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Assignment brief breakdown

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1 Storage and management of data in the laboratory Assignment brief breakdown

2 Assignment brief breakdown
Scenario: You are the head ICT technician within Brunel University. You have recently identified weaknesses within the science department in response to their data storage. It is your job to devise a proposal for updating storage procedures in a laboratory and explain the importance of confidentiality and security in regard to this data. Task 1 Group: Research the ways of storing data in a laboratory setting including the use of computers: This is your PowerPoint presentation. Individual: Generate a report, that explains what types of scientific information are stored in a laboratory information management system (LIMS). Explain how scientific data and records are stored. Use your PowerPoint as a reference but develop it further to include additional key details that you may have missed. Include key notes on the data protection act and why it is important in terms of security and confidentiality in a digital file storage system (LIMS) and the potential threats of such a system. Task 2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of keeping data and records in a LIMS. This should be completed in the form of a comparison table. Write a clear conclusion that identifies whether you feel a system like LIMS is secure and confidential, and what could be done to improve it. Please complete this in your books so it can be marked before you hand it in officially.

3 Reasons to keep data Type of data Reason to keep the data
who can: record, access and alter? COSHH records Ensure awareness of H&S issues with substances Technicians and who ever orders or stores the substances within the organisation Scientific data Vital to keep and retrieve data generated. HOD, deputies. And scientists/students working in the lab Scientific apparatus Ensure equipment is calibrated, maintenance data and schedules Waste disposal Show how much waste is produced and therefore disposed of Those involved with disposal (technicians) HOD may need to authorise costs Health and safety checks Demonstrate the monitoring of H&S and hold accident reports if necessary HOD< health and safety officers Training records Know the level of training or qualification of staff, keep and maintain records Training offer, HOD, supervisors, human resources, finance, members of staff. Quality assurance Quality procedure being carried out – checking and rechecking (audit) HOD, QA’s, Report records Patient tests, hospital records, Office support personnel will usually be responsible for electronically recording results Specification levels Prove that the organisation is only working at a certain level. E.g. the danger of microorganisms in use. HOD Sample throughput Number of samples going through processes in the lab in a given tine. Indicator of effectiveness HOD, deputies. management management Facilitate management decisions e.g. actions if deadlines are missed. Management, HR Security Who accessed the lab/equipment and when. HOD, Security staff, technicians, H&S staff and general floor staff who gain lab access

4 Connection to LIMS LIMS is a program designed to consolidate a method of storing all this data. It is a central system/database that organises and encrypts all data to ensure its safety and security. A similar program that does this in teaching is SIMS. (schools information management system)

5 Advantages and Disadvantages of data storage
Type of data Advantage of storage Disadvantage of storage COSHH records Scientific data Scientific apparatus Waste disposal Health and safety checks Training records Quality assurance Report records Specification levels Sample throughput management Security

6 Advantages and Disadvantages of LIMS
Storage type Advantage of LIMS Disadvantage of LIMS LIMS database system

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