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Armed Forces Member/Veteran

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1 Armed Forces Member/Veteran
Requirement Serving/served on AD (including basic training) in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard. National Guard or Reserve only considered veterans if called to active federal duty by presidential order for a purpose other than training. Any service characterization except dishonorable. Includes fraudulent entry provided entire period of service was not voided. Service academy/preparatory school students for at least 1 day are veterans if service characterization was not dishonorable. The possession of a DD214 does not mean the person is a veteran.

2 DD Form 214 Block 2: Department, Component and Branch
Army/RA = Regular Army/USAR = Reserve Army/ARNGUS = National Guard Navy – USN = Regular Navy – USNR = Reserve USMC – 11 = Regular USMC – K1 = Reserve Air Force – REGAF = Regular Air Force – AFRC = Reserve Air Force – ANGUS = Air National Guard Homeland Security – USCG = Regular Homeland Security – USCGR = Reserve

3 DD Form 214 Block 12.c.: Record of Serve - Net Active Service This Period Determine length of active service for DD 214 period. Note: Guard/Reserve personnel can have more than one DD 214. If the member was AD, served 1 or more days, and did not receive a dishonorable discharge (Block 24) they are considered a veteran even if they committed a military crime or were discharged for conduct/performance (Block 28). Fraudulent entry is acceptable permitted their entire period of service was not voided. Block 18: Remarks If the member was Guard/Reserve they must have been called to AD by presidential orders for purposes other than training. If the member served for purposes other than training it will be identified stating where they served and the dates. If service was anything other than dishonorable and meets the criteria list above then the member is a veteran. Title 32 v. Title 10 is typically specific here. If the Guard/Reserve member was on active duty for training only then they are not considered a veteran for financial aid purposes. This can be determined by looking at blocks 2, 11, 12.c, 18, 23, 24, & 28.

4 DD Form 214 Block 23: Type of Separation
This entry depends on the Character of Service (24). If block 24 is anything other than Honorable you will typically see “Discharge” or “Discharged”. If member was Guard/Reserve and on AD for training you will see “Release from active duty training” or “Release from IADT” or “Released from active duty”. AD members will have “Released from active duty”. Block 24: Character of Service DD 214 must have a Service Characterization of anything other than dishonorable to be considered a veteran. Block 28: Narrative Reason for Separation “Completion of Required Active Service” “Fraudulent Entry” “Misconduct (Serious Offense)” “Completion of Initial Active Duty Training”









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