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1 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting News from each programme 1. Technical Management Training 2. Leadership Coaching 3. Language Training 4. Safety Training 5. Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "1 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting News from each programme 1. Technical Management Training 2. Leadership Coaching 3. Language Training 4. Safety Training 5. Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting News from each programme 1. Technical Management Training 2. Leadership Coaching 3. Language Training 4. Safety Training 5. Technical Training

2 2 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting Learning & Development Technical Management Training HR-L&D S Schuh

3 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting3 REGULAR PROGRAMME – new courses/news: Introduction to knowledge transfer tools PMI Project Management – CAPM/PMP preparation CAPM/PMP exam vouchers as external training Procurement – services: pending!! info to registrations BE Linkperson course: review for next session 2015 Managing by project: new trainer (November AG GDPM consultants) REGULAR PROGRAMME – preparation: TE: FSU Coordinator workshop – VPR/PGV PH: Quality Assurance (technical) - VPR Marie-Curie TRAININGS – not visible in catalogue: Entrepreneurship for Scientists (ARDENT) Introduction to Project Management w/ 6h-e-learning (ARDENT) Effective scientific communication (picoSEC) Idea generation and creativity (EDUSAFE) CV Writing and Interview Skills Scientific Writing TECHNICAL MANAGMENT: NEWS

4 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting4  Current scheme: Mix of “M&C”-style charging of 300CHF / day and real cost charging for new courses  Move fully to real cost charging: same format as Technical Training -course price calculated for the minimum number of participants -Session price= real cost/final number of participants in session  Implementation: All 2014 sessions will be charged under the new scheme DTOs will be provided with training list of waiting/invited/attended participants per department with old and new prices EDH catalogue update with new course prices will start July 1 st (for a min. 1 week) TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT: CHARGING

5 5 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting Learning & Development Leadership Coaching HR-L&D P. Goy

6 6 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting WHY LEADERSHIP COACHING? Need expressed from various stakeholders to provide further support to managers Coaching :  Provides appropriate support to managers and leaders to integrate and fulfil their role and responsibilities  Is a customized and individualized approach (appropriate at such level of responsibilities)  Is recognized as the most effective support at management level to optimize performance, enhance strategic thinking to support effectiveness and efficiency  Helps to deal with performance management issues and how to keep up staff motivation

7 7 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting COACHING - GENERAL OBJECTIVES Enhance professional skills Support transition successfully into a new position Develop the individual’s potential Provide career support Help manage stress Support in process changes and in resolving conflicts Enhance personal impact and performance Develop emotional intelligence & strategic focus

8 8 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting Leadership coaching for: 1.  DEPARTMENT HEADS and DIRECTORS  GROUP LEADERS 2.SUPERVISORS 3. STAFF designated by DHs Leadership coaching financed by the Department concerned On an exceptional basis LEADERSHIP CULTURE HR RECOMMENDATIONS

9 9 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting 1.Request for Leadership coaching is first discussed between hierarchy (including DH) and HRA 2.Leadership coaching is administered by HR-L&D (coaching agreement) 3.Follow-up by HR Frontline (back to the workplace) 4. Process within Department  Information to DTO LEADERSHIP CULTURE HR RECOMMENDATIONS

10 10 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting 1.All newly appointed Directors, Department Heads & Group Leaders (i.e., appointed in the previous calendar year): Leadership coaching offered systematically Participation on a voluntary basis Aim: to accompany them in taking on a new function (“know what & how to do …”) 8 – 10 sessions over a 6 month period Also applicable to Team Leaders & future GLs & TLs 2. Existing DHs/GLs: subject to discussion with hierarchy FOR WHOM ? HR RECOMMENDATIONS

11 11 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting Supervisors (exceptional basis) 1.First line support should be addressed by the HR Frontline, in collaboration with the supervisor, in the framework of performance management. 2.External “Coaching for performance” agreement should be granted on an exceptional basis only. Remarks : ‘Coaching skills for supervisors’ available in training modules offered in the leadership curriculum FOR WHOM ? HR RECOMMENDATIONS

12 12 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting Staff (designated by DHs) (exceptional basis) Leadership coaching : Subject to discussion with hierarchy and HR Participation on a voluntary basis Aim: to enhance professional effectiveness through personal development (“know how to be…”) 8 – 10 sessions over a 1 year period FOR WHOM ? HR RECOMMENDATIONS

13 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting13 Slide from TEC Dec 2013

14 14 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting Mandate: pitch CDP-internal admin processes at SV-level, more concise, efficient format Objectives: Spirit of role & responsibilities Selected basic information on key processes: NOT exhaustive, the survival kit Orient them where to find information Introduce key experts or reference staff Supervisor reference document + online (supervisor e-Guide?) Format : Orientation day: 1-1.5h / theme around mini case studies + panel experts for Q&A Networking lunch 4-6 20’ tracked webinars with basic key messages: view before orientation day, quiz? Supervisor reference guide: full documentation of all administrative CERN processes for supervisors by domain Target implementation : autumn 2014 CDP - INTERNAL PROCESSES: UPDATE Project outline proposal – communicated these days

15 15 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting Learning & Development Language Training HR-L&D E. Mosselmans

16 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting16 Contrat avec Paroles arrive à son terme  les cours (tailor made, spécifique, etc.) doivent se terminer avant mi-juillet  Les cours d’été n’auront pas lieu cette année  Une réunion sera fixée début juillet Salles de cours  2 salles supplémentaires à Prévessin LANGUAGE TRAINING

17 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting17 Learning & Development Safety Training HR-L&D C. Balle

18 The Safety Training service offers: - E-Learning courses - Face-to-face courses - Taylor-made courses, sending a request to: Example: habilitation électrique sessions for BE-RF (Eric) SAFETY TRAINING

19 The requestor benefits from: o A centralized service with an overview of all courses (current and past) o The experience in organizing trainings o The IT-tools of Safety Training Moreover: We ensure that the training provider and the trainer are certified The course and the participants are recorded in our database, which we share with HR- LD and which is directly linked to the database of personnel files The successful participation of a course is linked to access-rights Refresher courses can be organized (with automatic notification to the participants!) to ensure a periodic update Other teams may benefit from tailor-made courses Taylor-made courses are “hidden”, thus not listed in the CTA front-office catalogue Taylor-made courses mean that: SAFETY TRAINING

20 As of January 1st, 2014: New codes and course titles in CTA catalogue

21 Tunnel mock-up in Prévessin Safety Training Centre: Helium leak simulation

22 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting22 Learning & Development Technical Training HR-L&D V. Perez Reale

23 22 May 2014 TEC Meeting23 REGULAR PROGRAMME: Beginning of each year/semester session calendar for trainings happening >= 1 once a year will be sent to DTOs and shown in catalogue Current training programme will be reduced by ~50%: all trainings held once a year will be kept for all categories OTHER LESS REGULAR TRAININGS: Trainings (< 1/year) will be left in training catalogue with NO Sign up button. When contacted by interested participants for these trainings work with DTOs to see if an in-house can be organized If no in-house possible suggest participants to go external Trainings not so often needed by groups/projects to be collected by DTOs via LNI each year NEW TRAININGS: New trainings throughout the year as requested and through LNI Proposal to start new programme: September 2014 Technical Training Programme REVIEW PROGRAMME MEETING WITH DTOS 24.04.14

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