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Tensile Testing – Data Sheet Please fill in your name, group members, data and instructor’s name Mark gage length indents using the hammer Measure the.

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Presentation on theme: "Tensile Testing – Data Sheet Please fill in your name, group members, data and instructor’s name Mark gage length indents using the hammer Measure the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tensile Testing – Data Sheet Please fill in your name, group members, data and instructor’s name Mark gage length indents using the hammer Measure the original diameter and gage length Material is 2024-T351 Al alloy

2 Today’s Specimen 2024-T351 Aluminum Alloy Contains ~94% (Al), ~4.5%(Cu), 1.5% (Mg) Used in aircraft fittings, gears and shafts, missile parts, veterinary and orthopedic equipment You can use info for 2024-T3 for comparison

3 Data Sheet

4 Data Sheet (continued)

5 After Testing Record load & strain when extensometer was taken off Record maximum load and approximate load at yield Measure final diameter and gage length Record data filename Either sketch or photograph the fractured surfaces Compute the parameters on the reverse side of data sheet

6 Data Sheet

7 Lab Report #2: due next week Cover Page + Abstract (10 points) Data Sheet (5 points) Spreadsheet of Raw/Processed Data Relevant Plots (20 points) Materials Properties Table (5 points) Comments and Conclusions (15 points)

8 Tensile Properties Quantitative determination of Elastic Modulus, E Proportional Limit,  PL 0.2% Offset Yield Strength,  Y Tensile Strength,  TS % Elongation to Failure, %  f Modulus of Toughness, A total Qualitative study of Failure

9 Tensile Testing – Processing Data Importing data into Excel Correcting data for physical slack Setting up the spreadsheet Computing stresses and strains Entire stress-strain curve Elastic portion and modulus Proportional limit and yield strength Modulus of Toughness Fitting spreadsheet into one page Lab Report Template

10 Importing Data into Excel In Excel: File  Open (choose file) Dialog: Do you want to open the file now?  click on “Yes” button Steps 1-3: click Next  Next  Finish

11 Correcting data for initial slack Identify a row when both strain and force increase monotonically (in our case  row 550) : see next two slides {it may help to plot the data up to ~2000lb} Subtract this initial strain and force value from each subsequent row (in our case:  0 =2.05E-02%, F 0 =1.05E+03 lb) See next two slides

12 Identifying the New Origin Strain = 2.05E-02 Force = 1.50E+03

13 Correcting Raw Data =A550-$A$550 =B550-$B$550 3 decimal digits 0 decimal digits

14 Format Data and Plots Load in lbs - 1 decimal digit Strain in % - 3 decimal digits Stress in psi – 0 decimal digits Strain in in/in – 2 decimal digits (sci notation) Energy in psi - 2 decimal digits (sci notation) Format one row; then COPY + PASTE SPECIAL (format only) to other rows Check axis scales in all the plots Print the plots before hiding rows

15 Spreadsheet Setup In a New Worksheet Set up cells as shown below A 0 =  D 0 2 /4 A f =  D f 2 /4

16 Compute Stresses & Strains Copy & Paste Special (Values & Formats only) “corrected” data Compute stress & strain for first row  =%strain/100 2 dd sci  =Load/A 0 0 dec digits =  (1 +  ) 0 dec digits = Ln(1 +  ) 2 dd sci

17 Stresses & Strains Format strain cells (scientific, 2 decimals) Format stress cells (number, 0 decimal) Copy formulas for each subsequent row {Note true stress & strain formulas are valid only up to the maximum load}

18 Plot Stress-Strain Curves Select data in columns C, D, E & F Plot smooth curves (no data markers) Move the chart to a new worksheet Delete gridlines Adjust True Stress curve so that it is plotted against data in column E (see next slide) Adjust axis titles and values (see the plot)

19 Adjusting True Stress Curve Right Click on plot  Select Data…

20 Adjusting True Stress Curve Replace “C” by “E” in “Series X Values” box

21 Stress-Strain Curves

22 Elastic Modulus Select data in columns C & D up to a stress value that shows linearity Plot data markers Move chart to a new worksheet Delete gridlines Fit a straight line thru’ the origin Format the plot labels, axes and line-fit results as appropriate (see next slide)

23 Elastic Modulus Plot Enter E = 29.60 Msi in cell I5 Select data points by clicking on any and then Right-click and choose “Add Trendline”

24 Proportional Limit and 0.2% Offset Yield Strength In column H, enter formula: = E * Engg Strain Adjust format, and copy it down until the stress value slightly exceeds Engg Stress In column G, beginning at row where Engg Strain slightly exceeds 0.002 (-0.2%), enter formula: = E * (Engg Strain – 0.002) Adjust format, and copy it down until the stress value slightly exceeds Engg stress

25 Proportional Limit and Yield Strength Elastic Modulus, Em = Em * EStrain Stop 69702 > 64779 Begin at Estrain = 0.002 = Em * (Estrain – 0.002) Stop 78643 > 75792

26 Plot Curve & Lines Plot data in columns C, D, G, H (smooth curves, no data markers) Format plot labels, axes etc. (see next slide)

27 Proportional Limit and 0.2% Offset Yield Strength

28 Data Point @ failure same

29 Strain Energies and Modulus of Toughness

30 Modulus of Toughness using Trapezoidal Rule {Note no entry in Row 13} Enter formula for width: =C14 – C13 Enter formula for average height: = (D14 + D13)/2 Enter formula for area: = I14 * J14 Adjust formats, and copy all formulas down to the last row (point@failure) Modulus of Toughness is the sum of all area values (see next slide)

31 Modulus of Toughness using Trapezoidal Rule = C14 – C13 2 dd sci = (D14 + D13)/2 0 dec digits =I14 * J14 2 dd sci

32 Materials Property Tables Triangular Area

33 Comparison with Lab #1

34 Adjust Spreadsheet of data to fit one page by hiding rows

35 Format Data and Plots Load in lbs - 1 decimal digit Strain in % - 3 decimal digits Stress in psi – 0 decimal digits Strain in in/in – 2 decimal digits (sci notation) Energy in psi - 2 decimal digits (sci notation) Format one row; then COPY + PASTE SPECIAL (format only) to other rows Check axis scales in all the plots Print the plots before hiding rows

36 Lab Report Grading Rubric..1

37 Lab Report Grading Rubric..2

38 Lab Report Grading Rubric..3

39 Lab Report due next week {note that when you hide rows, it may distort your plots} Answer multiple-choice questions and student survey ONLINE before the due-date Review your lab report before submitting in the box under your mailfolders Select box “MECE-204: Strength Lab”

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