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Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School

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1 Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School

2 Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School
Chapter 8: Understanding and Teaching Chemistry 8 Chapter 8

3 Chapter Eight Objectives
Consider major themes that shape our historical and current understandings of chemistry Conduct and reflect on experiments on the following chemistry topics: measurement, atoms, elements & molecules, matter, bonding, temperature, pressure and fuels

4 I. Measurement in Chemistry
As with the other science disciplines, measurement plays an important role in the study of chemistry. Understanding the the variables that effect chemical reactions and behaviors largely depends on measurement. Volume, temperature and concentration are three key variables that are explored in these activities. Experiment 58 – Estimating Volume Experiment 59 – Making a Thermometer Experiment 60 - Serial Dilution of Colored Liquid

5 II. Atoms, Elements & Molecules
Atoms, elements and molecules are the building blocks of all matter, both living and non-living Because these particles cannot be seen by students, they can be difficult to study and understand. Models become important tools for understanding the building blocks of chemistry and can be seen this series of activities. Experiment 61 – Marshmallow molecule models Experiment 62 – Evaporating Molecules Experiment 63 –Elements You Eat

6 III. Matter Matter is any substance that has mass and occupies space and generally exists in one of three states -- solid, liquid or gas. A change in state is an example of a physical change, but other changes, called chemical changes, result in the formation of molecules that were not part of the original matter. This set of activities explores the states and properties of matter. Experiment 64 – Hot Air Rises Experiment 65 – Densities of Liquids Experiment 66 –Making Salt Crystals

7 IV. Bonding Bonding is the chemical process of atoms being joined together to form molecules In mixtures, multiple substances can be separated back into individual substances, whereas in a compound the substances cannot be separated by physical means. This set of activities explores both mixtures and solutions. Experiment 67 – Floating a Needle on Water Experiment 68 – Separating Mixtures Experiment 69 – Comparing Soaps

8 V. Temperature Temperature is one of the most important variables in chemistry because it affects the properties of materials, the rates of chemical reactions, and the states of matter. Temperature changes affect different substances in different ways. In this set of activities students will explore processes of heating, cooling and evaporation. Experiment 70– Evaporation of alcohol and water Experiment 71 – Hot and Cold Water Mixtures Experiment 72 – Making Ice Cream

9 VI. Pressure Pressure is related to temperature in such as way that in chemistry the two often vary together We are usually unaware of the dynamics of pressure in our daily lives, but occasionally, there are times that we feel these effects such as when we fly in a plane or dive under water. This series of pressure experiments looks at both pressure increases and pressure decreases. Experiment 73 - Burning Candles Experiment 74 – Creating a Simple Vacuum Experiment 75 – Cartesian Diver

10 VII. Fuels When most people think of fuels they first think of gas for their auto or for their house or stove In fact, there are many other kinds of fuels besides petroleum based fuels, including nuclear power, solar power, tidal power, geothermal power, as well as the use of a variety of fuel cell (battery) technologies. This set of activities explores the use of several of these “alternative” fuels. Experiment 76 – Building a Voltaic Pile Experiment 77 – Making a Solar Water Heater Experiment 78 – Peanut Power

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