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Market surveillance under the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD)

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Presentation on theme: "Market surveillance under the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Market surveillance under the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD)
Erik Hansson European Commission DG Health and Consumer Protection

2 The General Product Safety Directive (GPSD)
Applies to consumer products Waives for requirements on same aspects in specific legislation

3 Business-obligations
Produce and sell only safe products Monitor and follow up safety – trace, take actions and notify Co-operate with authorities

4 Member-States obligations
Control: market surveillance and enforcement Reporting Co-operation

5 European Commission obligations
Monitor Support Recognise standards Rapid EU decisions

6 Ensuring the safety of consumer products
Pre-market (preventive) Conformity assessment requirements for many products falling under sectoral legislation Post-market (reparative) Monitoring and safety management requirements in GPSD

7 Organisation of Market Surveillance in Member States
Geographical National Regional Local Type of product

8 The essential market surveillance requirements of the GPSD
Somebody to do the job Defined tasks and organisation Investigation powers Encourage voluntary actions Powers to require corrective actions Sanctions

9 The Essential operational requirements of the GPSD
Surveillance programmes Cooperation arrangements Scientific and technical knowledge Complaints and notification procedures Evaluation and review

10 Transparency Citizens right to know Except Professional secrecy
Investigation secrets

11 Commission support Networking Information exchange Tracing and recall
Exchange of expertise and best practices

12 Commission support Joint surveillance projects Specific products
Communication systems (ICSMS) Injury data registration Best practice in market surveillance (PROSAFE)

13 Commission control Continuos Regular Commission reports
Information exchange, RAPEX, complaints, etc. Regular Commission reports In depth assessment

14 Excludes: foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices.
Rapid Alerts (RAPEX) Notifications from Member States on measures ordered by authorities or voluntary measures by business concerning consumer products causing a serious risk Excludes: foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices. Link: Overviews of RAPEX notifications:

15 Contact points in Member States
Authority A Authority B Contact points in Member States Authority D Authority C DG B DG A DG Health and Consumer Protection DG C DG D






21 International co-operation
USA – CPSC China - AQSIQ ICPSC International standardisation – ISO/COPOLCO

22 Guidance documents: Borderline to sectoral directives
Business notification duty RAPEX operation Recall guideline Consumer safety: Products and services

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