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UKSim2015 Words of thanks Conferences coming up This conference

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1 UKSim2015 Words of thanks Conferences coming up This conference
17th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 25 – 27 March 2015 Emmanuel College, Cambridge Words of thanks Conferences coming up This conference

2 Thanks are due to Authors, track teams and reviewers from all countries including (country of 1st author): United Kingdom-29 (22.1%), India-19 (14.5%), Malaysia-10 (7.6%), P.R. China-10 (7.6%), Pakistan-8 (6.1%), Saudi Arabia-6 (4.6%), Norway-4 (3.1%), Egypt, Jordan, Australia, Ghana: 4 each, Italy, UAE, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Algeria, Vietnam, Iraq, South Africa, Serbia: 2 each, Spain, Ireland, Georgia, Iran, Croatia, Nigeria, Botswana, Denmark, USA, Taiwan, Austria, Kuwait: 1 each. EUROSIM and its national societies notably in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Sweden for active support and participation IEEE: UK & RI & chairman Prof Frank Wang for support and technical sponsorship, Region 8 and Region 10 for supporting the event and UKSim activities in general Asia Modelling and Simulation Section, UniMaP, UTM and other Malaysian universities for active sponsorship and support.

3 Conferences Coming up this year
CICSyN2015: Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, 3 – 5 June, Riga, Latvia, deadline 30 April 2014 CIMSim2015: Computational Intelligence, Modelling & Simulation, July, Kuantan, Malaysia, deadline 15 June AMS2015: Asia Modelling Symposium, September, Langkawi, Malaysia, deadline 15 July EMS2015: European Modelling Symposium, 6 – 8 October, Madrid, Spain, deadline 15 August ICAIET2015: International conference on Artificial Intelligence and application in Engineering and Technology, 3 – 5 November, Pisa, Italy, deadline 15 September AIMS2015: Artificial intelligence, Modelling 7 Simulation, December, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, deadline 15 October

4 UKSim2015 Pattern for the 3 days: Refreshments: Old Library
Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Meals & Conference Dinner: Dining Hall Parallel Sessions: Room A: here, B: Harrods (top floor), C: Green Room, Ground floor, 4 Keynote speakers, 2 in day-1, and 1 in day-2 and 3. Day-1 Today: full day, 3 parallel sessions, till 5.30pm Prof Frank Wang and Prof Qiang Shen + 46 papers 7.00 Conference Dinner Day-2 Presentations in morning only, 3 parallel sessions Prof Harry Barrow + 18 papers 2.30 Cambridge tour (a must!!) Day-3 Presentations in morning only, 3 parallel sessions Dr Janos Janosy + 12 papers Closing remarks in Auditorium, photo session, lunch

5 UKSim2015 Published Papers Statistics
Papers published: 97 Scheduled for presentation: 4 keynote speakers and 80 papers Published papers by track: most popular tracks: 21.U.Energy, Power, Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation 16 11.K.Intelligent Systems and Applications 13 26.Z.Circuits, Sensors and Devices 10 19.S.Image, Speech and Signal Processing 9 24.X.Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking 8 06.F.Bioinformatics and Bioengineering 5 08.H.Data and Semantic Mining 4 16.P.Robotics, Cybernetics, Engineering, Manufacturing and Control 22.V.Parallel, Distributed and Software Architectures and Systems 20.T.Industry, Business, Management, Human Factors and Social Issues 3 23.W.Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies 01.A.Neural Networks, 03.C.Evolutionary Computation, 09.I.Games, VR and Visualization, 13.M.Systems Intelligence and Intelligence Systems, 15.O.e-Science and e-Systems, 17.Q.Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research, 19.S1 Natural Language Processing/Language Technologies: 2 papers each x 7 = 14 14 02.B.Fuzzy Systems, 10.J.Emergent Technologies, 14.N.Control of Intelligent Systems and Control Intelligence, 18.R.Discrete Event and Real Time Systems, 25.Y.Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems: 1 paper each x 5

6 Keynote Speaker-1: Professor Frank Wang Computer Evolution over the Next Decade: Fact or Fiction?
Fellow of British Computer Society Chair in e-Science and Grid Computing Head: School of Computing (formerly known as Computing Laboratory), University of Kent, UK. Director: Centre for Grid Computing, Cambridge-Cranfield High Performance Computing Facility (CCHPCF), collaborative research facility Universities of Cambridge and Cranfield, ~ £40 million. Research interests: Future Computing, Green Computing (via memristor), Grid/Cloud Computing, Biologically-inspired Computing, Quantum Computing/Communication, Data Storage & Data Communication, and Data Mining and Data Warehousing Publication: book "Encyclopaedia of Grid Computing", 67+ journal papers Co-Editor-in-Chief of Encyclopaedia of Grid Computing Co-Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing. on the Editorial Board of 4 other international journals.

7 Keynote Speaker-2: Prof Qiang Shen Approximate Feature Selection in Data-Driven Systems Modelling
PhD in Knowledge-Based Systems, DSc in Computational Intelligence. . Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Aberystwyth University, a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, a REF 2014 panel member for Computer Science and Informatics, and a long-serving Associate Editor of two IEEE flagship Journals (IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and on Fuzzy Systems). . Professor Shen has chaired and given keynotes at numerous international conferences. His current research interests include: computational intelligence, reasoning under uncertainty, pattern recognition, data mining, and their applications for intelligent decision support (e.g., crime detection, consumer profiling, systems monitoring, and medical diagnosis). . Authored 2 research monographs and over 320 peer-reviewed papers, including an award-winning IEEE Outstanding Transactions paper. . Director of studies: > 40 PDRAs/PhDs, one UK Distinguished Dissertation Award winner. . London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay torchbearer, carrying the Olympic torch in celebration of the centenary of Alan Turing. The official nomination stated that “Professor Shen, as a world-leading researcher in computational intelligence and ambassador for computer science, would be a fitting tribute to Alan Turing, and an inspiration to future generations of scientists and engineers.”

8 Keynote Speakers –3, Professor Harry Barrow History of Computing and AI, a Personal Viewpoint
1965, BA in Maths+Physics, Cambridge University (Emmanuel College). 1966, MSc and 1969 PhD in Communication, Keele University, Department of Communication. Research into the human sense of touch. , Research Fellow, Machine Intelligence and Perception, Edinburgh University: design, construction and prog’g Freddy 1 and 2 robot systems and on the versatile assembly demonstration system for Freddy 2. , Senior Computer Scientist, AI Center, Stanford Research Institute: vision in animals & machines, automated photo-interpretation and cartography, JPL Mars rover project. founder + 3: Schlumberger Artificial Intelligence lab in Palo Alto: VLSI design, expert systems for diagnosing process problems, visual inspection of ICs, resource allocation for automatic testers, automatically proving correctness of integrated circuit designs, primate primary visual cortex self-organise’n.  Prof of AI, School of Cognitive & CS, Sussex University: primate visual processing, model to explain characteristics of the primary cortex, AI & neural networks app’n to mineral exploration, weather forecasting, radar image sequences, x-ray interpretation Scientific Advisor, Schlumberger Cambridge Research: 3-D visualisation: reservoirs, diagnosis of drilling and production problems, error-correcting codes, navigation for downhole robots  and interpretation of drilling rig logs as activities on the rig. 2007- Officially retired: AI, vision, ANN, personal research and occasional consulting.

9 Keynote Speaker-4: Dr Janos Janosy The Intelligent Electricity Network of the future: SmartGrid
Consultant, Simulator Dev Dept, Atomic Energy Research Institute, Central Research Institute for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA KFKI AEKI) since 1994. Born 1949, Budapest; MSME Nuclear Eng’g, Moscow Eng’g Power Institute, 1973; MSEE in Process Control Computers, Budapest Technical University, 1976. Worked in Secretariat, Ministry of Heavy Industry, Nuclear Power Plant Construction ; Senior Researcher 1977 and Senior Adviser 2004. Over 60 papers in international journals and conferences in: i) Nuclear Power Plant Simulation-tors, ii) Environmental Protection & Radiation Monitoring Systems. Main interests: i) Numerical integration of stiff differential equation systems, ii) Computerized process control systems - direct digital control of nuclear reactors, iii) Process control - digital and analogue, iv) Modelling and simulation, v) Real-time simulation-tors, vi) Nuclear, fossil and renewable energy production & Distribution Projects: numerous: nuclear power, simulation-tors, energy, control Married, 4 grandchildren, Ham Radio sign HA5GN


11 UKSim2015 Thank you and have a good conference!!

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