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Xiaohua (Edward) Li1 and E. Paul Ratazzi2

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1 MIMO Transmissions with Information Theoretic Secrecy for Secret-Key Agreement in Wireless Networks
Xiaohua (Edward) Li1 and E. Paul Ratazzi2 1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering State University of New York at Binghamton 2Air Force Research Lab, AFRL/IFGB, MILCOM'2005

2 Contents Introduction Secure MIMO transmission scheme
Transmission weights design Transmission secrecy Simulations Conclusions MILCOM'2005

3 1. Introduction Secure wireless transmission: necessary PHY security techniques for wireless information assurance Wireless transmissions have no boundary, susceptible to listening/analyzing, location, jamming Wireless nodes have severe energy and bandwidth constraints  “light” techniques Unreliable link and dynamic network topology MILCOM'2005

4 Secure Wireless Transmissions
Traditional secure transmission design Data encryption, spread spectrum, etc New idea: use antenna array diversity and array redundancy A completely different approach of secure (LPI) waveform design MILCOM'2005

5 Significance to Cryptography
Provable (information-theoretic) secrecy Inherently secure transmission, no encryption keys involved Comparable to quantum cryptography Provide PHY-layer LPI, and assist higher layer data encryption PHY-layer assisted secret key agreement MILCOM'2005

6 Secret-Key Agreement Classic Shannon model
Alice & Bob try to exchange encryption keys for encrypted data transmission Eve can acquire all (and identical) messages received by Alice or Bob Perfect secrecy impractical under Shannon model Computational secrecy achievable MILCOM'2005

7 PHY-layer Transmission Secrecy Model
Information theoretic secrecy realizable with model different than Shannon’s Eve’s channels, and thus received signals, are different from Alice’s or Bob’s A reality in quantum communication, and wireless transmissions MILCOM'2005

8 Information-Theoretic Secrecy
Wyner’s wire-tap channel: secret capacity Maurer’s common information concept High secret channel capacity requires Eve’s channel being noisier  not practical enough MILCOM'2005

9 2. Secure MIMO transmission scheme
Can we guarantee a large or in practice? Possible: randomized MIMO transmission Basic idea: Use redundancy of antenna array Exploit the limit of blind deconvolution Eve can not estimate channel/symbol blindly MILCOM'2005

10 Transmission Scheme Alice: antenna array (secure, public, pilot)
Does not send training signals Bob: estimate symbols, no channel knowledge required MILCOM'2005

11 Signal Model and Assumptions
Alice, Bob & Eve do not know channels. Alice estimate H by reciprocity Bob need not know channel. Eve depends on blind estimation. MILCOM'2005

12 MIMO Transmission Procedure
Alice select transmit antenna weights so that Bob receives signal By estimating received signal power, Bob can detect signals Key points: No channel information required for Bob, no training required  no training available to Eve Redundancy in selecting weights MILCOM'2005

13 3. Transmission Weights Design
Existing array transmission schemes are susceptible to Eve’s blind deconvolution attack? Eve can easily estimate by blind deconvolution if with optimal transmit beamforming MILCOM'2005

14 Select Weights with Randomization
W1(n): Redundancy in transmitting weights Procedure: MILCOM'2005

15 4. Transmission Secrecy Eve’s received signal becomes
which has distribution Objective: Eve can not estimate channel Hu from xe(n), which relies on Assumption that Eve & Bob’s channels are sufficiently different  wireless channels fade independently when separated a fractional of wavelength Unknown to Eve: MILCOM'2005

16 Indeterminacy of Blind Channel Estimation
Proposition: MILCOM'2005

17 Indeterminacy of Blind Symbol Estimation
Proposition: Result: Eve’s error rate: high Bob’s error rate: low (identical to optimal MIMO eigen-beamforming) Cost paid: higher transmission power MILCOM'2005

18 Transmission secrecy Weights are selected randomly and unknown to Eve, blind deconvolution is made impossible Weights are selected by Alice, no need to tell Bob  equivalently one-time pad Information theory guarantees high and positive secret channel capacity  provable (information theoretic) secrecy MILCOM'2005

19 Eve’s Exhaustive Search Attack
Eve may exhaustively try all possible channels (both ). The complexity can be at least , according to quantization level Q Low quantization level reduces complexity, but increases symbol estimation error  still makes high positive secret channel capacity possible Example, MILCOM'2005

20 5. Simulations BER of the proposed transmission scheme J=6. K=4. QPSK.

21 Secret channel capacity with the simulated BER

22 Conclusions Proposed a randomized MIMO transmission scheme
Use array redundancy and channel diversity for transmission security Enhance transmission LPI in the PHY-layer by increasing the adversary’s receiving error Proof of secrecy with weight randomization and limit of blind deconvolution MILCOM'2005

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