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Workshop on Agriculture Scenario in Eastern India Sri Rajesh Verma Principal Secretary, Agriculture Department Govt. of Odisha Date-06.04.2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Agriculture Scenario in Eastern India Sri Rajesh Verma Principal Secretary, Agriculture Department Govt. of Odisha Date-06.04.2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Agriculture Scenario in Eastern India Sri Rajesh Verma Principal Secretary, Agriculture Department Govt. of Odisha Date-06.04.2015

2 ODISHA AT A GLANCE  Agrarian State with 65 % population dependent on Agriculture  Contribution to GSDP:- 15.4 % (2014-15 Adv. Estimate)  Total Cultivated Area:-64.09 lakh ha (41.16 % of geographical area)  Average size of holding:-1.15 ha  Small and Marginal farmers :-86% of the farming community  Agro climatic zones:- 10  Average annual rainfall:-1452 mm  Net Sown area:-53.31 lakh ha(2012-13)  Cropping Intensity:-157 %(2012-13)  Irrigation Potential created:- Kharif-31.31 lakh ha (2012-13): Rabi-15.74 lakh ha

3 Area, Production and Productivity of major crops (2013-14) Crop AYP Rice4180.2218217613.42 Total Cereals4668.2018378574.31 Pulses2088.305071058.15 Total Food grains6756.0014269632.46 Oilseeds752.40928698.57 Fibre crops151.87576485.75 Sugarcane35.34719802543.79 Vegetables677.33139159425.21 Spices155.303149489.08 A : Area in ‘000 ha. P : Prod in ‘000 MT/Bales Y : Yield in Kg/ha.


5 PROCUREMENT OF PADDY Year Quantity Procured in MT 2007-0874, 435 2008-0944, 32, 092 2009-1039, 77, 261 2010-1136, 95, 087 2011-1231, 20, 557 2012-1354,17, 029 2013-1440,01,490 2014-15 31,02,678 (As on 30.03.15)

6 Strategies for higher agricultural production  Enhancing SRR of Paddy as well as non-Paddy crops.  Promoting line sowing/ line transplanting.  Creating additional irrigation potential through various sources.

7  Enhancing Soil Testing Capacity (Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories and Mini Soil Testing Laboratories).  e-pest surveillance-100% area covered in the State.  Promotion of farm mechanisation.  Enhancing farm power input from 1.12kw/ ha in 2010-11 to 1.41kw / ha by 2013-14. (No. of sample tested ) Farm Mechanisation

8 State’s Initiatives  A Comprehensive Agriculture Policy announced in 2013.  Exclusive Agriculture Budget has been presented before the Assembly since 2013- 14. Plan Outlay of Agriculture & allied sectors to the tune of Rs 7162 crore during 2013-14,Rs.9542 crore during 2014-15 & Rs. 10903 crore for 2015-16, thus registering substantial increase every year.  977 farmers’ crop varieties registered & a Gene Bank has been established.  Construction of a large number of community threshing floors - Over 5000 nos. to be constructed during next 3 years.

9  Health Insurance coverage upto Rs. 1 lakh provided to 55 lakh farm families.  On- line fund management of schemes.  Corpus fund created for seeds, fertilizer and procurement operation.  GIS/GPS monitoring of all beneficiary oriented schemes including demonstrations. State’s Initiatives  Promotion of Direct Benefit Transfer- Software has been developed to facilitate direct benefit transfer to the farmers.  Third party evaluation and monitoring by NABCONS of projects under RKVY.


11 FERTILIZERS  The fertilizer consumption of the State is much below the national average.  Due to inadequate supply of fertilizers, the State has not been able to achieve the desired level of fertilizer consumption.  The State of Odisha is being allocated lesser quantity of fertilizers vis- à-vis its gross cropped area compared to other States. Such discrepancy in the allocation of fertilizers is more evident in case of Urea.

12 FERTILIZERS  The State receives only about 80% of the Urea allocated to Odisha, especially during Kharif season. Very often, the supply schedule also does not match the peak demand period resulting in scarcity of fertilizers which at times, gives rise to law & order problems.  Hence, it is requested that allocation of fertilizer, especially Urea may be enhanced as follows. FertilizersPresent Allocation (‘000 MT) Proposed Allocation (‘000 MT) Urea480525 DAP150160 MOP90 Complexes230250 SSP50 TOTAL10001075  Besides, timely supply of fertilizers especially Urea may be ensured during the Kharif season.

13 SEEDS  The breeder seed allocation for the State is inadequate. Further, more quantities of > 10 year old varieties has been allocated compared to < 10 year old varieties. Besides, some of the popular varieties like Pooja,MTU-7029,Lalat etc. have not been allocated.  The supply of non-paddy breeder seeds is not matching with the allocation. Lesser supply of indented breeder seeds affects the seed multiplication chain.  As a matter of experience, the performance of public hybrid paddy varieties (Ajay & Rajlaxmi) released by CRRI is showing erratic behaviour that is caused due to non availability of reputed seed growing companies. Year wise Requirement -R, Allocation-A and Supply –S of Breeder Seeds (Fig in Qtl.) 2012-132013-142014-15 CropRASRASRAS Paddy693706122110158279461002809841 Pulses1201041171541237617517256 Oil seeds15021087889166715021412189416701555

14 SCHEMATIC INTERVENTIONS  The State may suffer because of change in sharing pattern of central assistance under centrally funded schemes especially RKVY. The State Govt. has requested GoI to increase CSS component in the State sector schemes as livelihood of about 70 % of the State population is still sustained by agriculture and allied activities.  Under RKVY, administrative cost,i.e,1 % of Normal RKVY is inadequate for meeting manpower hiring, mobility support and other unforeseen expenses for smooth implementation of the projects. This amount may be enhanced to 2 %.Further, administrative expenses should be allowed under sub-schemes also. This is essential to ensure proper monitoring and evaluation of the schemes. 3 rd party evaluation and GIS / GPS based monitoring should be made mandatory for all these schemes.  Flexibility may be given to the State for 20 % diversion of funds from one component to another component depending upon the progress of works under various components.

15 HORTICULTURE SECTOR  Odisha produces only about 20% of its potato requirements.  Availability of seed potato in time at reasonable price is one of the major constraints.  We plan to cover 30 ha under Foundation-I, 200 ha Foundation-II and 1000 ha under Certified Seed production during 2015-16.  For this 600 qtls of breeder seeds and 4000 qtls of Foundation-I seed potato will be required.  Protocol for certification of Tissue Culture raised micro- propagated tubers potato seed tubes should be developed. Supply of Seed Potato

16  We are aiming to establish 112 cold stores in Odisha in coming 3 years, out of which 50 cold stores will be proposed under NHM. The cost of each cold store will be Rs.400-500 lakhs.  The sanctioning power of cold stores with cost exceeding Rs.200 lakhs is vested with the Empowered Monitoring Committee(EMC) at Govt. of India level which delays the implementation process.  It is suggested that sanctioning power of cold stores and other cold chain proposals may be delegated to the State. Cold Chain Development

17 PSS OPERATION IN THE STATE  Of twenty five commodities covered under PSS Odisha produces five commodities (Paddy, Maize, Cotton, Groundnut & Sunflower) in sizeable quantities.  100 % Paddy is being procured by Govt. through decentralised procurement at MSP.  Proposal submitted for procurement of Groundnut & Sunflower produced during Rabi 2014-15 - Approval is awaited.  CCI may open additional branch office at Bhawanipatna and enhance number of procurement centres (presently 10 Nos only)  State produces about 7.8 lakh MT of Maize per annum. Major Maize producing districts are Nabarangpur, Raygada, Koraput, Kalahandi, Keonjhar. Govt. of India may consider PSS operation with respect to Maize from the forthcoming Kharif season.  State also has considerable area (20.88 lakh Ha) under Pulses with annual production of 10.6 lakh MT. PSS operation for major Pulses like Green gram, Black gram etc. may also be considered. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING

18 ENHANCEMENT OF MSP  Annually about 76 lakh MT of Rice is produced in the State of which around 45 lakh MT is procured at MSP.  Present cost of cultivation of Paddy is around Rs. 88,000/- per Ha.  Accordingly, it has been proposed to enhance MSP of Paddy to Rs. 2500/- per Qtl. so as to make paddy cultivation more remunerative.  Similar enhancement of MSP of other crops should be made in commensurate with the actual cost of cultivation.

19 PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE MARKETING  Presently 483 RMC market yards operating in the State  Principal Markets-54  Sub-market yards-429 (With 106 cattle markets, 3 Maize markets, 9 Cotton markets)  43 Krushak Bazars  Infrastructure in these marketing yards is required to be improved for safe storing of produce, grading and sorting facilities and to provide facilities for the farmers  There is need for establishment of more number of market yards in the State. Assistance has been provided under 13 th FC Award. This assistance should continue in the interest of the farming community.

20 PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE MARKETING…contd.  Existing Wholesale markets function in a very scattered, congested and unplanned manner.  Such markets need to be shifted to a spacious locations.  GoI may consider sanction of funds for establishment of such Markets.  Specialised e-marketing platform to be set up for commodities like Maize, Cotton, Turmeric etc.  e- Auction to be promoted to bring transparency in marketing.

21 Thank you

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