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The Pines Calyx Going Green: Carbon Reduction Through Nature CaReLANDS, Interreg IV A, 25 June 2014 Steve Charter, Education Development Manager The Bay.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pines Calyx Going Green: Carbon Reduction Through Nature CaReLANDS, Interreg IV A, 25 June 2014 Steve Charter, Education Development Manager The Bay."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pines Calyx Going Green: Carbon Reduction Through Nature CaReLANDS, Interreg IV A, 25 June 2014 Steve Charter, Education Development Manager The Bay Trust, St Margarets Bay, Kent, UK

2 The Pines Calyx Carbon Reduction through natural design








10 How it was built The Pines Calyx ®

11 © Carbon Free Group & Helionix Designs design principles Re-thinking the way we design our buildings… … so nature leads the design process

12 Nature as guide and mentor in design “We cannot solve the significant problems of our time at the same level of thinking that created them – we have to move to a higher level of thinking” Albert Einstein design principles

13 At nature’s level of thinking … there is no such thing as ’waste’ every output becomes an input - ‘waste’ is ‘food’ © Real-Health Ventures 2007

14 So chalk ’waste’ from site preparation … becomes an input to the construction process

15 Re-using the site ‘waste’…

16 Simple & cost effective construction using rammed chalk


18 …with: ultra low embodied energy zero toxicity for workers & environment

19 Mimicking process – Manufacturing tough materials Using nature’s structural designs

20 …to guide our own

21 Working with Nature = biomimicry


23 Can result in elegant, simple structures that are simpler, quicker and cheaper than ‘conventional’ alternatives. Nature leading the design process


25 Making the most of nature’s own heating and cooling … resulted in a building with low infrastructure costs and approx 80% less energy and maintenance costs

26 The Water Cycle: Waste water feeds 2 reed beds - increasing local biodiversity Bore hole supplies fresh water Lake holds excess storm water

27 On-site food production

28 Any design is only as good as the team that implement it

29 … now it’s movie time!

30 key features 80% reduction in embodied energy & CO2 approx 80% reduction in operational energy optimal healthy learning space – maximum natural light – passive natural ventilation – lighting system mimics natural daylight use of waste materials, recycled and re-used materials

31 unique innovations rammed-chalk construction – the first building in the UK in nearly a century to apply this method of construction throughout Catalan vault construction – the first building in the UK ever to incorporate this “thin shell”, ultra-sustainable method of roof construction earth-sheltered, high thermal-mass design, with minimal use of concrete hybrid solar-powered heat and energy systems the first non-domestic building in the UK to be constructed using “passive-house design” principles



34 collaborative design the Pines Calyx has received numerous awards for its architectural, engineering and construction innovations. The concept by Helionix Designs blends centuries- old construction methods with the latest advances in building technologies. Flowing with nature’s own creations, the design-and- build collective has delivered a conference centre that is as much a nature-inspired sculpture as it is an example of modern, sustainable architecture

35 Pines Calyx phase 2



38 other carbon reduction activities we are taking part in national Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) research, as a leading low carbon commercial building we are working towards ISO 20121 – the international standard for Sustainable Event Management Systems we are more than doubling our food growing output on site, with plans to go much further with a local food project in the village partners in planned 5MW community renewable energy project partners in low carbon regeneration projects, to undertake low carbon housing new build and retrofit (30+ homes)


40 what we do Pines Calyx – Europe’s first zero carbon conference and events centre Rippledown - 68 bed environmental education centre incubation of social innovations and education focused on sustainable solutions and real health partnership in local sustainability initiatives – community farm, biomass power plant, youth project, etc. a social enterprise with around Eu.10mn land and property assets

41 what we offer What we can contribute: Expertise and competence: – Low carbon and sustainability initiatives, training and education programmes – Professional skills in low carbon agenda, green building, renewable energy, sustainability skills and training, etc Established low carbon and social innovation incubator rooted in a rural locality within Kent Downs AONB area Access to social enterprise finance & mentoring

42 what we look for Partnering / learning with or from other low carbon and social innovation incubators – for: 1.LC building design and construction projects; housing retrofit; local food projects; community renewable energy; community transport and waste initiatives; 2.Incubating social innovations delivering low carbon solutions, local sustainability + training; 3.Develop and pilot a ‘Curriculum for Sustainable Living’ community learning programme 4.Youth programmes e.g. 1 year sustainability skills + social entrepreneur training

43 Pines Calyx: Carbon Reduction through design with nature Thank you

44 Steve Charter, Education Development Manager Telephone:++ (44) 1304 851737 THE BAY TRUST The Pines Garden Beach Road St Margaret’s Bay Kent CT15 6DZ Reg. Charity No.1026765

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