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Integrated ELD AND Designated ELD: BOTH not OR
Magdalena Ruz Gonzalez, Project Director III Multilingual Academic Support Unit Curriculum and Instructional Services 2” who is in audience?
OUTCOME Illustrate the differences between Integrated and Designated ELD found in the ELA ELD Framework through videos and vignettes 2” ”Definition for Scaffolding_ Temporary guidance or assistance provided to a student enabling the student to perform a task otherwise he or she would not be able to do alone with the goal of fostering the student’s capacity to perform the task on his or her own later on. Another aspect is that teachers begin to internalize this approach and eventually will only need to use the booklet as reference.
Integrated ELD and Designated ELD
“All teachers should attend to the language learning needs of their ELs in strategic ways that promote the simultaneous development of content knowledge and advanced levels of English……… using the CA ELD standards in two ways: Integrated ELD; and Designated ELD.” 2”” This is a direct quote from the Framework. Throughout the day, students are provided instruction by content teachers with scaffolds to the text and in meaningful exchanges to develop their academic language. This instruction links to the designated ELD protected time when teachers dedicate focus on learning about English and its features as it relates to content instruction.
Both/And: NOT OR “ELs at all English proficiency levels and at all ages require both integrated ELD and specialized attention to their particular language learning needs, or designated ELD.” California Department of Education (2014) English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools: Transitional Kindergarten through Grade Twelve 1”
Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)
SDAIE is “instruction in a subject area delivered in English, that is specially designed to meet the needs of limited English proficient pupils. SDAIE is an instructional methodology, not a program.” (EC (b)) CCTC, Coded Correspondence 14-01: Approval of Amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations Pertaining to EL Authorizations for California Prepared Teachers and the World Language: ELD Content Area Authorization 3” 7” running This definition is in from the California Teaching Commission. Integrated ELD with SDAIE is a framework of instructional strategies to provide rigorous content instruction in English for all ELLs at the lowest English proficiency levels to the highest.
Key Features of Integrated ELD (in Content Areas)
“Effective instructional experiences for ELs throughout the day and across the disciplines: Are interactive and engaging, meaningful and relevant, and intellectually rich and challenging Are appropriately scaffolded in order to provide strategic support that moves learners toward independence Build both content knowledge and academic English Value and build on primary language and culture and other forms of prior knowledge” California Department of Education (2014), Chapter 2, Figure English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools: Transitional Kindergarten through Grade Twelve 2’ The term Integrated ELD refers to ELD throughout the day and across the disciplines. Content teachers use their content standards AND ELD standards with their focal ELA standards to support Els linguistic and academic achievement.
Planning for Integrated ELD
Text Analysis: Text Level/Sentence and Clause Level/Phrase Level/ Word Level Understandings Standards: Content, CCSS ELA/Literacy, ELD Standards Content Objectives: Based on grade-level content standards Language Objectives: Links to the Content Objectives; based on text demands using ELD Standards (SDAIE) Strategies, Differentiation, Engagement, Assessment Cycle: Assess prior knowledge, scaffolds, modeling, collaborative practice, independent practice, informal assessment, re-teaching, checking for understanding, etc. 3” 13” running
Let’s Observe Integrated ELD in Science!
Locate Note taking Video Guide handout Partner Up: Integrated ELD Science: Focus on Academic Language (Grade 4), Bell Gardens Elementary, Montebello, CA Use your notes to discuss the key ideas observed. 1” to intro/9” to view// 5” to discuss 28 minutes running INSTRUCTOR NOTES: Integrated ELD Science: Focus on Academic Language (Grade 4) Video length: 9 minutes Description: Students in Ms. Leslie Hiatt’s fourth grade class at Bell Gardens Elementary in Montebello, CA, focus on cause and effect, asking and answering questions to understand key details about bats and owls, reread portions of text to find evidence, write a quickwrite response, conduct data gathering in a small group, an inquiry "big idea” question is posed before students begin writing, sentence frames used in oral practice.
Designated ELD “Designated ELD is a protected time during the regular school day when teachers use the CA ELD Standards as the focal standards in ways that build into and from content instruction in order to develop critical English language skills, knowledge, and abilities needed for content learning in English.” California Department of Education (2014) Chapter 2 English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools: Transitional Kindergarten through Grade Twelve 1”
Essential Features of Designated ELD Instruction
Intellectual Quality, Academic English Focus, Extended Language Interaction, Focus on Meaning, Focus on Forms, Planned and Sequenced Events, Scaffolding, Clear Lesson Objectives, Corrective Feedback California Department of Education (2014) Chapter 2, Figure 2.23 English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools: Transitional Kindergarten through Grade Twelve 1” 30 minutes running
Let’s Observe Designated ELD!
Locate Note taking Video Guide handout Partner up: Designated ELD: Focus on Science Text Features (Grade 4), Bell Gardens Elementary, Montebello, CA Use your notes to discuss the key ideas observed. 2 minutes to intro/ 6 minutes to view/5 minutes to discuss 43” running Designated ELD: Focus on Science (Grade 4) Video length: 6” Description: Students in Ms. Hiatt’s fourth grade class at Bell Gardens Elementary in Montebello, CA, had focused on cause and effect, asking and answering questions to understand key details about bats and owls, reread portions of text to find evidence, write a quickwrite response, conduct data gathering in a small group, an inquiry "big idea” question is posed before students begin writing, sentence frames used in oral practice in their Integrated ELD Science lesson. Now in Designated ELD, Ms Hiatt focuses on text features, providing evidence for essential information., additional oral practice with the academic language.
A Quick Look into Designated ELD and Integrated ELD Vignettes
How do the vignettes link between Integrated ELD and Designated ELD? Share your ideas with a new person. 8 minutes 51” running
ELD in Action: Vignettes 6.1 and 6.2
6.1 ELA Instruction in a Grade Six Interdisciplinary Unit Close Reading of a Memoir 6.2 Designated ELD Instruction in Grade Six Using Language Analysis to Deepen Understanding of Complex Text What is the role of content, and how does the lesson build into and from the content? How is academic language used, and how is the teacher developing it? How does the teacher determine when students need additional support? What strategies are used? 2 “ to intro/8 minutes to read/ 68 running 8” Pair Share: Compare the Integrated and the Designated Lessons. Use the Graphic Organizer to capture your thoughts.
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Multilingual Academic Support, LACOE LACOE ELA ELD Framework Support Network
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