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Drug Information Resources

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1 Drug Information Resources
Tertiary Resources

2 Drug Information Resources
Tertiary Resources Secondary Resources Primary Resources

3 Tertiary Resources They include:
Textbooks Compendia Review articles Other general information such as may be found on the internet first-line resources when dealing with a drug information question.

4 Tertiary Resources Advantages: Convenience Ease of use
Complete information Familiar to most practitioners.

5 Tertiary Resources Drawbacks: Lag time (less current information)
Incomplete information due to space restrictions and incomplete literature search by the author Possible errors in transcription, human bias, incorrect interpretation of information or lack of expertise by authors readers must judge the quality of tertiary references

6 Tertiary Resources Evaluation of tertiary literature:
Does the author have appropriate expertise to publish in this area? Is the information likely to be timely based on publication date? Is the information supported by appropriate citations? Does the resource contain relevant information and is free of bias?

7 Useful Tertiary Sources General product information
Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources General product information Major compendia, Handbook of Clinical Drug Data, Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs, Clinical Pharmacology Adverse effects Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs, Drug Therapy Monitoring System, major compendia Major compendia: e.g. Facts and Comparisons, AHFS Drug Information, Physicians' Desk Reference, DRUGDEX®, Drug Information Handbook, and USP DI Volume I.

8 Useful Tertiary Sources Availability of dosage forms
Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Availability of dosage forms Red Book, American Drug Index, major compendia Compounding Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, Merck Index, A Practical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Practice, USP/NF, Allen's Compounded Formulations, Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference, Extemporaneous Formulations, Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems, The Art, Science and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding

9 Useful Tertiary Sources Dietary supplement
Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Dietary supplement Natural Medicine Comprehensive Database, Review of Natural Products, Professional's Handbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs, PDR for Herbal Medicine, Herbal Medicines: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Herb Contraindications and Drug Interactions, AltMedDex Adverse Dosage recommendations (general and organ impairment) Major compendia, Drug Prescribing in Renal Failure

10 Useful Tertiary Sources Drug interactions
Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Drug interactions Hansten and Horn's Drug Interaction Analysis and Management, Drug Interaction Facts, Stockley's Drug Interactions, DRUG-REAX, major compendia Drug-laboratory interference Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data, Laboratory Test Handbook, Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests, Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures

11 Useful Tertiary Sources Drugs in pregnancy and in lactation
Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Drugs in pregnancy and in lactation Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation, Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation, Drugs for Pregnant and Lactating Women, Medications and Mothers' Milk: A Manual of Lactational Pharmacology, REPRORISK, major compendia Foreign drug identification Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference, Index Nominum, DRUGDEX®, European Drug Index, Internet search engines, specific country resources

12 Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Geriatric dosage recommendations Geriatric Dosage Handbook, The Merck Manual of Geriatrics, major compendia Identification of product by description of dosage form IDENTIDEX®, Clinical Pharmacology, Ident-a-Drug, Clinical Reference Library, electronic Facts and Comparisons

13 Useful Tertiary Sources Investigational drug information
Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Investigational drug information FDA website,, MedlinePlus, manufacturer websites Incompatibility/stability Handbook of Injectable Drugs, King Guide to Parenteral Admixtures, Trissel's Stability of Compounded Formulations, Extended Stability for Parenteral Drugs, Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy

14 Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Method/rate of administration Major compendia Pediatric dosage recommendations The Harriet Lane Handbook, Pediatric Dosage Handbook, Neofax, major compendia

15 Useful Tertiary Sources Pharmacokinetics
Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Pharmacokinetics Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Applied Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Principles of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics, major compendia* Pharmacology Goodman & Gilman's: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Principles of Pharmacology

16 Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Pharmacy law Pharmacy Practice and the Law, Guide to Federal Pharmacy Law, State Board of Pharmacy web pages Price Price-Chek PC, Drug Topics Red Book

17 Useful Tertiary Sources Serum or urine therapeutic levels
Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Serum or urine therapeutic levels Pharmacokinetic texts above and major compendia Therapy evaluation/recommendations Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, Applied Therapeutics, The Merck Manual, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Cecil's Textbook of Medicine, Textbook of Therapeutics, Conn's Current Therapy

18 Useful Tertiary Sources Toxicology information
Type of Request Useful Tertiary Sources Toxicology information POISINDEX®, Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning, Poisoning & Toxicology Handbook, Clinical Management of Drug Overdose, TOXNET Veterinary medicine Veterinary Drug Handbook, Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Compendia of Veterinary Products, FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine, 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline

19 Tertiary Resources AHFS Drug Information:
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, It contains information on both FDA approved and off‐labeled uses of medications It contains information about dosing in special populations It contains some information about compatibility and stability of injectables It is available as paper text, as intranet and PDA version

20 Tertiary Resources Drug Information Handbook (DIH):
Lexi-Comp, It is organized in brief drug monographs Data includes FDA approved and off‐labeled use of medications It has several appendixes providing treatment options and comparing agents in the same class It is also available through CD‐ROM, PDA and internet

21 Tertiary Resources Drug Facts and Comparisons:
WolterKluwer Health, Inc., It contains information organized by drug class There are comparative monographs of drug classes to help discern differences between agents of the same class It is available through CD‐ROM, and internet as well

22 Tertiary Resources Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR)
It is a compilation of product package inserts It includes contact information for manufacturers, a list of poison control centers and some limited tablet identification It is aslo available through PDA and online

23 Tertiary Resources Drugdex® System
This electronic resource is a database within the MICROMEDEX system It contains information about FDA-approved indications, off-label uses, pharmacokinetic data, safety information, and pharmacology. This resource is available via CD-ROM, PDA, and the Internet

24 Tertiary Resources USP DI Volumes I, II, and III
Thomson Healthcare, Information from the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Drug Information (DI) resources is also included in the MICROMEDEX Healthcare Series. Volume I contains information for the health care professional, organized into monographs based on nonproprietary names. Information that is included is similar to that in other monographs: indications, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, safety issues, and patient counseling points.

25 USP DI Volumes I, II, and III cont.
Volume II contains advice for the lay person and includes material intended to supplement counseling by a health care professional Volume III includes information about therapeutic equivalence and USP/National Formulary (NF) requirements for labeling, storing, and packaging drugs. There is also information about regulations and statutes impacting pharmacy. The first portion of this volume of the resource is commonly known as the Orange Book, and contains the same information that is available through the FDA via

26 Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs
This reference, published every 4 years with annual updates provides a critical review of international literature in the area of adverse events Chapters are organized by drug classification; adverse events are organized by drug name and then by organ system within each drug

27 Allen's Compounded Formulations
American Pharmacists Association, This resource is a collection of U.S. Pharmacist columns that have been printed as a text. Each recipe provides method of preparation, stability, and discussion of utility of the dosage form.

28 Extemporaneous Formulations
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, This resource is a compilation of published recipes with stability data Most products are oral formulations to reflect the unique needs of some pediatric patients. Information is also provided about legal and technical issues in compounding practices.

29 Merck Index Merck & Co.,
This resource provides descriptions of the chemical and pharmacologic information about a variety of products Data include CAS number, chemical structure, molecular weight, and physical data, including solubility, which may be especially useful in compounding

30 Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This classic text contains information about all aspects of pharmacy practice There is discussion of social issues impacting pharmacy as well as information about the basics of pharmaceutics, manufacturing, pharmacodynamics, and medicinal chemistry. Information is provided regarding common compounding techniques and ingredients

31 Drug Prescribing in Renal Failure
American College of Physicians, This resource addresses the changes in pharmacokinetics that occur as a result of renal impairment, and provides specific recommendations for dosing adjustment for medications recommendations for dosage modifications for patients undergoing hemodialysis, chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, and continuous renal replacement therapy

32 Hansten and Horn's Drug Interaction Analysis and Management
This resource provides summaries of, mechanism of, and management options for reported drug interactions The authors also provide information regarding severity of interaction and any risk factors that might predispose patients to this event This loose-leaf reference, which is updated quarterly, provides rapid information regarding severity and likelihood of an interaction and actions needed to minimize this risk based on the case studies and primary literature available.

33 Drug Interaction Facts
This resource provides information about drug-drug or drug-food interactions Discussions of significance of the interaction as well as suggestions for management are included

34 Drug-REAX This electronic resource is a database within the MICROMEDEX system. Information is provided about drug-drug, drug-food, and drug-supplement interactions Discussion is provided regarding severity, management, and literature about the interaction

35 Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference
Pharmaceutical Press, This resource includes information on a variety of domestic and international drugs Proprietary names and manufacturer contact information are available for a variety of countries This information is available in hardcopy, CD-ROM, via online subscription, and is also included in some MICROMEDEX Healthcare Series packages

36 Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, focuses exclusively on information available about the use of medications in pregnant or lactating women

37 Lab session Use Micromedex system to give your recommendations concerning these questions: Can I drink grapefruit juice if I’m taking atorvastatin? Can Ibuprofen be used for pregnant women?

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