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Watering Places by Vilius Dzidolikas This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of.

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Presentation on theme: "Watering Places by Vilius Dzidolikas This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watering Places by Vilius Dzidolikas This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

2 Content 1. Objective 2. Hag‘s foot 3. Narkunas‘ mound spring 4. Baba‘s garden 5. Lapes‘ watering place 6. Kleboniskis watering place

3 Objective To present 5 watering places in Lithuania that have magical characteristics.

4 Hag‘s foot There are many Hag‘s feet all over Lithuania. It is a small indentation in a rock or a bigger water source shaped like a long foot mark, so called because hags drag their feet when they walk. It‘s been told that these places are miraculous: their water helps to relieve pain and look younger.


6 Narkunas‘ mound spring There‘s a valley of Luck at the foot of the mound, where the spring of Health runs. Spring‘s water is used to treat all sorts of diseases, to wash newborns for the first time. During a ritual, a silver coin is thrown into the stream. It is said that once a thief went blind trying to steal the money.


8 Baba‘s garden It‘s believed that the water from this garden helps to have children. Women from this place tell that their siblings were caught in that watering place. Some kids would go there with bread crumbs to „feed“ the children in the pond, others would try to destroy the pond by rolling a huge rock on it, so that they wouldn‘t need to take care of other siblings.


10 Lapes‘ watering place A mineral watering place exists in Lapes town (Kaunas‘ region). It is used for making drinkable mineral water Rasa.

11 Kleboniskis watering place There is a stream in Sanciai, which is widely used among the people of the region. People use it for making food, drinking and showering. Some even believe that it has some special powers. However, a recent study revealed that the water is contaminated with bacterium and a huge level of nitrates.


13 Sources ne-gyvybes-eliksyras-680050#.VRZ5bPmsWuo ne-gyvybes-eliksyras-680050#. vandeniu.htm http:// pinigu-laimes-meiles-ar-vaiku.d?id=62948856 http:// =%28119390338 =%

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