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Intro to Reinsurance Prepared by TAI Orland Park, Illinois.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Reinsurance Prepared by TAI Orland Park, Illinois."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Reinsurance Prepared by TAI Orland Park, Illinois

2 Intro to Reinsurance Why Reinsurance Types of Reinsurance
Reinsurance Plans Risk Characteristics Reinsurance Treaty Reinsurance Calculations Reinsurance Reporting

3 Reinsurance defined Reinsurance is a risk transfer from one insurance company to another For life insurance, risk is mortality risk For health insurance, risk is morbidity risk

4 Why Reinsurance Product considerations
Make use of underwriting expertise Increase capacity Enter new markets

5 Why Reinsurance Financial considerations Spread the risk
Ease surplus strain

6 Types of Reinsurance Automatic Facultative
Reinsurer automatically accepts risk provided it meets specific criteria based on ceding company’s underwriting and issue requirements Facultative Reinsurer has option to accept or decline risk

7 Forms of Reinsurance Excess First Dollar
Reinsurance begins with excess of retention First Dollar Reinsurance begins with first dollar of coverage

8 Reinsurance Plans Yearly Renewable Term (YRT) Coinsurance (Coins)
Modified Coinsurance (ModCo)

9 Reinsurance Plans Yearly Renewable Term (YRT)
Risk premium reinsurance (RPR) Annual renewable term (ART) Risks transferred to reinsurer for premium, which varies each year with amount at risk and ages of insureds No reserves transferred to reinsurer

10 Reinsurance Plans Coinsurance Proportional reinsurance
Insurer and reinsurer share obligations of coverage (death benefit, non-forfeiture values, reserves) Reinsurance premium percent of premium insured pays (less policy fee)

11 Reinsurance Plans Mod Co
The same as coinsurance except that no reserves are transferred to reinsurer.

12 Reinsurance Risk Characteristics Age Sex Smoking Class
Insurance Amount Insurance Plan Underwriting Considerations (height, weight, family history, occupation, etc.)

13 Reinsurance Rules Reinsurance Treaty

14 Reinsurance Terms Treaty Retention Cession

15 Reinsurance Terms Treaty “Gentlemen’s Agreement”
Legal contract between writing (ceding) company and assuming (reinsuring) company Describes terms and conditions of reinsurance agreement

16 Reinsurance Terms Retention
Dollar amount or percentage of each risk retained by ceding company under reinsurance agreement Maximum amount of coverage per life an insurer will keep at its own risk (Corporate Retention)

17 Reinsurance Terms Cession Record showing reinsurance information
Reinsurance effective date Insured’s name, sex, date of birth, age Reinsurance plan (YRT, Co) Ceded amount, reinsurance NAR Reinsurance premium, allowance, net premium

18 Reinsurance Treaty Includes
Contract related provisions (parties to agreement, termination of agreement, arbitration, errors and omission, insolvency) Reinsurance related provisions (see next slide)

19 Reinsurance Treaty Reinsurance related provisions Plan of reinsurance
Amounts of reinsurance and related limits Reinsurance premiums Expense allowances, premium taxes Claims Continuations Reinstatements Recapture Other

20 Reinsurance Treaty Does Not Include Instructions for administration
Guidelines for handling exception cases Specifications for system design

21 Reinsurance Calculations
NAR Premium Allowances

22 Reinsurance Calculations
NAR – Net Amount at Risk Methods Ceded amount Ceded amount less % cash value Changes Remain level Proportional

23 Reinsurance Calculations
Premium Coinsurance Coins % times direct premium less policy fee YRT NAR times rate (rate based on issue age, sex, smoking class, duration, mortality rating)

24 Reinsurance Calculations
Allowances Generally a % of premium Could also be $ per 1000

25 Reinsurance Reporting

26 Reinsurance Reporting
Frequency – monthly, quarterly, annual Medium – paper, electronic Billing New business Renewals Inforce Transactions


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