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Gorefield Primary School

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1 Gorefield Primary School
Assertive Mentoring Gorefield Primary School In association with

2 Today’s aims to see how it will work in our school
to explain what Assertive Mentoring is to see how it will work in our school to see how it will benefit you and your child

3 Assertive Mentoring places the child at the centre of learning.

4 Aims of Assertive Mentoring
To raise standards for all To motivate and involve children To inform and involve parents

5 Why Assertive Mentoring?
‘There is no evidence that increasing the amount of testing will enhance learning.’ (Assessment Reform Group) In other words ‘You don’t fatten the pig by weighing it’! And yet the ARG goes on to say...‘There is abundant evidence from reports of school inspections that the use of assessment to help pupils learn is one of the weakest aspects of practice in classrooms across the UK.’ Why should this be? Discussion Talk to teachers and they will say... TIME: Overloaded with planning, objectives, targets, tracking etc CONFIDENCE: Teacher confidence in assessment has been systematically eroded in favour of an over reliance on external testing, moderation, marking etc.

6 In other words... You don’t fatten the pig... by weighing it!
You have to feed it!

7 Learners learn best when they:
Understand what they are trying to learn Are given feedback about their work Are shown how to make it better Are fully involved in the process

8 What is Assertive Mentoring?
“Assertive Mentoring is a focussed, child centred, collaborative approach based on a dialogue about the child’s present and future learning needs.” (G. Downey SIP )

9 Assertive Mentoring Model
The Child T I M E Targets and tracking Intervene and interact Mentor and motivate Empower and ensure

10 It incorporates and facilitates:
Assessment: Where are the children? Tracking: How are they progressing? Target Setting: What do they need next? Support: What help is needed?

11 Long Term Targets: End of Key Stage End of year Reading, Writing Maths
Science See Appendix 1

12 Track attainment progress
(Exp) Y2 (2B) FFT Level School Target Y3 (2A/3C) Y4 (3B) Y5 (3A/4C) Y6 (4A) Read 2B 4B 4A 3C 4C 5 Write Maths 2A 3B Science 3A

13 Medium Term Targets: End of term End of half term Attainment
Achievement Attitude

14 Track achievement progress
Read Write Maths Science Attitude Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Year

15 Short Term Targets: End of week End of lesson Work specific
Informs feedback Focus for marking

16 Marking and feedback Red Yellow Green very poor poor satisfactory good
very good excellent little effort, not your best many errors untidy, poor presentation Objective not achieved Stop and get help good effort but could be better some errors but mostly correct mostly neat presentation Objective partly achieved Continue with care super effort no or very few errors beautifully presented Objective fully achieved Go!

17 Track attitude progress
Last year T1 T2 T3 Attendance 98% 96% 92% Punctuality Behaviour Effort Homework Uniform

18 Behaviour: Support and challenge Negotiate deals Involve parents early
Set targets and check

19 Assessment Success depends on assessment which is: Consistent Accurate
Simple to gather Simple to record Universally understood Generates relevant MTTs

20 Consistency Means maximum effect and efficiency

21 Mentoring Meetings: Mentor = Teacher Meet every term
Meetings last min Must be 1:1 Must be out of class Must be Assertive Shared at parent consultations

22 Staff benefits Know where children are Informed planning
Focussed teaching Relevant intervention Accelerated learning Targets met Success

23 Benefits for children Know where they are Relevant intervention
Focussed teaching Know where they are Relevant intervention Personalised learning Motivation Targets met Success

24 Parent’s role: Know your child’s targets
Support them in achieving them Discuss school – smileys, targets, learning Support with completion of Homework

25 Homework: Spellings – linked to key word assessment
Reading – linked to reading assessment. All children need to read 5x’s a week. Times tables – tested weekly at school.

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