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Brent Stineman – Technical Evangelist and code monkey

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3 Brent Stineman – Technical Evangelist and code monkey



6 - CollectionProducers Your are here Massively Parallel Azure Systems w/ Jason Young Tuesday@10:30am, Aralia HDInsight and Internet of Things w/ Tony Guidici Tuesday, 2:30pm, Tamarind


8 Guaranteed FIFO, with push-style API, up to 80GB maximum size, 10,000 queues per namespace, 2,000 messages per second, 256KB per message.

9  Express Decreases latency by storing the messages in memory  Partitions Managed scale out (at max 16x)

10 A higher level abstraction from queues, enables pub/sub models with similar scale out capabilities and consistent pricing

11  Filters Allows subscribers to selectively receive messages  Rules Aid in filtering and authorization  Volatile Subscribers Can delete on idle, allowing for transient consumers



14 Event Sources Cloud Services Storage & Analytics Custom Code & 3 rd Party Services Web/Mobile User Interfaces Integration Services Event Hub - Hyper Scale - - Fully Managed - - Interoperable - - Secure - - Cost Effective -

15 Event Hub Publisher concept  Every Event Hub has pre-defined number of partitions  Every event has a partition key => mapped to one of the partitions Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition “n” Event 1 PartitionKey=A Event 1 PartitionKey=B


17 Critical to scaling


19 :// /publisher/ /messages SharedAccessSignature sr=https%3a%2f%2fthatconference- MZpTMz%2fnFcsCS%2fcT9rT7Wn%2fZO%2b7eztBRMkk%3d&se=64948904112&skn=Publish


21  Receiver connects to a partition and pull messages  Limited(5) receivers for each partition Direct Receiver Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition “n” Event 1 Pkey = A Event 2 Pkey = B Receiver 6 Receiver 2 Worker “n” Receiver 1 Receiver “n” Worker 1


23  Register a class that implements an EventProcessor interface  Client SDK will manage balancing receivers across workers Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition “n” Callback for prtn. 1 Worker 4 Callback for prtn. “n” Worker 2 Worker “n” Callback for prtn. 6 Callback for prtn. 2 Callback for prtn. 1 Callback “n” Worker 1

24  Consumer groups allow multiple, parallel sets of subscribers to receive the same events Pub-Sub with Event Hub Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition “n” Consumer Group C Callback for prtn. 6 Callback for prtn. 2 Worker “n” Callback for prtn. 1 Callback “n” Worker 1 Consumer Group B Callback for prtn. 6 Callback for prtn. 2 Worker “n” Callback for prtn. 1 Callback “n” Worker 1 Consumer Group A Worker “n” Callback for prtn. 6 Callback for prtn. 2 Callback for prtn. 1 Callback “n” Worker 1




28 Azure Worker Role (Compute) Event Hub Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition N EventProcessorHost CustomProcessor Instance 1 CustomProcessor Instance 2 CustomProcessor Instance N Azure Web Site Device sends with some key (field / area id) Event Hub pins key to a partition Readers lease a partition to read As more instances come online Partition leases reshuffle Each reader sends a partition tally to the portal


30 Buy Build Buy Some, Build Some Building software is not a core competency Focus on time-to-value Core competency in building software/services Focus on flexibility & control, cost minimization Strategic investment in custom service platform Custom protocols and security models Custom analytics and data processing Compose higher level services Intelligent Systems Service (ISS) Solution Core/App Platform Services ISS Platform Services Orientation to IoT Organization CharacteristicsAzure Services


32 Get started Visit HDInsight and Internet of Things w/ Tony Guidici Tuesday, 2:30pm, Tamarind Massively Parallel Azure Systems w/ Jason Young Tuesday@10:30am, Aralia Azure Event Hub – IOT at Scale w/ Brent Stineman Monday@1:00pm, Guava



35 Service Bus MessagingFeaturesBasicStandard Enterprise Messaging Queues Topics (pub-sub) Transactions, De-duplication Scheduled messages Scaled receive Partitioned entity max count 1001000 Event Hub Large-scale event ingestion Pub-sub Filters Ack-based message retention Storage Retention 1 dayUp to 30 days Shared Features (across a Namespace) Brokered Connections (AMQP, HTTP long-polling) Shareable across EventHub, Queues and Topics incl. bi-directional communication Limited (100) Publisher Policy SLA 99.999.95

36 BasicStandard Enterprise Messaging Base Charge (per month) 1) $0$10 Tier (million messages per month) 1) 0-5,0000-12.512.5-100100-2,5002,500-5,000 >5B:Call us Messages (per million messages) $0.05$0.00$0.80$0.50$0.20 Event Hub Ingress Events (per million events) Event consumption free $0.028 ($70/month) $0.028 (~$70 / month) Throughput Unit (per hour) 1 MB/s Ingress, 2 MB/s Egress $0.015 (~$10 / month) $0.030 (~$20 / month) Brokered Connections # of Connections0-1000-1k1k-100k 100k- 500k 500k-1M >1M Call Us Charge per month per connection 3) $0 $0.00$0.03 ($0.36 per year) $0.025 ($0.300 per year) $0.015 ($0.18 per year) Storage Overage 2) Charged at regular Azure Storage charges 1)Base charge is daily prorated and is per subscription. Tiers are applied monthly per subscription 2)Event Hub: for each GB above 84GB per Throughput Unit, Queues & Topics: for each GB above 5 GB per Queue or Topic 3)Charged prorated hourly.

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