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“Tissue Compatible Bio-Integrated Functional-Esthetic - Implant Prosthodontics Dr. Samuel Waknine, M.D.M.S., Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "“Tissue Compatible Bio-Integrated Functional-Esthetic - Implant Prosthodontics Dr. Samuel Waknine, M.D.M.S., Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Tissue Compatible Bio-Integrated Functional-Esthetic - Implant Prosthodontics Dr. Samuel Waknine, M.D.M.S., Ph.D.

2 DiamondCrown Conventional Ti-Implant Superstructure (7 years Post-Op.) TM Case no. 1



5 Clinical Implications 2 1 Kg /mm 2 = 10 N/mn 2 = 1 MPa = 145 psi Biomechanical Concepts Porcelain Fused to Metal Shear Bond Strength - 12 MPa DiamondCrown IDC - Abutment Post Shear Bond Strenght - 35 MPa (x 3) TM

6 DiamondCrown IDC Accelerated Cyclic Fatigue Studies (3 years In-Vivo Correlation) TM

7 Clinical Implications 3 Average Human Masticatory Force Anterior - 9 MPa Posterior - 31 MPa Bruxer - 41 MPa Pistachio Sealed Shell - 16 MPa 1 Kg /mm 2 = 9.807 N/mn 2 = 1 MPa = 145 psi IDC (Molar) - 500 MPa (3000N/6mm 2 ) Biomechanical Concepts x55 x16 x12 x31


9 IDC-Abutment-Implant Cross-Section Metal Opaque Opaque-Dentin Dentin Enamel

10 Integrated Implant Post - ZTi Superstructure - DiamondCrown TM IDC+ZTi ™

11 DiamondCrown IDC Stratification TM DC Metal Cupler / Opaque ZTi Implant Post ZTi Abutment Post DC Opaque Dentin DC Dentin DC Enamel DC Incisal

12 DiamondCrown ™ Implant-Superstructure(s) IDC Clinical Application 5-Year Post-Op. Case no. 2







19 Biocompatibility




23 A Novel Polycrystalline Reinforced Superstructure for Aesthetic - Restorative - Prosthodontic & Implant Dentistry DiamondBond-001 - DiamondFlow - DiamondLite - DiamondLink & DiamondCrown ™ Dr. Samuel Waknine, M(D.M.S.), Ph.D. New York University College of Dentistry DRM Research Laboratories, Inc. USA

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