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New Advanced Higher Subject Implementation Events Physical Education: Advanced Higher Course Assessment.

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2 New Advanced Higher Subject Implementation Events Physical Education: Advanced Higher Course Assessment

3 Course Assessment at Advanced Higher  Course Assessment at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher assesses Added Value  Courses at Advanced Higher are graded A – D, as at present  Controlled Assessment of setting, conducting and marking  For Physical Education, there are two Components – a Performance and a Project  No dual running at Advanced Higher in session 2015-16

4 Advanced Higher PE - Performance  Candidates will carry out a Performance in one physical activity  The Performance will have 30 marks  Time for the Performance will be whatever is the norm for the chosen physical activity  Set by Centres within SQA guidelines, conducted under supervision, marked by Centre staff, and quality assured by SQA

5 Advanced Higher PE - Project  Set by Centres within SQA guidelines, conducted under some supervision, and submitted to SQA for marking  Investigate a topic impacting on performance  The Project will have 70 marks Project proposal Research Performance Development Plan Evaluation  4,000 – 5,000 words

6 New Advanced Higher Subject Implementation Events Physical Education: Course Assessment Workshops

7 Advanced Higher PE Performance Candidates will carry out a single high-level performance in one physical activity in a challenging, competitive and/or demanding context. The Performance will have 30 marks Marks will be awarded for:  Performance repertoire  Control and fluency  Decision making  Following rules, displaying etiquette and control of emotions

8 Workshop 2a Course Assessment - Performance Workshop Aim To understand the requirements of the Advanced Higher PE Performance Workshop Task Using the materials provided, in groups of 2-3: Consider how you would prepare candidates for the requirements of the AH Performance the materials provided, in groups of 2-3:

9 Advanced Higher PE - Project  70 marks  Candidates may choose any appropriate topic impacting on performance  Word count is 4,000 – 5,000 words, excluding references, footnotes and appendices.

10 Advanced Higher PE - Project Stage 1: Project proposal (22 marks) 1a Investigation of performance (10marks) 1b Analysis of information (12 marks) Stage 2: Research (28 marks) 2a Literature review (13 marks) 2b Analysis of information from research (10 marks) 2c PDP Plan (5 marks) Stage 3: Performance Development Programme record (6 marks) Stage 4: Post-PDP analysis and evaluation (14 marks) 4a Analysis of post-PDP data (6 marks) 4b Evaluation of the PDP (4 marks) 4c Future development needs (4 marks)

11 Advanced Higher PE - Project  The chosen topic may be a factor which impacts on the candidate’s own performance, or the performance of another person, team or group  Word count is 4,000 – 5,000 words, excluding references, footnotes and appendices. Work in excess of 10% over the upper word count limit will not be marked. There is no penalty for work submitted in less than the lower word count limit.  Marks will be awarded for demonstration of skills, ie knowledge and understanding, research skills, analysis and evaluation, rather than for evidence of the collection of a wide range of information

12 Advanced Higher PE - Project  No marks will be awarded for materials presented in the Appendix  Candidates should review the information gathered from the results of their research and identify appropriate information for inclusion in the Project report  Candidates are required to include appropriate referencing in the text and a list of references

13 Workshop 2b Course Assessment Using the materials provided, in small groups of 2- 3, discuss:  Identify subject-specific topics for discussion Workshop Aim To understand the requirements of Advanced Higher Physical Education Project Workshop Task Using the materials provided, in groups of 2-3: Consider  the ways the skills required in the Units prepare candidates to undertake the Project  the additional learning and teaching that would need to take place before starting the Project

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