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Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to

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1 Strengthening Marine Protected Areas to
Conserve Marine Key Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines

“…areas that are globally significant with species requiring site scale conservation to prevent extinction in the short and medium-term”. These are areas with: Globally threatened species (vulnerable) Restricted-range species (irreplaceable) Congregatory species (irreplaceable) Myers et al. 2002

3 128 Terrestrial and freshwater 123 Integrated marine KBAs
Ambal 128 Terrestrial and freshwater 123 Integrated marine KBAs Corals Mollusks Sharks and Rays Cucumber, urchins Reef fish Marine turtles Marine reptiles Seabirds Marine mammals Marine plants

Horigue et al 2014 INITIATIVES TO CONSERVE AND PROTECT MARINE HABITATS AND RESOURCES: Establishment of 1,816 MPAs (MSN 2014) 33 MPAs under NIPAS 1,620 locally managed MPAs covering about 394,000 ha.

5 The MKBA Project aims to address issues and gaps on the establishment of MPAs:
Inadequate bio-geographic representation and spatial coverage Insufficient and unpredictable funding levels for the long-term sustainability of MPAs and an MPA system Weak institutional framework for the identification, establishment and management of a national marine PA system

6 IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: DENR-BMB Project Duration: June 2014 to July 2019
The MKBA Project is funded by the UNDP-GEF with counterpart from the Government of the Philippines and CSOs UN Development Framework (DAF) Outcomes: Resilience toward disasters and climate change; environment and natural resources protection and conservation Contribute to overall goal of the CBD and Aichi Target 11

7 PROJECT OUTCOMES Outcome 1: Increase management effectiveness of MPAs and MPANs Conservation effectiveness of existing and new MPAs/MPANs Improvement in spatial coverage and representative (particularly coverage of under-represented KBAs) Strengthening of the national system for MPA identification, designation and management under the NIPAS legislative framework Quantifiable improvements in management of at least 10% of identified Marine KBAs Nationwide, with concomitant increases in local stakeholder participation and support. Outcome 2: Improved Financial Sustainability of MPAs/MPANs Financial resources available for the management of MPAs/MPANs Sufficient to meet all critical management needs (estimated at US$66/ha/yr for MPAs >150ha), and are growing in line with expansion of the MPA system. Sources of revenue for MPA management are being progressively diversified, with percentage of revenue being derived from government fiscal sources declining to less than 50% by end - project. Outcome 3: Established enabling Policy Framework for Marine Biodiversity Conservation A comprehensive policy framework in place and effectively implemented for the conservation, protection and management of country's marine ecosystem and fishery resources, that harmonizes and mandates, plans and activities amongst all key MPA stakeholders including BMB, BFAR and relevant Local Government Units.

8 Conservation International
The MKBA Project is a national initiative, implemented in 5-pilot sites which currently have unique management strategies, with the support of select NGOs Lessons from the pilot-sites can be replicated in other NIPAS and LMPAs 1 2 3 4 5 Verde Is. Passage Conservation International Tañon Strait PS RARE Phils. Southern Palawan BFAR - NFRDI Lanuza Bay Haribon Foundation Davao Gulf WWF Phils.

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