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NordMin A Nordic Network of Expertise for a Sustainable Mining and Mineral Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "NordMin A Nordic Network of Expertise for a Sustainable Mining and Mineral Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 NordMin A Nordic Network of Expertise for a Sustainable Mining and Mineral Industry

2 NordMin 2013 - 2016 Aim is to connect stakeholders of the Nordic mining and mineral sector The network will work as a platform for existing and future Nordic cooperation in the field and is developed in dialogue with the actors. Research, Innovation and Education related to a sustainable Nordic mining and mineral industry will be emphasized as well as resource efficiency, reducing environmental impact and societal issues such as gender aspects, CSR and image of the sector. NordMin is funded from the Nordic Council of Ministers for three years (2013- 2016) and will seek to involve it self in other national, Nordic and EU initiatives related to mining and minerals industry. The goal is to maintain and increase the networked activities over time. Budget 30 milj DKR, Management at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

3 Core actions 1.Workshops as a stakeholder forum and for identifying key challenges and joint collaborative leverage projects within the defined themes 2.Research and Innovation projects 3.A Post graduate program with joint Nordic courses on relevant themes 1.Preparatory projects based on outcomes from workshops

4 NordMin Research and Innovation Programme and Strategic Agenda CT1: Exploration CT2: Mining CT3: Mineral processing CT4: Metallurgy CT5: Mine closure and rehabilitation CT6: Social sustainable, acceptable and attractive mining industry and regions

5 Examples of granted projects: Crustal Structure and Mineral Deposit Systems: 3D-modelling of base metal mineralization in Jameson Land and nickel mineralization in Disko- Nuussuaq” (CRUSMID-3D) Coord GEUS, Denmark Modelling dunite hosted PGE ‐ Ni ‐ Cu deposits in the Seiland Igneous province” (PlatinumProbe) Coord NTNU, Norway Sustainable Fibres from Basalt Mining” (GREENBAS) Coord Innovation Centre Iceland, Iceland Nordic Mining and the search for women. Designing new gender equality interventions” (SEARCH) Coord LTU, Sweden Water Conscious Mining (WASCIOUS) Coord VTT, Finland

6 NordMin Steering Committee FLEMMING GETREUER CHRISTIANSEN Deputy Director Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) BENTE VIBEKE HANSEN (until April 2014) Head of Section Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum, Greenland MIKAEL GRÖNING (CHAIR) Head of Section Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communication, Sweden BRYNDÍS G. RÓBERTSDÓTTIR Manager – Mineral Resources National Energy Authority, Iceland ERLEND OPSTAD Senior Advisor Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Norway RIIKKA AALTONEN Senior Advisor Ministry of Employment and Economy, Finland KENNETH EKBERG Senior Advisor Business, Energy and Regional Development, Nordic Council of Ministers

7 ICELAND Bryndís Guðrún Róbertsdóttir Icelandic National Energy Authority Phone: +354 662 6857 FINLAND Maija Uusisuo Ministry of Employment and the Economy Phone: +358 29 5060222 DENMARK Karen Hanghøj Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Phone: +45 9133 3851 NORWAY Jack Ødegård SINTEF Materials and chemistry Phone: +47 93059461 SWEDEN Pär Weihed Luleå University of Technology (LTU) Phone: +46 70 6737 077 National contact points

8 Pär Weihed Luleå University of Technology (LTU) Phone: +46 70 6737 077 Sabine Mayer Luleå University of Technology (LTU) Phone: +46 70 6401451 Betty Christakopoulou Luleå University of Technology (LTU) Phone: +46 70 2911493 Management Nordic Council of Ministers Ved Stranden 18 DK 1061 C Copenhagen K Denmark

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