan Guidebook Florida Department of Transportation

12 Florida’s Aviation Guidance Documents Florida Department of Transportation The Planner, AICP Denzel Washington is “Get to the conference room!” Plans have changed! Denzel delivers his best performance since Rezoned! - The NY Times

13 GA Airport Business Plan Guidebook Florida Department of Transportation a.k.a. The Guidebook

14 System-wide Challenges Facing Airports Limited support from local government – Revenue diversion Limited support from community for growth – Better understanding of GA airports’ benefits to communities may be needed – Developing the airport within the community’s vision Receiving market value for leases Lack of infrastructure – On-airport and off-airport – Lack of funds to implement master plan recommendations Florida Department of Transportation

15 Why Develop a Guidebook? Florida Department of Transportation To be a Florida-specific resource for developing or updating an airport business plan – Consistent with ACRP Report 77 To educate and inform all parties involved in the airport business planning process The guidebook IS NOT FDOT’s business plan for the airports The guidebook IS a tool to help airports develop their own business plan specific to their characteristics, visions, local views, and market

16 Why Develop a Business Plan? Florida Department of Transportation QUIZ TIME! What are FAA Grant Assurances 3, 24, and 25? What are the two ways you can impact the bottom line?

17 Why Develop a Business Plan? Florida Department of Transportation FDOT

18 Why Develop a Business Plan? Florida Department of Transportation Allows the development of an action plan that will: Justify the economic value of a GA airport in the minds of local elected officials and decision makers  Helps to secure additional funding (local match) and support for airport projects Assists an airport in becoming more financially self- sufficient  Increased revenues  Reduced expenses Illustrates how important an airport is to a community  Creation of jobs, economic diversity, supports local and regional economies

19 How Business Plans Help Airports Florida Department of Transportation

20 How Business Plans Help Airports Florida Department of Transportation Develops an action plan for completing the goals and objectives of an airport Transforms the airport’s vision and long-term goals into specific, near-term goals and actions Results in strategies for increasing local support Outlines strategies for attracting businesses and lessees Identifies funding sources to implement recommendations included in approved airport master plans

21 What’s In a Business Plan Florida Department of Transportation Analysis Phase – Existing conditions – Mission, vision, and values Business Plan Development Phase – SWOT analysis – Goals and objectives that promote financial self- sufficiency (what were those Grant Assurances again?) Implementation Phase – Action plan – Marketing – Maintenance and updates

22 Guidebook Development Florida Department of Transportation Our airports helped write the document: – Initial input collected during the 2013 CFASPP regional meetings – Assistance from 15 Technical Advisory Committee members representing all 9 CFASPP regions Two webinars to guide project development Review of individual deliverables throughout project Data collected from diverse stakeholders in various aviation related fields Reviewed by CFASPP members Draft document reviewed by the Florida Airports Council (FAC)

23 Guidebook Reception & Critical Acclaim Florida Department of Transportation Briefed during September, 2014 CFASPP round Presentation at the October, 2014 FAC Specialty Conference Widely touted as a great tool for everyone’s benefit For all of that, here is the response we received: Does this mean that business plans are eligible for state grants? Can I have some money to do a business plan? YES!

24 Guidebook Outcomes Florida Department of Transportation Tools developed – Guidebook – Best management practices – List of useful documents and resources for developing a business plan – Guidebook primer Who should use the Guidebook? – Airport management – Airport sponsors (commissioners, authority members, etc.) – Consultants – FDOT staff

25 More Information on the Guidebook Hey, Jim… where can I get some more info on this awesome guidebook you keep talking about?! (plus lots of other great documents) Florida Department of Transportation

26 Questions? Florida Department of Transportation

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