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GYMNASTICS Lesson 1 - Introduction. Lesson Objective Today we will… Develop understanding of gymnastics content 1.Identify block objectives 2.Disprove.

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Presentation on theme: "GYMNASTICS Lesson 1 - Introduction. Lesson Objective Today we will… Develop understanding of gymnastics content 1.Identify block objectives 2.Disprove."— Presentation transcript:

1 GYMNASTICS Lesson 1 - Introduction

2 Lesson Objective Today we will… Develop understanding of gymnastics content 1.Identify block objectives 2.Disprove the myth that you must summersault... 3.Consider which factors might impact on our performance


4 Block Objectives 1.Improve our practical performance 2.Develop our understanding of two factors that impact on performance

5 Improving Practical Performance 1.Learn to perform new skills 2.Refine performance of existing skills 3.Create your own gymnastics sequence

6 Knowledge of two factors that impact on performance MentalEmotionalSocial Physical FitnessSkillTactics Think… Pair… Share… Instructions 1.On your own, no discussing, THINK which factor has the biggest impact on your gymnastics performance. Remember it could impact positively or negatively 2.Explain to your partner how the factor impacts on you

7 THE MYTH… Disproving the myth that you must summersault

8 Group Peer Assessment Task Task As a group observe the four performers. Using the SQA assessment standards and the success criteria provided assess each performance. As a group reach a conclusion as to whether the performer would pass at National 5

9 Assessment Criteria Assessment Standard 1.1 Selecting and applying straightforward movement and performance skills, with some complex actions, displaying consistency in control and fluency 1.2Demonstrating body and spatial awareness with clear patterns and rhythms 1.3Working co-operatively with others 1.4 Using and applying straightforward techniques and composition or tactics safely and effectively 1.5 Making appropriate decisions and straightforward adaptations in response to a range of variables 1.6 Demonstrating consistency of movement and performance skills in a range of performance contexts

10 Success Criteria 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.Candidates can apply a variety and range of skills during a sequence, some simple and some complex skills, such as forward roll, cartwheel, handstand and summersault. 2.Candidate can complete a basic movement sequence with control. 3.Candidate can complete a more complex movement sequence with control and fluency. 1.Candidate demonstrates good control and balance throughout their sequence. 2.Candidate is able to select the correct moves in order to maintain fluency throughout their sequence. 1.Candidate can cooperate with others to set up and put away equipment. 2.Candidate can offer feedback to a partner on their performance. 3.Candidate can accept feedback from others and work on their strengths and weaknesses. 4.Candidate can work with others to help them practice. 1.Candidate is able to show creativity when performing their sequence. 2.Candidate is able to select and perform moves which link together to show fluency. 3.Candidate is able to maintain control and balance by selecting the appropriate linking moves. 1.Candidate demonstrates the ability to adapt his/her routine/performance in response to a change in variables. 2.Candidate can adapt performance of skill, if necessary, to maintain fluency and control throughout their performance 1.Candidate shows consistency throughout their routine. 2.Candidate demonstrates consistency of movement over different apparatus.

11 Group Peer Assessment Task Task As a group observe the four performers. Using the SQA assessment standards and the success criteria provided assess each performance. As a group reach a conclusion as to whether the performer would pass at National 5

12 Video Clips Performer 1video 1video 2video 1video 2 Performer 2video 1video 1 Performer 3video 1video 2video 1video 2 Performer 4video 1video 2video 1video 2

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