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SC Standard 8-3.4 Explain how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are interrelated in the rock cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "SC Standard 8-3.4 Explain how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are interrelated in the rock cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 SC Standard 8-3.4 Explain how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are interrelated in the rock cycle.

2 Better Stay Awake!!!

3 Metamorphic Rocks 3 rd Type of Rock Metamorphic rocks: formed when HEAT AND PRESSURE cause chemical and structural changes in existing rocks. (the word metamorphic means to “change form.”) NO MELTING!! Structural change, heat and pressure rearrange the minerals within the rock. Chemical change, elements recombine to form different crystals.

4 Metamorphic Rocks Where does the heat and pressure come from to cause these changes? Mountain-building forces. Plate tectonics Intrusions (forcible entry) of hot magma can bake rocks as it intrudes them. Lava flows can also bake rocks on the ground surface. Lava or magma in contact with other rock causes Contact Metamorphism.

5 Metamorphic Rocks Classification Foliated Rocks – Have obvious layers. –Are formed by pressure in one direction. Banded Non-Foliated Rocks – Have no visible layers. Not banded. –Are formed by pressure in all directions. Classified by the arrangement of the grains that make up the rocks.

6 Foliated or nonfoliated?


8 Granite (igneous) = GNEISS (metamorphic) Limestone (sedimentary) = MARBLE (metamorphic) Shale (sedimentary) = SLATE (metamorphic)

9 Shale metamorphism of shale SHALE is the most common sedimentary rock. Through the agents of metamorphism it changes to rocks that are stable at higher temperatures and pressures. These changes take place in the solid state. Increasing Temperature and Pressure Slate Phyllite Schist GRANITE Gneiss



12 Oh oh… thought I said to stay awake?

13 Uses of Metamorphic Rocks Marble is used as a building material. –The Lincoln Memorial Slate is used as roofing tile.


15 C:\Documents and Settings\sunimmon\My Documents\Rocks and Minerals The following video is going to summarize all 3 categories of rocks. Please pay attention.


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