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Agricultural Research, Tools, and, Engagement, Senthold Asseng, Wendy-Lin Bartels, Dan Dourte, Clyde Fraisse, Carrie Furman, Pam Knox, Brenda Ortiz, George.

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Presentation on theme: "Agricultural Research, Tools, and, Engagement, Senthold Asseng, Wendy-Lin Bartels, Dan Dourte, Clyde Fraisse, Carrie Furman, Pam Knox, Brenda Ortiz, George."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agricultural Research, Tools, and, Engagement, Senthold Asseng, Wendy-Lin Bartels, Dan Dourte, Clyde Fraisse, Carrie Furman, Pam Knox, Brenda Ortiz, George Vellidis

2 Exploring a) decadal variability and b) ensembles to improve seasonal forecast skill for the southeast USA Time series plot of Wheat yields from 1903 to 2008 at North-AL original time series after standardization 11-year moving average 5-year moving average Year (-) Simulated wheat yields anomalies (-) Di Tian, Senthold Asseng, Chris Martinez (UF), Vasu Misra (FSU), Davide Cammarano (UF), Brenda Ortiz (AU) Melissa A. Ramírez-Rodrigues, Senthold Asseng (UF), Lydia Stefanova (FSU), Brenda Ortiz (AU), Clyde Fraisse, Diego Valderrama d and Salvador Gezán (UF) A B

3 El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Effects on Hessian Fly Infestation in the Southeastern USA Prem Woli, Brenda Ortiz, David Buntin, Kathy Flanders -To examine the effect of ENSO on Hessian Fly Infestation (HFI) in the Southeastern USA. -To explore relationship between HFI and weather and wheat area. -To assess the impact of HFI on wheat yield as influenced by ENSO. Objectives Results The HFI prediction model was based on : - Temperature and Precipitation of Aug-Sep (TAS, PAS) and Oct-Feb (TOF, POF) periods PLUS - Change in wheat area in the preceding year (ΔWA) Hessian Fly Infestation was significantly lower in El Niño than in the other phases of ENSO HFIP Griffin = 0.012ΔWA + 0.045PAS – 0.017POF – 5.574TAS + 3.139TOF + 112.3 HFI and Yield by ENSO and Variety

4 Corn Aflatoxin Contamination Risk Prediction Based On a Drought Index Damianos Damianidis, Brenda V. Ortiz, Gary L. Windham, Prem Woli – To model the probability of aflatoxin contamination using the Agricultural Reference Index for Drought (ARID). – To determine time windows during the growing season when changes in drought conditions will change the risk for aflatoxin. – To determine how aflatoxin risk changes are affected by soil type and corn hybrids Objectives Assessing the risk for aflatoxin contamination pre- planting or in-season could be used to support changes to management practices Methods – Logistic regression was performed to test the relationship between monthly ARID and corn aflatoxin level exceeding 20 ppb Results Aflaroxin risk for two soil types @ 1 wk before silking - The highest risk to have aflatoxin occurs the week before silking. - ARID can be used to predict Aflatoxin risk. -As ARID values increase, aflatoxin risk increases. Risk changes by soil type.

5 Evaluated the performance of SimCLIM for generating climate projections of specific locations. 15 downscaled GCMs were not significantly different. SimCLIM can provide good projections for climate mean but not for variability. Evaluation of SimCLIM Performance in the Southeast Yawen Bao, Gerrit Hoogenboom, George Vellidis Maximum Temperature Box plots of projections based on 15 GCMs and observations

6 Soil Field Capacity Calculation Using the van Genuchten Model for Irrigation Scheduling and Drought Resilience Xi Liang, Vasilis Liakos, George Vellidis Soil water characteristics, e.g., FC, ψ m at FC, and PWP Soil water release processes

7 AgroClimate Components 1.Decision support tools Climate tools Crop development and yield Drought indices Crop diseases Footprint calculators 2.Forecasts and outlooks 3.Monthly climate reports 4.Information about management practices to increase resource use efficiency and reduce risk 5.Information about climate-related topics


9 Recently released tools: Climate risk - Maps

10 Engagement with Stakeholder Groups Federation of Southern Cooperatives Georgia Organics Conference Tri-State Working Group

11 Southeast Climate Extension Project Recipient of the 2014 USDA NIFA Partnership Award - Multistate Efforts Clyde Fraisse, Project Director

12 Southern Region Extension Climate Academy (SRECA)

13 “ On the CASE” Blog Climate and Agriculture in the Southeast Pam Knox Agricultural Climatologist

14 Course statistics: About 200 people have registered for the course 53% have completed the course (15 hours) Participants earn 10 hrs of Continuing Ed credits Post-course survey shows that the participants are more open to discussing climate change issues with their clients Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate Mark Risse and Pam Knox

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