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Published byCollin Harrell Modified over 9 years ago
School Self-Evaluation and Planning (Post-Primary) NIPTWS02
Faciltator please note for your convenience: Where appropriate the heading KEY MESSAGE will appear in bold in the speaker notes in order to ensure that it is reinforced to NQTs. A must, could, should methodology is also used in certain speaker notes in order to assist with time management during the workshop. Facilitator: Welcomes NQTs to the evening. Introduces self briefly-school, teaching/mentoring other relevant experience, empathises with NQT ā what it was like for you (facilitator) when you started teaching. Delighted to have the opportunity to work with and support NQTs. It is important to note that some teachers attending may not be in their first year teaching but wish to attend professional development and they are very welcome... However, the workshop is designed specifically for NQTs in their first year teaching in a mainstream class. Also acknowledge that all NQTs may not be employed at the moment but that all are very welcome. It is important that NQTs have a chance to introduce themselves in small groups, and where possible/appropriate in class groupings. School Self-Evaluation and Planning (Post-Primary) NIPTWS02
Working together in the workshops will involveā¦
Confidentiality Participation Contributing to group learning Asking questions/clarifying issues Taking responsibility for your own learning Please check that your phone is off for the duration of the workshop Please remind NQTs of the protocols of working together as part of the workshop programme. The key points to highlight are: Confidentiality - To be explained clearly - NQTs are asked not to mention names of schools, children, teachers or parents when discussing work/school issues. Participation and Engagement - Contributing to group learning, asking questions/clarifying issues, positive interaction with peers and facilitator. Communication with all parties involved will be carried out in a manner which is professional, collaborative and based on trust. If an NQT has an issue which is of particular concern to them, invite them to please speak with you when the session ends. If they wish to raise an issue with regard to organisational aspects of the workshop programme then refer NQTs to Director of local EC. If they wish to raise an issue with regard to any other aspect of the workshop programme then refer NQTs to NIPT.
KEY MESSAGE ā Facilitator to state CPD Planning is part of the Work of the Professional (re-emphasise the previous workshop -Teacher Professionalism and Well-Being) Ask NQTs to view this slide in their NQT Booklet, it provides an overview of the planning process and the workshop. Facilitator begins - What is SSE & Planning? Then Three Steps to Planning. Facilitator - briefly outline Levels of Planning and emphasises that this is always in line with the school context.
What is School Self-Evaluation?
SSE is a way of systematically looking at how we teach and how our students learn and making decisions about what we want to improve. Because We want to make learning better for students We want to make teaching more rewarding Schools are best placed to examine their own practice and to tell their own story KEY MESSAGE - Facilitators explain to NQTs that this is the basis of Whole School Planning and Evaluation now. It envisages schools taking responsibility for their own planning, reflection and putting strategies in place to lead to improved outcomes for teaching and learning. Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet.
What SSE means for me as an NQT?
Put another wayā¦ SSE is a process that allows schools and teachers to improve outcomes for learners. Reflect Collaborate Gather Evidence Arrive at decisions about Quality (Judgement) Direct School Improvement Improve Learning What SSE means for me as an NQT? I know who the Numeracy Link Person is. I know who the Literacy Link Person is. I am aware of the numeracy/literacy moments that are currently in use across the whole school. I am regularly implementing these numeracy/literacy moments in my lesson plans and in my teaching. Facilitator to ask NQT to refer to NQT Booklet.
SSE Framework: Teaching and Learning
Theme Facilitator to ask NQTs to view this in their NQT Booklet. Sub-themes
What is Effective Planning?
What do I think? What does my partner think? What will we share? What information and skills do you use from ITE when planning? Activity 1: Think / Pair / Share Feedback to the flipchart and display during the session, make links to it where possible. Encourage discussion in the area of subject planning. Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet.
How are you currently planning? What process do you use to plan classes ?
1 2 3 4 5 KEY MESSAGE - Key message of this workshop that the textbook is NOT the syllabus and is only one authorās interpretation Individual activity first, to get the NQT to establish if they have a process to how they plan. Get general feedback and see if there is any commonality in how they work at planning. Ask NQTs if they have a syllabus? (It might be a good idea to ask the NQTs to bring in their syllabus for the workshop) Where would they find a syllabus? Check subject department plan in the school Check the school policy on planning Reflect on how you have approached planning to date Keep all documents in a planning file Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet.
A model of Teaching/Planning
Curriculum Select Identify Topics Plan Instruction Teach lesson Learning Evaluate Outcomes Analyse Provide follow Up Facilitators to emphasise that this diagram is School Self-Evaluation ā that it encompasses evidence based practice and reflection. Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet. Kenneth D. Moore (2012) Effective Instructional Strategies, From Theory to Practice, 3rd edition, Pg. 153
Subject Specific Planning Class Planning Checklist
Planning in Context Step 1 School and National Level Subject Specific Planning Step 2 Subject Department Level Class Planning Checklist Step 3 Individual Class Level Facilitator outlines this three pronged approach to planning within schools and their inter-dependence. Overview of the next 15 slides. It is the structure of the 3 Step approach to planning and school self evaluation
What are the Key Planning Factors for you in each of the following?
Planning in Context Subject Department Context Individual Class Context Activity 2 : Group Work Each group picks three key points from above. Write on flip charts and put up in the room Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet. Facilitators ā tell the NQTs that the FOLLOWING SLIDES TO COME ARE THE ACTUAL ANSWERS. Take feedback orally
Planning in Context Programme (JCSP, JC, LCA, SEN, LCVP, TYP, LC)
School specific ā DEIS, CEIST, ERST, etc. School Plan Literacy and Numeracy Assessment and Methodologies School and Subject Policies e.g homework This is step one ā Refer to NQT Booklet Global planning from the top down Explain the acronyms: DEIS = Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools CEIST = Catholic Education, An Irish Schools Trust ERST = Edmund Rice Schools Trust
Subject Specific Planning
Syllabus Junior/Senior Cycle Curricular Considerations: Programme Aims SEN Inclusion Assessment Differentiation Sharing Methodologies and Resources Skills Targets: Homework, Organisation Literacy & Numeracy Targets This is step two and shows NQTs the relevance of planning in their area Suggest how this is linking together the knowledge accrued in previous workshops Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet.
Planning Checklist Planning Checklist Content Methodology
Considerations Organisation Feedback Reflection Planning Checklist Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet.
Planning Together At a whole school level ā what is the evidence?
DES & Whole School Targets for Curricular Planning Subject Department & Programme Planning Class & Individual Planning KEY MESSAGE - What kind of targets are set at a whole school level that will impact on my planning? Briefly link what happens at whole school level to what we do in class and also at a subject department level. Some examples of targets such as DEIS or JCSP targets could be used here such as comprehension or spelling or key words usage. At a whole school level ā what is the evidence?
Syllabus Content of what we will teach
Subject Department Policy: sections and choices Teacher Guidelines Structure and options within the exams WSE & Inspection Reports: Examinersā Report Essential Components Projects and Timeframe Options Textbooks and Resources including ICT Activity 3: Self Reflection Ask the NQTs to reflect on what are the essential components to his/her planning box/folder.
Available on:,
Ask NQTs have they seen these documents for their subject Teaching Practice File Copy and have in planning folder Practical subject teachers must check have they all necessary documents (may have extra) Available on:,
Planning Starts and Ends
āLessons both stand alone and yet connect in series as part of a greater journey at the same time.ā This means we need to: Treat lessons as discrete elements with clear starts and clear outcomes, assessed and evaluated at the end Also refer to prior learning and communicate to learners how the lesson fits into the broader picture Kidd & Cherniawski (2010) Successful Teaching, Pg , Theory Practice and Reflection Naming the Learning Objectives at the start of the class is important. This will not only assist in learning but also develop key literacy and learning skills. Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet.
Planning Templates Class Profile for Teaching and Learning Recording of Student Progress Planning for Good Behaviour and Strengths Thinking Through Teaching and Learning - Year Plan Half Term Plan Weekly Plan 3 Different Versions Day Plan Lesson Plan 5 Different Versions Quick Reference Guide These are samples of possible templates that could be used and adapted. Some will be used at the start of the year, others would be used on a needs basis. They aim to provide options for the NQTS to use. Facilitator takes 10 mins to go through planning templates (Familiarise NQTs with their own folders and the accompanying planning templates) : Which planning templates would/could work in a school context? Would/Could such templates be used to facilitate positive behaviour/classroom management within a school? How could/would such templates assist in a whole school and/or department and/or individual class context in implementing assessment, inclusion, EAL, differentiation, streaming & mixed ability policies? Introduce NQTs to 2-OAK class. How would these students be consideredĀ in class planning?
The Quick Reference Guide
The list is not exhaustive and will be added to by the teacher over time Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet.
Activity: Planning a Lesson
Use the template for thinking through a lesson, and you can use any of the options, depending on what suits your practice. Using the template and the quick reference guide write up a lesson on a topic you will be teaching in the next few days. Lesson Template Aspects of the plan Flat fish lesson plan Adapted fish bone graphic organiser using structured headers Flat fish lesson plan Literacy + Layered graphic tool with sub-organisers like Must, Should , Could included. More focused on aspects of planning to enhance learning skills Flat fish Lesson Plan Literacy Tips Suggestions available on template linked to start, middle and end of lesson. Lesson Plan ā Open Narrative Broad headings with open response Lesson Plan Chunked Narrative As above but chunked into four sections
Content ā Methodologies
Individual Planning Checklist Syllabus Exam Structure Marking Schemes Practical Subjects: Health and Safety Cross Curricular links ā JCSP, LCA, LCVP Do methodologies chosen differentiate within the class group? Facilitator ā consolidate the previous slides 18ā21 in which NQTs are asked to reflect on the lesson they planned. Did they consider methodology? Syllabus? Differentiation, etc?
Considerations Literacy and Numeracy
Assessment Tools to be used (Of and For Learning) Differentiation (Academic, Behavioural, Social and Emotional) Special Educational Needs (SEN) Inclusion Aspects of the class e.g. EAL Groupings Timetable Restrictions Behaviour
Organisation Records of work covered and activities completed
Assessment of and for learning Homework Attendance Seating Behaviour strengths and targets
Reflective / Self Evaluation Practice
Time Peer Evaluation and feedback Assessment methodologies Examinersā Reports and State averages within State exams Peer Observation Evidence based practice Parent and student feedback Step three is important to evaluate and see the key role they play in the planning process Ask NQTs have they tried this checklist? Have you a mentoring system in school ā peer observation Explain ā Time ā Make time State Averages ā Where do you get them, How would you analyse them? Assessment Methodologies - AoL, AfL Examiners Report ā tips, what the examiners are looking for? Peer Observation ā Mentoring System in school, ask Principal could you get involved in Peer Observation Adopting Good Practice ā Develop and share good practice (links with Peer Observation) Where do I to find this information on state exam results etc.?
Activity Scenarios Working in small groups, each group will have two scenarios to work through. What top three actions would your group suggest? Activity 4 : Scenarios divide into small groups. A list of scenarios ā Planning Workshop: Ask NQTs to choose from two and one NQT to report back to the group. (Refer to NQT booklet) Scenario One Teacher x has second year ********* for the first time and find out that one section of the first year course has not been completed. How do you plan for this? Scenario Two You have a class planned but: ICT breaks down and / or Specialist room is not available. What do you do? Scenario 3 You have a class planned and half the class are missing as there they are out on a school activity you did not know about . What do you do? Scenario 4 If you are called into a school on substitute cover and given a timetable for your classes but no weekly plan or yearly plans are given. What do you do? Scenario 5 Within your subject department if you wanted to make a change e.g. Books on timing or new resources/materials, how would you approach this? Scenario 6 As an NQT, you are asked to do the plan for your department or asked to be the subject co- ordinator. What do you say? Scenario 7 What information do you need if your class includes SEN, EAL and/ or SEBD, to assist you in creating lessons that meet their needs Scenario 8 How do you plan for the " What if" scenarios e.g. Teaching a class group in your subject area with very little notice i.e. Have a bank of resources/an independent /stand alone class that you an pull out of the bag Scenario 9 You are teaching a third or sixth year class doing state exams, what information is needed to assist you in planning?
Teacher X has second year
Teacher X has second year ********* for the first time and finds out that one section of the first year course has not been completed. How do they plan for this? You have a class planned but the ICT breaks down and/or the specialist room is not available. What do you do? You have a class planned and half the class are missing as they are out on a school activity you did not know about. What do you do? If you are called into a school on substitute cover and given a timetable for your classes but no weekly plan or yearly plans are given. What do you do? Within your subject department if you wanted to make a change e.g. Books on timing or new material/resources. How would you approach this? As an NQT you are asked to do the plan for your Department or asked to be the subject co-ordinator. What do you say? You have a group where a student is being supported by an SNA. How do you factor this support into your planning? Refer NQTs to their NQT Booklet.
To ask for support is a sign of strengthā¦
Additional Support Professional Support Groups NIPT School Support Service Contact the NIPT Please ask your Facilitator or EC for the contact details of the NIPT RDO assigned to your EC Key Message: Refer again to motto for The National Induction Programme for Teachers. Asking for support is central to professional development. Remind NQTs of date for next session. Remind NQTs that they can: Ask their principal to apply for the NIPT School Support Service by completing the NIPT School Support Service Request Form at and returning same to NIPT office. School support is available to support NQTs in their planning and their classroom practice. Request Professional Support Groups ā Additional support in small group settings in the areas of Numeracy, Literacy, Planning, Assessment, Multi-grade, Resource teaching, 90 minute duration. Available on request to Education Centre by NQT. To ask for support is a sign of strengthā¦
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