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GFS Deep and Shallow Cumulus Convection Schemes

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1 GFS Deep and Shallow Cumulus Convection Schemes
Jongil Han

2 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School
Introduction (1) (2) Φ: θ, q, u, v, …. Tendency due to subgrid cumulus convection, turbulent mixing, and gravity wave drag. (2) All tendency terms due to advection and diabatic processes. NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

3 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School
Deep cumulus convection (sascnv): simplified Arakawa-Schubert (SAS) convection scheme Use a bulk mass-flux scheme, which works well for a situation with well-organized updraft and complementary environment such as cumulus convection. Updraft fraction over a grid size is assumed to be negligibly small. To determine the cloud base mass flux, a quasi-equilibrium closure of Arakawa and Shubert (1974) is used, where the destabilization of an air column by the large-scale atmosphere is nearly balanced by the stabilization due to the cumulus. For the cloud model, a entraining and detraining plume model is used. NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

4 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School
Cloud model (updraft) Moist static energy Rain Detrainment into grid scale liquid water η: normalized mass flux, ql: moist excess in updraft ε: entrainment rate, δ: detrainment rate NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

5 Entrainment and detrainment rates
in sub-cloud layers above cloud base NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

6 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School
Downdraft Downdraft is assumed to be saturated. z0: downdraft initiating level I1: normalized condensation I2: normalized evaporation 1-β: precipitation efficiency S: averaged vertical wind shear NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

7 Quasi-equilibrium closure
A: cloud work function, Mb: cloud base mass flux A0: reference cloud work function, : adjustment time scale (20-60 min) : cloud work function after modification of the thermodynamic fields by an arbitrary amount of mass flux, over a small time interval, . NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

8 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School
Convection trigger P(ks)-P(k1) < 120~180mb (proportional to w) P(k1)-P(k2) < 25mb k2 LFC k1 h* h ks h: moist static energy h*: saturation moist static energy NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

9 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School
Overshoot of the cloud top 0.1A A hs hc NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

10 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School
Convective momentum transport with convection-induced pressure gradient force effect C=0.55: effect of convection-induced pressure gradient force NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

11 Shallow cumulus convection scheme (shalcnv)
Use a bulk mass-flux parameterization same as deep convection scheme. Separation of deep and shallow convection is determined by cloud depth (currently 150 mb). Entrainment rate is given to be inversely proportional to height (which is based on the LES studies) and much larger than that in the deep convection scheme. Mass flux at cloud base is given as a function of the surface buoyancy flux (Grant, 2001). This differs from the deep convection scheme, which uses a quasi-equilibrium closure of Arakawa and Shubert (1974). NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

12 Shallow convection scheme
It is assumed there exists only updraft (no downdraft). Entrainment rate: Siebesma et al.2003: Detrainment rate = Entrainment rate at cloud base ce =0.3 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

13 Shallow convection scheme
Mass flux at cloud base: Mb=0.03 w* (Grant, 2001) (Convective boundary layer velocity scale) NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

14 Future development: a scale-aware cumulus convection scheme
Most of mass flux cumulus convection schemes have been developed under assumption that the updraft area is negligibly small over the grid box. This assumption of small updraft area breaks down more and more often as the grid sizes get smaller and smaller (say less than 5 km). Develop a scale-aware cumulus convection scheme that is applicable to any horizontal resolution. NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

15 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School
Scale-aware cumulus convection scheme (initial theoretical derivation by Hua-Lu Pan at EMC) For the cumulus updraft, σu: updraft area fraction (0~1.0) hu: moist static energy NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

16 Scale-aware cumulus convection scheme
Cloud model: Mass flux can be directly derived from an updraft velocity equation rather than using the quasi-equilibrium assumption which may not be valid any longer as grid size becomes much smaller. NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School

17 NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School
Thank you !! NEMS/GFS Modeling Summer School


19 Total precipitation (grid scale+convective)
Revised package 24 h accumulated precipitation ending at 12 UTC, July 24, 2008 from (a) observation and h forecasts with (b) control GFS and (c) revised model

20 LES studies Siebesma & Cuijpers (1995, JAS) Siebesma et al.

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